Internships in Unpaid

Looking for more internships in Unpaid? Check out the most recent internship postings in Unpaid.

Below you'll find all of the companies that we've covered that may offer internships in Unpaid. You can also look at entry level jobs in Unpaid.

Alter Ego Management

by on March 19, 2009

Alter Ego Management Logo

When I was in high school, I had a number of friends who seemed pretty serious about pursing careers in the music industry. There was one problem though… they weren’t the most musically talented individuals. Some of them played music – although not that well – and some others just listened and went to concerts. They were passionate about music, but landing a career in the music industry isn’t very easy when you don’t make music. My friends moved on from their musical aspirations, but if you’re still committed to working in the industry, you might want to think about working in management. To do that, you’re going to need some serious internship experience. One place that you can get that is Alter Ego Management, a Detroit based management and booking agency that was founded “to serve both the artists represented and the fans of those artists.”

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by on March 13, 2009

Branserv Logo

Since I moved to Chicago, I’ve been trying to get myself involved with the Chicago startup/tech community. This may not be Silicon Valley, but there are some pretty cool things going on here. One of them I found about today from Twitter, and it’s called Branserv. Yes, I know that it sounds like a breakfast cereal that helps you with “regularity,” but there’s nothing “regular” about them. Branserv is a startup whose goal is to “make software companies rich,” and they plan on doing that by creating “hardware appliances for micro ISVs, software startups and open source software projects that increase revenues and brand recognition while decreasing technical support demands. All at no risk.” Ok, that sounds a little complicated – let’s try that again. What Branserv does is work with software companies to develop hardware (aka appliances) that runs with the software (see: Google Search Appliance). Ok, I’m still a little confused, but that’s ok.

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by on March 8, 2009

Kidsave Logo

Today my little sister is on her way back from a few months in Ethiopia teaching art at an orphanage for children who have lost their parents to AIDS. From what I’ve heard so far, she’s had an amazing impact, so I’m obviously overwhelmingly proud of her. It’s hard to imagine what life without a family is like, but there are millions of children all across the world who know all too well what it’s like. That’s why we’re taking a look at Kidsave today (not the organization that my sister was working with). They’re a Los Angeles, CA based non-profit that is aiming to “to ensure that no orphan or foster child is forgotten and that every child grows up in a family with love and hope for a successful future.” It all started when friends and business partners Terry Baugh and Randi Thompson, both adoptive parents, realized how tragic the stories of orphaned children really are. They started Kidsave in 1997, and since then they have helped “more than 2700 children [find] parents and lasting connections with adults.”

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The Cara Program

by on March 7, 2009

The Cara Program Logo

When people ask me what I do, I tell them, “I help college students find and land jobs and internships.” That’s my 3-second elevator pitch. If you were to ask people at The Cara Program what they do, you’d probably get a response like, “We help the homeless and at-risk populations find and land jobs.” Essentially we’re doing the same things – just for different groups of people. Finding a job (or internship) isn’t easy, as you probably know, but think about how difficult it is for someone who is homeless. Employers typically want employees who can provide stability, but being homeless is a pretty big sign of instability. The problem is that it’s really hard to become stable without a job. That’s why The Cara Program, based out of Chicago, provides “comprehensive training, permanent job placement and critical support services.”

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Condé Nast

by on March 6, 2009

Condé Nast Logo

I know that despite the fact that I keep ripping on the traditional media – the old guard – I keep featuring their internships here. I’m not being a hypocrite. I promise. I know that taking internships with companies that might not be around in 5 years isn’t the best decision for your résumé, but if anyone can save the old media, it’s you. The new media has been created by the masses and has originated from young people with new ideas, which is just what these media behemoths need to survive. Of course these companies probably don’t realize how much they need you yet, but they do. Well, if you’re going to get an internship in old media – like the magazine industry – you might as well go with the best. Condé Nast has a list of brands that is rivaled by few and includes Vogue, W,, Glamour, Allure, Self, Teen Vogue, GQ, Details,, Architectural Digest, Brides, Modern, Bride, Elegant Bride,, Lucky, Domino, Cookie, Golf Digest, Golf World, Vanity Fair, Gourmet, Bon Appétit,, Condé Nast Traveler,, Wired,, Condé Nast Portfolio,, WWD, FN, and The New Yorker. There’s still a lot of uncertainty in the industry, but those are still great names to be associated with.

