Last week we looked at a company called Destination Maternity that has done really well become expectant mothers are often big spenders. Guess what–once they have the baby they keep spending. This is good news for Kids II, which is an Atlanta, GA based company that has “been inventing and reinventing baby toys and gear for over 40 years.” Even though they’ve been around for a while, their continued innovation has made them “one of the world’s fastest growing baby product companies.”
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customer service,
graphic design,
human resources,
industrial design,
information technology,
product development,
product management,

This is my favorite part of the year when it comes to One Day One Job because all of those annoying kids finally go back to school. Just kidding. I actually love late August for a completely different reason: the Inc. 5000 is released. In case you aren’t familiar with it, it’s a ranking of the 5,000 fastest growing privately held companies in the United States. The metric that they use is three-year revenue growth, and that makes the list an amazing tool for finding up and coming companies with great career opportunities. This year Fuhu came in at #1 on the list with 42,148% three-year growth to $117.9 million in revenue. The El Segundo, CA based company that aims to be “the leading designer, seller and innovator of ‘thoughtful’ consumer products and services for children.” When you make stuff that kids like, parents empty their pockets.
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Tagged as:
business development,
customer service,
software development,
technical support,
web development

There’s a bar in Chicago that is filled with board games. It’s a really good time, if you can get a table. While more and more gaming is moving on to mobile devices, there is still a huge group of people that prefer to sit around a table with friends or family and enjoy a game the old fashioned way. That’s good news for Blue Orange Games, a San Francisco, CA based board game company that was founded in 2001. They now have a catalog of more than 40 games, and they’ve won more than 200 awards. While most of their games aren’t explicitly educational, they are the kinds of games that make you think (they still call them educational). That’s why they’re great for schools, families, and anyone else who is sick of the mindlessness of many of today’s gaming options.
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graphic design,

Sandy brought Mischief Night a night early, and now a lot of towns and cities on the East Coast are postponing Halloween for a few days, but I’m sure most of you are still celebrating today. I kind of hate adult Halloween–when you take away the trick-or-treating, it loses its allure. And since 28 year olds get the police called on them if they go door to door asking for candy, I haven’t dressed up in years. But I still love seeing what other people dress up as, so I’m hoping you bought something from Rubie’s Costume Co.. They’re a Richmond Hill, NY based company that considers itself “the leading innovator in the Halloween industry.” For the last 60 years they’ve been designing and manufacturing all kinds of awesome costumes. (And if you want to see our past Halloween posts, check out Trick or Vote, Tootsie Roll Industries, and the Children’s Dental Health Project. If you just have candy on your mind, you may want to take a look at these posts: Russell Stover, Mars, The Hershey Company, NECCO, Charles Chocolates, Jelly Belly, Just Born Quality Confections, Vosges, and the Pennsylvania Manufacturing Confectioners’ Association.)
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New York,

When I was growing up, educational toys were pretty lame. I’d beg my mom to take me to Toys ‘R Us and not Learning Express. The one exception was the 130-in-1 Electronic Playground and Learning Center that allowed me to broadcast my own radio station by connecting wires in a particular pattern. It was one of the few “toys” that provided an opportunity to pursue my interest in technology without the help of an adult. Today’s kids have access to way cooler stuff from companies like Orbotix, LittleBits, and Sifteo. Another company that has recently entered the market is Modular Robotics. They’re based in Boulder, CO, and they manufacture Cubelets, “magnetic blocks that can be snapped together to make an endless variety of robots with no programming and no wires.” It sounds a lot like a way more interesting, robotic-themed take on the 130-in-1 kit.
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software development,

Now that Christmas is over, it’s time to play with your toys! I may be an adult, but toys still make up a significant part of the gifts I get. I’m hoping that never changes. While LEGOs weren’t on my Christmas list, I’m sure that plenty of kids and adults were thrilled to get them yesterday. That’s why we’re going to take a look at The LEGO Group, a Billund, Denmark based family-owned company (with a number of U.S. locations) that has built a billion dollar business on little colored plastic blocks. Much to the dismay of some LEGO enthusiasts, the growth has come through increasingly more complex sets and lots of cross-branding, but the magic of a bucket full of random LEGO pieces and endless opportunities still exists.
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I’ve already opened my presents, and once again Santa was good for me (though I still got some coal in my stocking). Merry Christmas! Unfortunately, there are a lot of kids who Santa passes over even though they’re on the “Nice List.” That’s where the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation comes in. They’re based in Triangle, VA, and they “collect new, unwrapped toys during October, November and December each year, and distribute those toys as Christmas gifts to needy children in the community in which the campaign is conducted.” I never realized that Toys for Tots program was run by the United States Marine Corps Reserve, but they’ve been doing it since 1947 with the goal of assisting youngsters “in becoming responsible, productive, patriotic citizens.” They’re another organization without a jobs page, but I have seen that some of the local programs have had job and internship opportunities in the past. Enjoy your Christmas, and use it to think about opportunities like Toys for Tots that help brighten the holidays for other people.
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all employers,
So far our survey says that you find the internship search frustrating. Tell us more so that we can help.

