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by on March 30, 2010

Ticketfly Logo

Usually when you take a business and put it online, you make it better. Take the facebook for example. It used to be a book that was distributed to freshman with a headshot and a tiny profile of all of the other freshman. Now Facebook has taken that idea online and improved on it significantly. GrubHub is another example. Ordering food over the phone requires having menus, GrubHub gives you everything that you need. Even Amazon has made the process of buying books and pretty much everything else better. Yet the biggest name in online ticketing has done just the opposite. Waiting in a long line may be a pain in the butt and so is calling and getting a busy signal, but all of the extra fees and the terrible online interfaces make buying concert tickets online a huge hassle. Ticketfly is trying to change that. Right now they’re “a boutique alternative for clubs and smaller theaters” according to The New York Times, but the San Francisco based company (with a New York office too) hopes to have a much larger effect on the overall ticketing ecosystem.

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