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The New York Times

by on March 4, 2009

The New York Times Logo

If you’ve been reading for a while, you’ve probably heard me talk about old media and new media. Old media is dying and new media is thriving. And if there’s any proof to back that up, it’s that The New York Times – probably the world’s strongest old media brand – is facing severe financial struggles. But they’re still The New York Times. They’re trying to grab hold of new media, and they’re doing a lot of things right, but they’re just too big. New media is all about being small and agile, and large corporations still have a lot of adjusting to do. With that said, it’s evident from The New York Times’ internship postings that they’re moving in the right direction.

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The White House

by on March 2, 2009

The White House Logo

Ok, we all know that White House interns don’t have the best track record, so let’s not even go there. We also all know that there hasn’t been a time in recent history where the government’s role has seemed so important. Wherever your political views lie, right now would have to be one of the coolest times to be an intern at The White House. An expanding government may not be good for us young people in the long run, but you can reap the benefits now by taking one of the many internships that The White House is offering. There’s plenty of information on the White House available, so I don’t think that I need to go any further.

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Council on Foreign Relations Logo

What happens when you put Angelina Jolie together with a suspected conspiracy to create a “one-world government?” No, it’s not an upcoming movie release. It’s actually a non-profit organization called the Council on Foreign Relations. They are “an independent, nonpartisan membership organization, think tank, and publisher dedicated to being a resource for its members, government officials, business executives, journalists, educators and students, civic and religious leaders, and other interested citizens in order to help them better understand the world and the foreign policy choices facing the United States and other countries.” They can claim Angelina Jolie as a member, and because of their secrecy clauses and interesting membership requirements (and the fact that so many high-ranking government officials are members), people get all kinds of ideas about Council on Foreign Relations. In fact, Wikipedia says that “some believe it to be the most powerful private organization to influence United States foreign policy.” Ok, let’s cut through all the crazy stories and see what CFR is really about.

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Niche Media

by on February 27, 2009

Niche Media Logo

Some might say that high-end and luxury are always in, but if there was ever a time that they weren’t, it’s probably now. That’s not going to stop Niche Media from doing what they do. They “produce must-read, luxurious magazines that mirror the sensibilities and spirits of the unique, vibrant communities to which they cater.” Their titles include Art | Basel | Miami Beach, Aspen Peak, Bal Harbour, Boston Common, Bridgehampton Polo, Capitol File, Gotham, Hamptons, Los Angeles Confidential, Michigan Avenue, Ocean Drive, Ocean Drive Español, Philadelphia style, Style: Palazzo/The Venetian, Vegas, and Wynn. Sounds like a list of places that you’d like to go on vacation, huh? That’s the point.

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Student World Assembly

by on February 22, 2009

Student World Assembly Logo

Yesterday we talked about one student-focused non-profit’s internships, and today we’re going to talk about another. Student World Assembly is “a non-governmental, non partisan organization created to represent students globally.” The overarching goal is to promote global democracy by providing “a deliberative assembly where students around the world can exchange views, vote on global issues through online discussion forums and in annual international conventions, and translate these views into meaningful actions.” It certainly sounds like the kind of thing that you’d want to be involved in if you have an interest in International Relations.

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National Student Partnerships Logo

How’s the relationship between your college or university and the town or city that it’s in? Let me guess. Not so hot. It always seems that students and “townies” don’t get along too well. Beyond that, there can also be situations like at Yale in New Haven, CT where the students are generally much wealthier than the people who live in the surrounding neighborhood. This just exacerbates the fundamental gap between the university and the community. National Student Partnerships is a non-profit organization that was started in New Haven by two Yale students who wanted to close this gap. They “designed a program where college student volunteers work one-on-one with community residents, coordinating access to employment opportunities and social services, including job training, housing, health care, child care, and transportation.” It’s a wonderful idea, and it’s working – look at the success stories.

