The technology of the 90s and early 2000s was durable. Most devices were built like tanks because a few extra ounces (or pounds) here and there don’t really matter when many of the components are already so heavy. Today size and weight are main selling points for most types of electronics. The only problem is that today’s devices seem far more susceptible to breaking. It’s a tradeoff, but it sucks to be on the losing end when you drop your three-day old $600 phone on the grass and the screen shatters. Manufacturers and third parties have started offering all kinds of repair services, but they’re still expensive. Why can’t you just do it yourself?
With the help of iFixit you can. They are a San Luis Obispo, CA based company that wants “to show the world how to fix every thing.” They seem to be having some success with that, as they landed on the Inc. 5000 with 223% three-year growth to $9.8 million in revenue.
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software development,
technical support,
technical writer,
user experience,
web development

There’s nothing like a live event, but we often can’t be where we want to be. The Internet has made things a little easier. Today video, audio, or commentary from any event can be shared all across the world as it’s happening. It took a while to get to the point where it’s reliable, but we’re mostly there. Livestream is a New York, NY based company that has played a big part in moving us forward when it comes to streaming live content. They offer “event owners a complete set of hardware and software tools to share their events with a growing community online.” This has led them to #750 on the Inc. 5000 with 613% three-year growth to $18.9 million in revenue.
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customer service,
New York,
systems administration,
technical writer,
web development

Yesterday in our post about A+E Networks I told you about all of my favorite reality tv shows. A lot of them are pretty embarrassing, but I have no qualms about telling people I watch Top Chef. It’s a great show (sidenote: I swear I saw Beverly Kim from last season at Whole Foods yesterday). This week was the start of a two episode “Restaurant Wars.” The rules change from season to season, but typically the cheftestants have to come up with a restaurant concept and build it from scratch in just a few days. Everything gets supplied by sponsors, but if that wasn’t the case they might want to check out The WEBstaurant Store. They’re a Lancaster, PA based company that offers an “innovative, easy-to-use website to meet the purchasing needs of food service professionals throughout the United States and Canada.”
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customer service,
hospitality management,
leadership development,
online marketing,
software development,
technical writer,
user experience,
web development,

I went on a guided fishing trip this morning. The weather was pretty terrible, and the catching was nonexistent. As we were driving back to the hotel, the guide told us about a boat that recently sank and how the captain was the first one to abandon ship. That’s certainly not captain-like behavior, and it’s the opposite of what you’d expect from Captains of Industry, a Boston, MA based marketing and advertising agency that was started by an ad guy and a filmmaker. They excel at developing ” strategy-driven creative in all media – from websites to corporate videos to literature systems – that tells [their customers’ stories] in unforgettable ways.”
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account management,
graphic design,
technical writer,
web development,

Is it just me or are Black Friday and Cyber Monday pretty much the same these days? Online retailers have big Black Friday sales and brick and mortar brands are offering tons of Cyber Monday deals online. Still, I figured it was worth browsing Cyber Monday deals to see if I could find some cool job opportunities. I lucked out as a deal for 60% off e-books from O’Reilly Media popped up in my Twitter feed almost immediately. This deal is doubly relevant for job seekers because in addition to having some cool jobs, O’Reilly Media is a Sebastopol, CA based company that “spreads the knowledge of innovators through its books, online services, magazines, research, and conferences.” In other words, they provide educational tools that can make you far more employable.
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information technology,
software development,
technical writer,
web development,

E-mail is supposed to be simple: you send a message and the recipient gets it nearly instantly. That’s the way it usually works for most people, but there are those rare instances where a message gets caught in a spam folder or bounces back to the sender. Those problems get much bigger when you start to send a lot of e-mail; in fact, I recently had to deal with an issue that resulted in some of our daily e-mails that were sent on a Friday being received the following Wednesday. Because I send nearly 400,000 e-mails a month, I use one of the top providers in the business, and this still happened. E-mail is a complicated beast, which is why companies that send multiple orders of magnitude more e-mail than I do need help to overcome the fact that “20% of emails sent by web applications either go missing or they get caught by spam filters.” SendGrid is a Boulder, CO based company that specializes in e-mail delivery. They’ve delivered more than 20 billion e-mails for clients that include Foursquare, SlideShare, and GetSatisfaction, so I think they must do a lot better than 80%.
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community management,
quality assurance,
quality engineer,
social media,
software development,
technical support,
technical writer,
web development,

Advertising is all about targeting. The demographics of who sees an ad determine whether it costs $.50 or $50 to get it in front of 1,000 people (the cost to have an ad viewed by 1,000 people is called a CPM). But how do advertisers know that they’re actually getting what they paid for? They often have a hard enough time tracking whether or not a given campaign is successful, and tracking who the campaign reaches is even harder. That’s where DoubleVerify comes in. They’re a New York, NY based company that has built a system to ensure that “every ad impression is a quality impression, every impression is compliant, and every ad was served and displayed exactly as intended.” They can’t guarantee that an advertisers ads will have the desired effect, but they can verify that it’s reaching the people that it’s meant to reach.
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New York,
software development,
technical support,
technical writer,
united kingdom,
user experience,
web development,

It’s been a while since I did a survey of One Day, One Job readers. There’s really no excuse for that considering how useful survey data can be and how easy it is to run a survey online. (So watch out for a survey sometime in the next month or two.) When I see online surveys, they’re usually run on SurveyMonkey or Google Docs, but I’ve also seen a few surveys driven by SurveyGizmo. They’re based in Boulder, CO, and they offer “a web-based software company giving researchers, and small and enterprise companies powerful tools to create online surveys, questionnaires and forms – allowing capture and analysis of virtually any type of data essential for business.” It’s working for them. SurveyGizmo came in at #144 on the Inc. 5000 with 1,940% three-year growth to $3.3 million in revenue.
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customer service,
market research,
software development,
technical support,
technical writer,
web development,

Gender in the workplace is a complicated issue. Over the past 50 years, a lot has changed, and a lot has stayed the same. Over that time one of the organizations that has played a significant role in “expanding opportunities for women and business” has been Catalyst. They’re a non-profit headquartered in New York, NY and with offices in Sunnyvale, CA; Toronto, Canada; and Zug, Switzerland. Since they were founded in 1962 they have studied “women and men across levels, functions, and geographies to learn about women’s experiences in business, barriers to their career advancement, and individual and organizational strategies leading to success.” They provide this research to their members (they’re a member organization) with the goal of “building the inclusion that will expand opportunities for women in the workplace.”
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human resources,
New York,
technical writer,

I spent the end of last week in Munich and the weekend in Paris. It was a great trip, but I was a little thrown off. I travel a good amount within the US, and I didn’t realize how much location-based services have become a part of my routine when I visit a new city. I’m constantly using my iPhone for Google Maps, Yelp, Foursquare, Twitter, and a few other apps—all of which use GPS to help me make the most of my time in the city. In France and Germany my iPhone doesn’t get data, and free Wi-Fi is pretty tough to find except for at Starbucks. Location-based services are only becoming more and more essential to everyday life, which is why I’m interested in Emeryville, CA based Location Labs. They’re an Inc. 500 company that “provides advanced location-based technologies and scalable and secure software platforms that allow third-party developers to build applications and services that can remotely locate more than 150 million devices.” That’s led to a 655% three-year growth rate and $7.9 million in annual revenue last year.
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community development,
software development,
technical writer,
web development,