I just spent a wonderful Memorial Day weekend in Denver, CO, and now I’m sitting in the airport waiting for my flight back. I walked in to see a huge line for people checking bags, and I got a little discouraged. Luckily, I thought fast and checked in on my phone and went right to the bag drop area (with a short stop to fix a server problem that caused the site to be down earlier this morning) where there was no line. At some point during that process, I managed to get upgraded to a seat with more legroom. That also allowed me to check my bag for free and get the word “Plus” stamped on my boarding pass. I don’t know why Frontier Airlines is treating me so well since I booked the flight on a discount site, which usually means that I get stuck with a middle seat. Since Frontier is treating me so well for no good reason, I thought that I might as well see what kind of internships they have. It’s my first time flying Frontier, probably because I usually travel east of the Mississippi (and they fly mostly west of it as they’re currently headquartered in Denver, but allegedly moving to Indianapolis, IN), but I figure that you gotta love an airline that has a different wild animal on the tail of each of its aircraft. Frontier also apparently offers in-flight television in the seat backs, so maybe I’ll get some good daytime tv watching in during my flight.
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It may seem counterintuitive, but people who live in cities are typically much more active than their rural and suburban counterparts—at least when it comes to transportation. I always associate activities like walking and bike riding with open space and the great outdoors, but urban centers are actually much more inviting for self powered transportation. Here’s an example: my parents live 1.2 miles from a great restaurant, yet we’d never walk there—it’s too dangerous. There are no sidewalks, and the cars on the road usually drive well over the 30 MPH speed limit. However, in Chicago, where I live, I’d easily walk 1.2 miles to go out to dinner. There are sidewalks, crosswalks, and plenty of streetlights to keep me safe. With that said, there are quite a few ways that Chicago can improve the city for active transportation, and that’s why the non-profit organization Active Transportation Alliance exists.
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You may have seen it on a bumper sticker or overheard it while shopping downtown – especially in a college town – “Go Local.” It’s a movement that should stir pride in anyone who shares the small-r republican ideals of Thomas Jefferson. Farmers’ markets are back in style, artisanal cheese shops are popping up all over the place, and local, grass-fed beef is appearing on more and more restaurant menus. The yeoman farmer is back! Not only are these people making great products available, but they’re also building successful businesses by serving the demand for local food. How can this business model based on going local be extended beyond farming? One startup, Local Motors, is trying to make people “go local” when they buy cars. Yes, cars.
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Periodically the news is riddled with stories about how the airlines are teetering on the brink of bankruptcy. Lately the focus of doom and gloom commentary has shifted to finance and insurance companies, but that doesn’t mean that the airlines are doing any better. There’s one company that is seemingly never in the conversation about struggling airlines – Southwest Airlines. If you’ve ever flown Southwest, you probably know why. They do things differently, and it makes flyers happy. Even though it seems like almost no one can succeed flying commercial routes, Southwest continues to impress. Air travel isn’t going anywhere – it’s too important to us, so forget about all the bad things that you hear about the airline industry, and start thinking about an internship at Southwest Airlines.
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community development,
customer service,
human resources,
leadership development,
product development,
public relations,

When I was 6 years old, my Mom and Dad thought it would be a great idea to take the train to Florida. We had been to Florida quite a few times before to visit Grandma and Grandpa, but always flew from a New York airport. For some reason my parents decided that the train was the way to go this time. Instead of 6 hours door to door, it was a solid 2 days, but it was actually a lot of fun. The most memorable part was coming into Washington, DC at night and seeing all of the monuments lit up. It was also on that trip that I finally got the hang of reading. I haven’t taken a long train trip since, but I will be doing so this Summer on my way to Quebec for a fishing trip. Although a train is slower, it’s also more comfortable, less of a hassle, and a nice change of pace. That’s exactly what the National Association of Railroad Passengers thinks too, as they’re a non-profit organization that is pushing for “a modern, customer-focused national passenger train network that provides a travel choice Americans want.”
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public policy,
public relations,
Washington DC,

Whenever I fly somewhere, my first instinct is to check if jetBlue Airways is an option. Why would anyone ever pick anything else? They have friendly crew members, delicious snacks, more leg room, televisions in the back of the seats, and often cheaper fares. They even have a Customer Bill of Rights that ensures great service. Why is this relevant to internships? Because companies that put out great products or services often make the best places to work. If you’re fascinated by the airline industry, then what could be better than an internship with jetBlue?
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New York,