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Offbeat Guides

by on February 20, 2009

Offbeat Guides Logo

Being a travel writer is a dream job for a lot of people, but it’s not an easy field to be successful in. That’s because everyone wants to (and thinks that they can) be a travel writer. Sure, I’ll go to Europe for 3 weeks, write an article, and pay for my trip. Yeah right! You can blog about your travels, but once again making it pay is a completely different story. Today’s internships aren’t paid, but they will give you some much needed experience in travel writing that you’ll need if you eventually want to make a career out of it. Offbeat Guides is a San Francisco based startup that has taken a new approach to travel guides. Their product offers a level of customization that isn’t present in other guides. You give them some basic information about yourself and your travel plans, and they’ll create a guide that is specific to your needs. It looks awesome.

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lululemon athletica

by on February 17, 2009

lululemon athletica Logo

Throughout college I went back and forth between being a devoted gym goer and a lazy bum. Some years I was good, and some years I was bad. After I graduated I committed to regular exercise, and it was the one constant that kept me going through a frustrating job search. I usually try to join a relatively expensive gym, but not for the obvious reason. I don’t care about all of the frivolities. I just know that if I’m paying $10 a month for a gym, I’m a lot less likely to go – I need to feel invested. With expensive gyms come lots of people in expensive, designer workout outfits. That’s where I learned about lululemon athletica, a Vancouver, British Columbia based manufacturer and retailer of “yoga-inspired athletic apparel.” Everyone at my gym is wearing lululemon, and the retail stores around here are packed, so it’s no big surprise that they’re hiring a lot of people now. Most of their jobs are in retail (which is an alternative to a Summer internship), but they have one internship that looks awesome.

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One Laptop Per Child

by on February 15, 2009

One Laptop Per Child Logo

Do you remember your family’s first computer? Were you early adopters with an Apple IIe? Or did you have a Gateway 2000 (back when 2000 was futuristic) that came with a free month of AOL? Was it the original Macintosh or a later Performa model? If you remember that computer better than you remember your first grade teacher, today’s job will be right up your alley. One Laptop Per Child is a non-profit organization that was founded by faculty members of the MIT Media Lab to offer children across the world educational opportunities through laptop ownership. Based on 5 Core Principles of Child Ownership, Low Ages, Saturation, Connection, and Free and Open Source, OLPC is looking to change millions of lives by allowing children to explore, experiment, and express themselves.

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Cape Cod Baseball League

by on February 8, 2009

Cape Cod Baseball League Logo

I have to admit that I’m a little upset. I’m a Yankees fan, and although I’ve never loved ARod like I’ve loved other Yankees, I’ve always liked him. I thought that he was one of the “good guys” – someone who will break all of the records “naturally.” That’s all gone now that it’s been reported that he tested positive for steroids in 2003. It’s extremely disappointing, and makes me wonder where I’ll have to go to find some “real” baseball. Maybe the Cape Cod Baseball League, a Summer league for college baseball players. It’s a non-profit organization and the players aren’t paid, so at least money is tainting the league. You may remember the league if you saw the game Summer Catch. I’m sure that movie isn’t the most accurate portrayal of the league, but it should give you some idea of what it’s all about.

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New York Magazine

by on February 3, 2009

New York Magazine Logo

These days a magazine’s website is absolutely essential to its success. Many are saying that there’s a day not too far off when most of the magazines that we know and love won’t be published in hard (soft?) copy and will only be found online. Things are changing, but some magazines seem better suited to weather the changes than others. New York Magazine is one of those that seems to be keeping up with where the industry is going. gets well over a million unique visitors per month, and that’s excluding the month that they published nude photos of Lindsey Lohan when their traffic increased by 2,000%. (No, we’re not going to link to them. You can find them yourself). New York Magazine “covers, analyzes, comments on and defines the news, culture, entertainment, lifestyle, fashion and personalities that drive New York City” on a weekly basis. Basically it’s everything New York.

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by on February 2, 2009


Happy Groundhog Day! Unfortunately, it looks like we’re headed for 6 more weeks of winter according to Punxsutawney Phil. That really aggravates me, so I think that I’m done trusting the rodent for my weather prediction. Last year we recommended working for the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club on One Day One Job, but this year we want to lead you towards a career where you’ll actually be able to predict the weather. That’s why we want you to take a look at internships with the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration. NOAA is a government agency “that enriches life through science,” which makes them almost the exact opposite of the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club. NOAA’s responsibilities range from “daily weather forecasts, severe storm warnings and climate monitoring to fisheries management, coastal restoration and supporting marine commerce.” In fact, “NOAA’s products and services support economic vitality and affect more than one-third of America’s gross domestic product.”