When I was a kid I had this really cool electronics set that allowed me to build all kinds of devices just by connecting different wires to each other. It looked kind of like this. A friend and I even built our own radio transmitter and were able to transmit music about 20 feet to my mom’s car. It totally blew our 10-year old minds. Unfortunately, neither of us had any idea how it worked. littleBits is a New York, NY based company that has more than one-upped the electronic playground. They have developed “a growing library of pre-assembled circuits that snap together with tiny magnets.” Not only do littleBits look super cool, but they should be pretty intuitive considering that each piece has a unique electronic function. I think it would be hard to play with them and not understand how they’re working.
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industrial design,
New York,
product development,
social media,
Make my birthday awesome. Help me help more people find awesome internships. If you have a blog, website, Facebook account, or Twitter account, post a link to One Day, One Internship today. If you really want to make my day special, call or e-mail your college’s Career Services office, tell them about what we do, and ask them to add a link to us from their website.

My girlfriend has been telling people that she finally figured out how to find birthday gifts for me. She claims that she goes to Amazon.com and uses the Preteen Boys Gift Guide (Ages 8-12), but I’m pretty sure that she’s fibbing. I’m way more interested in the toys for 12-15 year olds, which includes all kinds of remote control helicopters. I’m totally a kid at heart, which is why I wanted to write about Launchpad Toys on my birthday. They’re a San Francisco, CA based company that builds “digital toys and tools that empower kids to create, learn, and share their ideas through play.” These “toys” are actually software–only on the iPad for now–and they are apparently the modern day versions of things like LEGOs, Erectors Sets, Shrinky Dinks, and Play-Doh (all things that I would still play with if I had them in my house).
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software development,
user experience,
video games,
web development

Pi Day is one of my favorite holidays. Not only is it super geeky, but you get to celebrate by eating pie. I’ve been trying for years to find a pie company with internship opportunities, but haven’t been successful. In past years we’ve taken a look at Pi Media and The Mathematical Association of America for pi-related internships. I almost forgot about Pi Day this year, and I was already going to write about Orbotix, but then I realized that they couldn’t be more perfect for the holiday. They’re a Boulder, CO based company that I found out about on Brad Feld’s blog, and they are revolutionizing the simplest and best toy ever created–the ball. Their first product is called Sphero, and it’s a robotic ball that you can control with your smartphone. It has the potential to be the next big Christmas blockbuster toy, but even if it’s only popular with geeks and cat owners, I think it will sell a bunch.
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game design,
online marketing,
social media,
software development,
video games,
web development

Today marks the official start of CES or the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. It’s a big deal for tech and gadget junkies, as companies big and small, new and old make major announcements at the show. In past years we’ve seen game changing products like the Compact Disc, HDTV, the Nintendo Entertainment System, the DVR, Blu-Ray Discs, and lots more introduced at CES. One of the early announcements that caught my attention came yesterday from Sifteo, a San Francisco, CA based gaming company (I originally heard about them from Brad Feld’s Blog—he’s a Venture Capitalist invested in Sifteo). They’ve finally opened up an “Early Access” program (it’s already sold out) for their “alternative game system.” We’ve seen iPhones, iPads, and other touch-based mobile devices open up gaming to the masses, while we’ve also see products like the Wii, Xbox Kinect, and Playstation Move change the way that we interact with console-based games. Sifteo has taken a little from both sides and created a completely new way to game that you’ll have to see to fully comprehend.
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software development,
video games,
web development

Merry Christmas Eve! I have a company for you today that I’ve been saving for months—since we ran through the Inc. 500 looking for great internship opportunities. When I saw their name, I knew they’d be perfect for Christmas Eve, and it helps that they’ve seen 1,335% three-year revenue growth to $7 million in 2009 while also growing to 17 employees. The company is called The Elf on the Shelf, and they’re based in Kennesaw, GA. They’re in the business of pretty much everything elf, but it all started with a book. Carol Aebersold and Chanda Bell (mother and daughter) wrote a book called The Elf on the Shelf: A Christmas Tradition with Blue Eyed North Pole Pixie-Elf
, which was based on a family story that was part of their annual holiday tradition. An entire product line grew from the story, and now The Elf on the Shelf is bringing in millions of dollars every year.
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I may be 26 years old, but I still love getting toys for Christmas. I don’t mean expensive gadgets—I mean real toys. In past years I received gifts like a Marshmallow Shooter
and a Fisher-Price T.M.X. Tickle Me Elmo
(only entertaining for about five minutes), and this year I got the most awesome remote control helicopter ever
. It’s not an Air Hogs helicopter, but I’ve always been impressed with that particular brand. They do some pretty cool stuff when it comes to flying toys, so I thought that my Christmas List could help your job search. Spin Master is the Toronto, CA based company (with locations in the US) that owns the Air Hogs brand in addition to other toy brands like Aquadoodle, Bugville, Flick Trix, Liv, Moon Dough, Zoobles, and plenty of others. They make all kinds of stuff that you and I are too old to play with, but I guess you’d have an excuse if you interned for them.
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community management,
customer service,
information technology,
public relations,
social media,
software development,
supply chain,
web development

