Whenever I buy electronics, outdoors gear, or kitchen equipment, I do a ton of research. I want to ensure that I am buying the best that I can afford. It’s easy to spend hours on this stuff if you’re not careful. While that can be a form of entertainment for some people, it’s a lot of time to spend on something that might only cost a few hundred bucks. What if you had someone to read all of the reviews and even test the products for you? That’s what The Wirecutter does. It’s “a list of the best electronics and gadgetry, each pick chosen mindfully and in accordance with many hours of research, interviews with the world’s most knowledgeable experts and testing, all backing up smart opinion.” While lots of other sites are constantly churning out new content to get more eyeballs, The Wirecutter just wants to give you all of the facts that you need to make the best purchasing decision.
Internships in Virtual
Looking for more internships in Virtual? Check out the most recent internship postings in Virtual.
Below you'll find all of the companies that we've covered that may offer internships in Virtual. You can also look at entry level jobs in Virtual.
I have a platonic man crush on Ramit Sethi. I’ve pretty much been stalking him since 2007 (when I started ODOJ) by subscribing to his blog, signing up for his e-mail list, reading his book, poring over his Delicious links, and buying one of his courses. We even met in person once. It was in the lobby of a trendy W hotel waiting for him, and when he walked up I played it cool by slamming my head into some stupid lamp that was hanging over the lounge chair that I was sitting on. Why am I so obsessed with some random Indian dude who is only a couple years older than me? Because he has built an amazing business that helps people achieve their career and financial dreams. I tend to gag at most of the advice that I hear from “career experts,” yet when I see something come from I Will Teach You To Be Rich (Ramit’s company–he used to have to reiterate that it’s not a scam because the name sounds so questionable), my eyes get all dreamy and I just start nodding in agreement. I occasionally even yell “YES!” at my computer.
On Friday I visited one my Dad’s college friends at his workshop. He makes sails for traditional boats, and he’s been doing it for a long time. He doesn’t get a lot of incoming calls from potential clients (it’s a pretty niche business), but when he does, he almost always makes the sale (no pun intended). It’s because he has developed a process that shows potential customers that he’s undoubtedly the best guy for the job. He does it all by hand (even to the point of writing a personal letter), but it’s essentially automated. He spends about 15 minutes on it every morning, and that’s it. While that approach won’t work in a lot of business, nearly every company can benefit from automating parts of their marketing. Pardot is a company that provides software to do exactly that. They’re based in Atlanta, GA, and they came in at #172 on the Inc. 500 with 2,001% three-year growth and $7.4 million in revenue.
In case you missed our e-mail from last week, Kembrel loved the response from our post about them so they’re offering a free VIP card (usually 20 bucks) to all ODOI readers and $5 in store credit. Sign up here.
On Monday we took a look at Vertive, a company that builds internet properties to help people save money. Today we’re going to look at a company with a similar model of building and buying websites, but a much broader approach. Internet Brands is based in El Segundo, CA and started as CarsDirect.com in 1998. It was a successful brand for them, but in 2005 they realized that the platform they had built could be applied to other verticals. Now Internet Brands operates more than 100 websites that reach over a billion visitors every year. Amazingly, they’ve been able to generate almost all of this traffic organically (without buying advertising). This is all because of the platform that they’ve developed and the ability to share resources across brands. Internet Brands is a case study of how economies of scale can work on the web.
Cornell students! I’m on campus right now, working from Mann Library. I’ll be here for a bit, then I’m going to head over to the Ives Hall. I’m wearing a green sweater and using a Mac. Come say hi! E-mail me at willy@onedayonejob.com if you need help finding me.
I’ve been a Mac user since the early 90s. No joke. I remember the days of trading floppy disks with shareware on them back before the Internet. There weren’t a lot of Mac users, so we had to band together. In fact, I used an Apple IIe before I had a Macintosh, so I’ve been through all of the ups and downs with Apple. It’s a great feeling to walk into a college library and see more Macs than PCs. Even when I was here at Cornell, PCs were still dominant with college kids. Obviously the Internet along with the insane growth of Apple’s market share has made Mac software way easier to find, but Apple still doesn’t have an “app store” for programs to run on your desktop/laptop. That’s where MacUpdate comes in. They are “the number one, Mac-only software website on the Internet.” They not only make it easy to find great software for your Mac, but they also have software that automates updates to third-party applications.