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Pro Football Hall of Fame

by on February 1, 2009

Pro Football Hall of Fame

Happy Super Bowl Sunday! Last year on this day, we hadn’t even launched yet, but on One Day, One Job we featured USA Football, a non-profit organization that promotes amateur football. Since then we’ve taken a look at some other Super Bowl related internships like the those with the NFL’s teams and with World Vision (they administer the donation of Championship paraphernalia that was produced for teams that didn’t win a championship). If you want to work in or around the sport of football, it’s a good idea to use all of the hoopla surrounding today’s events to generate ideas for your internship search. That’s why we’re going to look at the Pro Football Hall of Fame today. Despite their strong ties to the NFL, they’re actually a non-profit organization based in Canton, OH.. Their mission includes 4 parts, and it’s what you would expect:

To honor individuals who have made outstanding contributions to professional football; To preserve professional football’s historic documents and artifacts; To educate the public regarding the origin, development and growth of professional football as an important part of American culture; and To promote the positive values of the sport.

If you love football, then finding an internship at the Pro Football Hall of Fame would be pretty cool.

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United States Secret Service

Yesterday was a holiday for a lot of people, and I’m going to guess that not a lot is going to get done today because everyone will be watching the inauguration. Many of you will probably try to use holidays and events as a way to put off your daily internship searching, but here at One Day, One Internship we try to make the most out of these situations by using them to generate ideas. Yesterday we look at internships at The King Center, and today we’re going to check out internships with the United States Secret Service. Why? Because today is a big day for the Secret Service. Managing security at an event like the Presidential Inauguration is a daunting task, but the Secret Service is at their best for events like this. That’s why we instantly thought of them when we tried to come up with some Inauguration related internships.

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POM Wonderful

by on January 16, 2009

POM Wonderful Logo

For a long time fruit juices other than orange juice (and prune juice) were largely the domain of young children. I’m not sure why this was, but I still to this day feel like a kid when I drink juice. Over the past few years we’ve seen juice gain in popularity – not grape or apple juice, but more exotic juices like pomegranate, cherry, and acai. POM Wonderful has been one of the companies that profited the most from the upswing in adult juice consumption. Maybe it’s all of the health benefits of the pomegranate that is convincing adults to hit the juice. It’s hard to not like something that improves cardiovascular and prostate health while also improving erectile function. Not to mention that pomegranates are loaded with antioxidants. With those health benefits and great marketing, POM Wonderful is primed for continued success – they’re the largest producer of pomegranates in the United States.

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Family Circle

by on January 15, 2009

Family Circle Logo

This is a guest post by Lauren Berger aka “The Intern Queen.”

Who says everyone can’t read Family-Related magazines? These magazines aim to lure in people of all ages with their articles about all stages of family life – from baby to tween to pre-parent to grandmother. Family Circle is one of the “family” titles that I especially enjoy. Between the magazine and the website, my favorite articles are the ones that cover Teen trauma issues: such as alcoholism and education. My favorite feature on the website is their delicious recipes that I try oh-so-hard to copy in my own apartment kitchen! Family Circle Magazine is a title put out by the Meredith Corporation – known for titles like PARENTS, MORE, AMERICAN BABY, etc. Family Circle’s content covers a wide variety of food, health, family, parenting, teen, adolescent topics. Both the Family Circle Magazine and the Family Circle Website,, are looking for interns for the Spring of 2009 and the Summer of 2009 in their New York City offices.

Intern For Family Circle Magazine

If you are looking for an editorial, web, photography, or art design internship than I would send you in the direction of FAMILY CIRCLE MAGAZINE or They search for high-energy candidates that are passionate about family/women/health related issues. The internship requires you to do a variety of tasks (depending of the department you are in). The health and editorial interns are responsible for assisting the editors, researching, writing, organizing and handling the product samples that come into the office, and of course some administrative work. The interns on the web, art design, and photography side are requested to have some experience with Adobe Design Suites like Indesign, Photoshop, and Illustrator). The interns in this department will work with the designers and editors on a daily basis and assist with cover and back-cover creations. They will also help with photo research, lay outs, updating mini-boards, and perform a few administrative tasks. To apply for these internships please visit and send your resume to me (The Intern Queen!).

