When we landed upon the MWW Group’s About Us page, we were a little bit skeptical. How can any company claim to be “one of the nation’s top 10 PR agencies?” How do you rank something like that? Who does the ranking? Can’t any company make that kind of claim? We still don’t know who dubbed the MWW Group as one of the top 10 PR agencies in the country, but we’re not going to challenge them. Why not? Because the MWW Group was behind Amazon.com’s launch of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince which resulted in 1.5 million preorders. Any PR agency that is trusted with a launch like that, and then able to exceed expectations for the most hyped book launch ever can be in our top 10 too. Maybe they can help us promote our iPod Touch giveaway – there are only a few entries so far, and it’s ridiculously easy to enter.
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human resources,
information technology,
New Jersey,
New York,
public relations,
social media,
web development

I’m about ready to stick my head in the sand. I haven’t heard positive news from the world of politics, markets, or sports in quite a while. Instead of obsessing over every tidbit of bad news, I’d rather just focus on helping college students find jobs and internships and fly fishing. If you’re the kind of person who can’t do that – who needs to constantly be in the know, then an internship with RealClearPolitics/Markets/Sports might be perfect for you. It all started with RealClearPolitics, which is a website and blog that aggregates political based news and polling data. It was started by an options trader and an ad agency account executive in Chicago and has become a serious brand in the world of political news. Out of that success have grown two more sites – RealClearMarkets and RealClearSports – that focus on the worlds of finance and sports respectively. To fully understand what the sites are about and why they’re so popular, you’ll have to give them a visit and see them for yourself.
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social media,

When I first heard the name Whole Child International, I was a bit perplexed. I usually take for granted the fact that children are whole. I quickly realized that they mean emotionally whole, not physically whole (although that is important too, I’m sure). Whole Child International is focused on working “in existing children’s institutions to improve the quality of care and help prevent the bleak outcomes that await most children raised in the world’s orphanages.” They first started in Nicaragua, but they are now in El Salvador too. Their goal is to help children in orphanages develop the basic psychological tools that they “need to succeed in school, work, relationships, and families of their own.” They have a distinctive model for institutional change that aims to directly affect the orphanage administration and caregivers so that they can better serve the children in their care.
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social media,
social networking,

A week from tomorrow I will be leaving Connecticut and making a move to Chicago. First I’ll be stopping in Ithaca, NY for Cornell’s homecoming (any readers want to meet up?), but then it’s on to the Windy City. I have an apartment leased and furniture ordered. It’s a big move, and I’m really excited about it. You’ve probably envisioned your first apartment after college, and I can almost guarantee that you envision yourself buying furniture online or at a store like Crate & Barrel – just like I did. Well, doing that won’t make Miriam Tucker too happy. She’s the CEO and Partner in charge of all staff and internal business affairs at Rago Arts and Auction Center, an auction house that specializes in the sale of 20th and 21st century art and design, and she’s trying to figure out how to build a larger client base of 20 and 30 somethings. This is a challenging problem because most young people are intimidated by auctions and would never even think of them as offering a better value than a retail store. I have to admit that I’m intimidated by the idea of buying my furniture at auction, but I’d love to try it. Ms. Tucker is looking for creative ways to solve this problem, and she thinks that interns are the answer. That’s why she came to us for help finding some.
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New Jersey,
social media,
social networking

Do you have trouble focusing? Is schoolwork hard to get done when there are so many great websites to look at? If you answered yes, then you’ve probably spent a lot of time on Cracked.com. If you haven’t, you should. Cracked.com is “America’s Only Humor & Video Site, Since 1958.” Current features include 6 Real-Life Vigilantes Crazier Than Batman and The 8 Most Obnoxious Internet Commenters. 5 minutes on Cracked.com will give you a good idea of what they’re all about.
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public relations,
social media,

Although crackheads are typically addicted to crack, sodaheads may or may not be addicted to soda. We’re not exactly sure what a sodahead is, but we know that the name implies someone who has ideas constantly bubbling out of his or her head. Sodahead is a social network for these people. It allows users to ask and answer poll questions and to discuss those answers with other people who have similar interests. You can discuss the questions on Sodahead.com, or you can take the questions with you in the form of a widget to your blog or MySpace page. There are plenty of serious survey and polling tools online, but Sodahead tries to bring a little fun by allowing users to embed multimedia in their polls. We’d say that Sodahead is more focused on creating entertainment value than promoting data collection.
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social media,

Yesterday we featured Transworld and their 6 publications. It was a bit hard to dig up specific internship information for each magazine, but we had fun, so we’re going to do it again. Today we’re going to look at Gawker Media and their network of 12 blogs. In case you’re not familiar with the Gawker network, here’s what it consists of Defamer (L.A. Gossip), io9 (Science Fiction), Valleywag (Silicon Valley Gossip), Deadspin (Sports), Jezebel (Celebrity, Sex, Fashion), The Consumerist (Consumer’s Rights), Jalopnik (Cars), Gawker (Manhattan Gossip), Kotaku (Video Games), Lifehacker (Productivity), Gizmodo (Gadgets), Fleshbot (Adult, no link – you can find that one on your own). It’s an impressive network of sites, some trashy, and some insanely useful. Gawker Media’s network has been identified as being the most valuable blog with some estimates of a $150 million valuation.
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New York,
social media,