Today’s post comes with a big announcement. I’m writing a book! A textbook on Career Development to be precise. The best part of that news is that the textbook is going to be available online for free because I’m working with an awesome publisher named Flat World Knowledge. They’re a Nyack, NY based startup that is aiming to revolutionize the textbook industry. I’m sure many have you have been forced into spending thousands of dollars over the course of your college career on textbooks (and how many of them remained in their shrink wrap?). Flat World Knowledge is building a business by providing you with better, more affordable options. Textbooks from Flat World can be read online for free. You can pay to print a chapter (or the whole book) at home. You can buy a softcover copy in black and white—or color. You can even get an audio book version. When my book comes out, you can read it however you want to read it—and you’ll never be forced to pay an arm and a leg for it.
Since we’ve started, one of our most popular categories for internships and companies has been Software Development. Despite this fact, surprisingly few of those software related internships have been at non-profit organizations. Still, we’ve come across our fair share – mostly open-source projects – of jobs at organizations that combine the web startup feel with the do-gooder mindset. One of those organizations is Participatory Culture Foundation, a Boston, MA based organization, that “makes bottom-up economies and cultures possible by ensuring that our political, social and cultural systems are open and democratic everywhere.” They took the non-profit route because they had seen too many startups sell out of their ideals due to financial pressure – that’s not going to happen to them.
I’m a sponge for random information. I’m not sure why, but I pick up all kinds of weird facts. Some people find it very impressive, while others think that I have way too much free time. If you’re like me and have a love for weird and unusual information, then you need to check out mental_floss – “where knowledge junkies get their fix.” I’m not a subscriber, but maybe I should be. Their About page does a great job of explaining what it is exactly that they write about. The magazine has 5 sections – Stories to Make You Smile, Feed Your Right Brain, Nurture Your Left Brain, Indulge Your Scattered Brain, and Learn to Spin the Globe. It’s everything that you need to be the king or queen of random information.
Happy Election Day! I’m not going to urge you to vote like most other people will, because yesterday I learned that “It’s more likely that you will be killed driving to the polling booth than it is that your vote will change the outcome.” That’d be a lot to have on my conscience, so I’m going to say vote at your own risk. If you’re upset that I’m making a mockery of the political system, then today’s company isn’t for you. That’s because we’re talking about The Onion and their internships. I can’t think of a more fitting company for election day (except for maybe Diebold, but they’re not nearly as much fun) than The Onion because politics and satire go hand in hand. Without politics satire is hamstrung, and without satire politics is utterly painful. The Onion is not only “America’s finest news source,” but also “the funniest publication in the US” according to the New Yorker.
Even though we’ve featured two non-profit organizations and their internships every weekend since February, we’ve barely scratched the surface when it comes to non-profits. There are thousands of organizations working to make the world a better place, and their numbers are constantly increasing. This growth has led to more and more non-profit organizations that exist solely to help other non-profits. One example is Globalhood, a New York City based non-profit organization that provides “incubation and consultancy services” with the mission of creating “innovative international development projects by bringing together people and knowledge from across disciplines.” Actually, Globalhood calls itself a “for social profit” not a “non-profit,” but legally it’s still a non-profit.
Are you waiting for a cell phone that you can get surgically implanted? If you intern with MobileCrunch, you might be the person who breaks the news on such a product. MobileCrunch is a blog about everything mobile (as in communications devices). They’re an offshoot of CrunchGear, which is an offshoot of TechCrunch, which is one of the most popular blogs on the planet. If you’re always counting the days until you get a free equipment upgrade on your cell plan, MobileCrunch is for you.
With the amount that the word “green” is thrown around these days, you’d think there are a lot of envious people out there. Maybe there are, but that’s not what it’s all about. It’s about being Irish. Just kidding. It’s about the environment. There’s still a ton of debate about how far we need to go to with environmentalism, but it’s hard to argue against improving efficiency and sustainability. Green Options is a blog network that is focused on the “need for innovative solutions to our (the world’s) problems.” They say that they’re “not treehuggers or hippies per se,” but that they “believe market-based solutions are the key to reaching true sustainability.” We second them on market-based solutions! It’s a great way to initiate change, because it starts with the most willing.