Lauren Berger

Lauren Berger is known as “The Intern Queen” after completing 15 internships during her 4 years of college. Lauren has interned at companies like FOX, NBC, MTV, BWR, etc. Lauren Berger launched in August of 2008. The site lists over 300 Internships in the Entertainment/Web/Marketing/Sports/PR worlds. You can reach her at

Links to Help You Begin Your Research

How do you feel about applying to internships through the “The Intern Queen?” Would you prefer to apply directly?

Savvy Auntie

by on January 14, 2009

Audible Logo

Sorry for the delayed post today. For some reason the Internet connection in our office wouldn’t connect to our server, which meant that we couldn’t publish today’s post this morning. I trudged across town through the snow in 12 degree weather to make sure that you got your internships today.

Niche communities have always been a big part of what the Internet is all about. In the olden days if you lived in a small town and had eclectic interests, you’d have a really tough time meeting people with the same interests. Those days are over. Now you can find an online community for anything – anything. Although today’s company isn’t all that odd in the market that they target, they’re certainly focusing on a group that has been forgotten until now. Savvy Auntie is “the first community for cool aunts, great aunts, godmothers, and all women who love kids.” We’re not sure whether they’ve sided on the pronunciation “ant” or “awnt,” but either way they’ve decided to own the market for enthusiastic aunts.

Interns Are Like Nieces and Nephews…

In a lot of ways having an internship is like having a savvy auntie. If you want to have both, then you’re in luck. Savvy Auntie is currently looking for a number of interns. They have internships available in Video Production, Content, Gifts, and Community. The internships are unpaid, require 10-20 hours of work per week, and are located somewhere in New York/Northern New Jersey (they don’t make it very clear). They also require that their interns own a laptop. There isn’t a whole lot of information available on these internships; however, you can check out the profiles of Savvy Auntie’s current interns. If you think it would be cool to work with a former Fortune 500 executive to build a community of savvy aunts, then send a cover letter and resume to If you’re apply for the Content internship, be sure to include 3 writing samples.

Links to Help You Begin Your Research

Do you think a community for aunts and other women who love children is a sustainable business idea?

TOMS Shoes

by on January 13, 2009

TOMS Shoes Logo

I hate shoes. Ok, that’s not really true, but after spending a week in Aruba over the holidays, it was a sad realization for me when I had to put my sneakers back on for the trip home to Chicago. I appreciate that I have boots that keep my feet warm and dry, slippers that are extremely comfortable, and basketball shoes that give me enough ankle support to prevent a sprain, but I still prefer the feeling of sand between my toes. I’m lucky. It’s a luxury to be able to enjoy the feeling of being shoeless. There are a lot of children who don’t know what it’s like to have a good pair of shoes to protect their feet. TOMS Shoes is a Santa Monica, CA based company that is trying to change that. They’re a shoe company, but they’re more than that. For every pair of shoes that TOMS Shoes sells, they give a pair of shoes to a child in need. So far, they’ve given over 200,000 pairs of shoes to children in places like Argentina, Ethiopia, and South Africa via “Shoe Drops.” They say that “changing life begins with a single step…” and we have to agree.

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Tupac Amaru Shakur Foundation Logo

Just a few days ago, I told you about my early love for Hip Hop when I brought you the details on Hot 97’s internships. Today I’ve found some more internships that take me back to my days of having my Mom drive me to Sam Goody to get the newest Rap CD. They’re with the Tupac Amaru Shakur Foundation in Atlanta, GA. Whether you sided with Biggie or Pac, if you want to work in an “environment that encourages freedom of expression, serves as a resource for families, and empowers via education,” then the TASF is the perfect place for you to intern. Tupac Shakur’s life may have been tragically cut short, but his legacy continues to live on, both through his music and his foundation. Although much of his public persona was based on the “Thug Life” image, Tupac definitely had a softer side and a love for the arts. That certainly comes through in the work of his foundation.