Yesterday I was walking around in a variety/novelty/toy shop. It’s the typical vacation town toy store with all kinds of goofy stuff. As soon as I went through the door I regressed back to about 8 years old. I was picking up everything and playing with it—cap guns, balsa wood airplanes, and the avenging narwhal play set
(check it out, it’s awesome). Obviously I’m extremely immature. If you’re like me, but you’d like to do something more mature with your childlike tendencies, then you might want to check out Adventure Publishing. They’re a New York based company that specializes in trade publications—specifically magazines related to the toy and licensing industries. Yes, they make magazines about toys.
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New York,
social media,
trade publication

Merry Christmas! I just had a wonderful morning with plenty of presents under the tree, and I hope that you did too. Despite being 25 years old, I am still a kid at heart. I’ve spent most of the morning playing with a remote control helicopter, while my dad is about to put batteries in the EyeClops Night Vision Infared Stealth Goggles
that I just bought him. Yes, I got my dad a kid’s toy. I’m hoping he’ll use it for fishing, but I’m sure he’ll find plenty of other uses for night vision goggles too. After purchasing my dad’s gift, I wanted to see which company was behind it. It turns out that Malibu, CA JAKKS Pacific is behind ton of awesome stuff. You’ve got Club Penguin, the EyeClops Mini Projector
, Jakks Creepy Crawlers Bugmaker
, Discovery Kids toys
, Girl Gourmet Cake Bakery
, and all kinds of other cool things that you’d like to find under the Christmas tree.
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Take a second and think of your favorite toy growing up. Was it a Barbie? Matchbox Car? American Girl Doll? View-Master? Magic 8 Ball? Rock’em Sock’em Robots? Hot Wheels? Polly Pocket? Even if it wasn’t one of those, there’s a good chance that it was made by Mattel. I’m sure that you’ve heard of the El Segundo, CA headquartered toy company before, but I bet you never realized just how many toys they actually make. Not only do they have some of the biggest toy names in the world, but they’re also behind all of Fisher-Price’s toys. If you always wanted to be like Tom Hanks in Big
and work for a toy company, Mattel is your chance to live every child’s dream.
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New York,

Are you a superhero whose alter ego happens to be looking for an internship? Just for cover, of course, because superheroes don’t actually need to work. You’ve managed to keep it quiet through a couple years of college, but you need something to do between classes besides beating up villains and saving the world. Why not intern at the last place that they’d ever expect you to work – Marvel Enterprises. It’s so obvious that it’s completely unobvious. In all seriousness if you’re not familiar with Marvel, they’re “one of the world’s most prominent character-based entertainment companies.” They made their name in comic books, but they’ve expanded into tv, movies, toys, video games, and more.
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business development,
human resources,
information technology,
New York,
product management,

Red wagon. Need I say more? I bet you are already picturing Dennis the Menace pulling his Radio Flyer wagon behind his little red bike. Or maybe you’re thinking about your village’s 4th of July parade where all the kids decorate their bikes and pull wagons behind them with their younger siblings in them (ok maybe that’s just my memory). Almost everyone has some childhood memory associated with Radio Flyer. What’s yours? If for some reason wagon rides and Radio Flyer weren’t part of your childhood, check out this video.
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product development,

We launched One Day, One Internship less than 2 weeks ago, and we’re already stuck with an extra post because of Leap Day. Ok, it’s not really an extra post, since we write every day regardless of the date. Still, it’s a little disappointing that every 4th year the man manages to squeeze an extra day of productivity out of us – whether it be at school or work. We’ve never checked, but we wonder whether school’s give students an extra day off sometime during a Leap Year. Anybody have answers? Leave them in the comments. We wish Leap Day was a worldwide day off that would allow everyone to find time to do those things that you never get around to doing. Instead, it’s just another day, unless, of course, you’re a college student with no Friday classes. Staying with the theme of Leap Day, we’re going to take a look at LeapFrog and their internships.
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software development,