It seems to me that most college students reduce their TV watching when they get to college – at least the ones who don’t have cable in their dorm room. There are too many other things that you either have to do or want to do, so watching tv moves down the list. Still, communal dorm TVs get pretty crowded during primetime. I mostly used the TVs for watching sports, and trying to watch a Yankees game on a “good” TV night often required that I walk down a few floors to find a group of fellow fans who were already watching. Not once in my TV hopping did I come across any of my peers watching something with educational value. Had I been hoping to watch something like the shows produced by American Documentary, I probably would have been out of luck. If you are one of the kids who usurps the communal TVs and ensures that you get your weekly fix of PBS, then an internship with AmDoc might be a great way for you to spend part of your Fall. If you’re one of those kids watching primetime TV or ignoring TV for the better things in college life, but you still love PBS, you’d also make a great intern at AmDoc.
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community development,
New York,
social media,
web development

Do you have an online shopping problem? If so, don’t read any farther. ShopWiki is a New York City based startup that aims to make online shopping easier. It’s a comparison shopping engine, but it’s supposed to be better because it combines the abilities of search engine type crawlers with user generated content to provide relevant products and reviews. A search for “fly rods” just returned typical listings that I’d expect on any comparison shopping site, but a look at their MP3 Players buying guide shows how valuable a shopping wiki can be. It gives a complete overview of all of the options that you have for buying an MP3 player (yes, there are options other than iPods). Considering that ShopWiki received $6.2 million in venture capital in 2006, there has to be some serious selling potential behind the idea of a shopping wiki.
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New York,
quality assurance,
social media,
software development

You have to love a company whose founder is willing to admit he was wrong. Ahmet Ertegun, the guy who started Atlantic Records, once said, “I honestly never imagined I would be able to make a living doing something that was so much fun. I am very glad I was wrong.” Things may have changed at Atlantic Records – rhythm & blues, rock and roll, and jazz have certainly given way to hip hop, punk, and pop in terms of popularity, but you still have to imagine that it’s unbelievably fun to work with the biggest names in music. Atlantic’s artist list is ridiculously impressive with something for nearly everyone.
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New York,
social media,

I have to admit that I’m starting to feel like I’m getting old (at 23). When I heard about internship opportunities at Fearless Records, I got excited, but then realized that I had only heard of one band (formerly) on their roster – Plain White T’s – and I don’t even know why I’ve heard of them. Anyway, it’s not that Fearless Records isn’t a great record label, it’s that I can’t keep up with new music any more. My first website was music related, but now I’m lucky if I know who half the artists on the Top 20 are. I do know that Fearless Records isn’t Top 20 type music, but I’m going to refrain from trying to talk too much about something that is out of my depth
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public relations,
social media,

We were once again scanning Twitter for companies that are looking for Fall interns, and we came across a number of tweets regarding SHIFT Communications. That convinced us to take a look, and we’re pretty happy with what we found (although not happy that barely any companies are tweeting about Fall internships yet). SHIFT Communications is a tech PR firm located in Boston, MA and San Francisco, CA. Judging from their Twitter presence and the fact that they link to 3 of their blogs on their home page, they’re really up on this social media thing. As they should be, tech PR is all about being online.
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public relations,
social media

If you’re still looking for a Summer internship and happen to be fascinated by Japanese culture, we have found some perfect opportunities for you. The Japan Society is a non-profit organization that is “the premier producer of high-quality content on Japan for the United States.” Why would a non-profit produce content about another country and culture? To increase understanding and open dialogue. The Japan Society was founded in 1907 and has been promoting exchange and collaboration since then. The Japan Society’s website is gorgeous and filled with information, so we’re going to send you over there to learn more about the organization’s mission and goals.
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international affairs,
New York,
social media,

Today I’m posting from Cornell University, because I’ve returned to my alma mater for Slope Day. For those of you who don’t know what I’m talking about, it’s Cornell’s version of Spring Weekend. It’s the last day of classes, so everyone skips out, goes to a big hill on campus, and behaves as you’d expect they would during a campus-wide party. It’s definitely important to check your privacy settings before posting Slope Day pics on Facebook. Since Spring Weekends are usually described as “ridiculous,” we’re going to go with that theme for today’s internships. I Can Has Cheezburger? is a website that has its entire revenue model based on pictures of cats with funny captions – better known as Lolcats.
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social media,

I’ll admit it; I’ve become a mild Twitter addict. I just keep finding internships to write about by scanning tweets and following the links that they contain. It’s getting late in the game, and harder and harder to find companies that are still looking for Summer interns, but using unorthodox methods can turn up some great results. Most recently, I found a link to a post by a Sun Microsystems employee who is looking for two interns. Her post led us to Sun’s main Careers site, which truly impressed us.
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information technology,
social media,
software development

Score another one for Twitter! This is the 2nd internship that we’ve found on the site in just over a week. We started following Amybeth Hale and reading her blog almost as soon as we found her on Twitter. She’s a Sourcing Specialist and “Research Goddess” for Waggener Edstrom, which means that she uses social networking as a recruiting tool – or as she puts it, she “makes friends for a living.” It’s clearly working for her, as she got us to talk about the PR firm’s internships. She can consider it our birthday present to her (yeah, we found out that it’s her birthday today on Twitter too).
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account management,
social media,

We had a serious internal debate about whether we could go ahead with posting about today’s company. Our mission is to bring our readers an unbiased look at great internships, but it’s hard to overcome our personal feelings when it comes to certain issues. So what was the cause of our reluctance to post about EchoDitto? They are the ones who gave Rosie O’Donnell a blog. We’re not big Rosie fans, ok? Actually, we didn’t have a big internal debate, but we did have some pause when it came to posting about EchoDitto. They are in the business of building online communities, but they seem to take a pretty strong political stance when it comes to choosing the clients with whom they work. Students who don’t share the same ideals probably won’t feel comfortable working for EchoDitto; however, the internship that they are offering looks too good for us not to write about it.
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online organizing,
social media