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Trickle Up

by on January 10, 2009

Trickle Up Logo

I’m not going to start an Economics debate on a Saturday morning, but I’m tempted. Trickle Up is a non-profit organization that was named as a slap in the face to the theory of trickle-down economics. Regardless of their economic philosophy, they appear to be doing great work by empowering “people living on less than $1 a day to take the first steps out of poverty, providing them with resources to build microenterprises for a better quality of life.” Trickle Up is based out of New York City, and they believe strongly in microfinance, micropreneurship, and microenterprises as being the solution to worldwide poverty. Their website does a great job of telling their story, so I recommend that you check it out to get a full feel for whom Trickle Up helps and how they do it.

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Hot 97

by on January 9, 2009

Hot 97 Logo

I think it was 6th or 7th grade when I started listening to Hip Hop. It started out with a few CD purchases, but soon enough I was listening to Hot 97 at every free moment. That included car rides with my parents. I still can’t believe that my parents drove around town with me sitting in the front seat ensuring that radio was dialed in to 97.1, but they let me get away with it. I’m sure that they weren’t too happy about it, but I guess that’s part of having kids. Anyway, Hot 97 is still my go to radio station when I’m back in the NYC metro area, and it still seems to be one of the most respected Hip Hop and R&B radio stations in the country. There’s not much more that I can say about them, so let’s take a look at their internships.

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by on January 6, 2009

DreamWorks Logo

Unless you go to see fewer movies than I do, then you know about Dreamworks. On the animation side they’ve done Shrek, Antz, Kung Fu Panda, Madagascar and more. On the film side they’ve done Amistad, Saving Private Ryan, American Beauty, Gladiator, Old School, Transformers, and many more. They make great movies, and they’ve been very successful. It’s no surprise considering they were started by media moguls Steven Spielberg, Jeffrey Katzenberg, and David Geffen. If you don’t recognize their logo, then you probably shouldn’t be looking for a internship in the entertainment industry. An internship at DreamWorks is a dream come true for many college students, so let’s look at how you can land one.

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by on January 5, 2009

Moosejaw Logo

Now that we’re done with our end of ’08 recapping (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 1 of non-profits, Part 2 of non-profits, Part 3 of non-profits, and Part 4 of non-profits), we can return to telling you about cool new companies that are looking for interns. Today’s company definitely qualifies as cool. You may have never heard of Moosejaw, but the outdoor apparel manufacturer’s customer base is insanely loyal. They sell via retail, catalog, and online, and Every day they get rave reviews and customer photo submissions. Maybe it’s because Moosejaw has really good looking models, or maybe it’s the fact that Moosejaw offers homework help and dating advice to their customers. We’re not really sure what it is, but they’ve got their niche figured out. We waited a long time to write about entry level jobs at Moosejaw, and we’ve had to wait 9 months longer for them to post internships, but they finally have.

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Safe Horizon

by on December 21, 2008

Safe Horizon Logo

I’m back home for the holidays, and I hope most of you now are too. It’s wonderful to always have a safe place to go back to, but not everyone is so lucky. Victims of crime and abuse often don’t have anywhere to go. They’re often left with the choice of living in terror in a place that is familiar yet unsafe, or facing total uncertainty. Safe Horizon is a non-profit organization whose mission “is to provide support, prevent violence, and promote justice for victims of crime and abuse, their families, and communities.” They run 80 programs which “are located throughout the five boroughs of New York City in court houses, police precincts, schools, shelters, and community offices.” They may not be able to provide a safe place to go for all 350,000 victims whom they work with each year, but they find a way to support these people until they can find their way to a safe horizon.

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STA Travel

by on December 18, 2008

STA Travel Logo

Most internship application processes seem like contests – you apply and you find out if you’ve won. The only problem is that the prize is often an unpaid gig getting coffee and sitting in a cubicle doing menial tasks. We try to avoid talking about those kinds of internships here, but it’s hard to know what an internship is really like without actually doing it. So, how about an internship where winning is actually winning? STA Travel is currently making a big deal about their 2009 World Traveler Internship Program. They’re looking for multiple interns to “traverse the globe experiencing a number of travel adventures and showcasing their experiences daily via a journal/blog, video and podcasts.” It might not offer the best real world work experience, but it makes up for it with life experience and awesomeness. If you haven’t heard of them already, STA Travel is world’s largest student travel agency. They want to improve students’ lives by making it easy and cost effective for them to travel, and these internships tie right in with that goal.

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