Fellowship Programs are the new big thing for college graduates. There are quite a few highly competitive programs like Teach for America, New York City Teaching Fellows, and The New Teacher Project that focus on turning new college grads into teachers in low-income public schools. What about coaching? Athletics has become significantly linked to education in America, and it is also one of the few areas where low-income schools can be on par with their well funded counterparts. Sounds to us like there’s an opportunity to initiate change there. Coaches often seem more accessible to students than teachers are, so why not put the same types of young leaders that are being recruited as teachers in coaching positions at high needs schools and see what happens? That’s what Philip Kovoor wants to do with National Coaching Fellows, the non-profit organization that he recently started.
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fellowship programs,
information technology,

Two weeks ago we talked about Google’s Summer of Code, which isn’t really an internship program. Then today we featured Google’s entry-level jobs on One Day, One Job. And we’re sure you’ve read our article How to Use Google to Find a Job (or Internship). Google, Google, Google. Well when we saw that Google still had internship opportunities listed as available on our website, we couldn’t turn down a chance to write about our favorite topic.
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product management,
software development,
user experience

“May you live in interesting times.” It’s allegedly a translation of a Chinese proverb, but Wikipedia can’t even figure out who actually said it first. Regardless, an internship at the Federal Reserve Board should be extremely “interesting” over the next year (at the very least). With Bear Stearns almost falling into bankruptcy, and a lot of other investment banks in trouble, an internship in finance doesn’t look nearly as attractive as it did last semester. Still, if you’re interested in economics, finance, or a related field, a job at the Federal Reserve Board is a great alternative. Although connected to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the Federal Reserve Board is a different entity. If you don’t already know, the Fed, which is led by Chairman Ben Bernanke, is responsible for crafting the monetary policy that supports the American economy.
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Unlike college seniors who are looking for full time employment, interns-to-be don’t need to worry much about recession and other macroeconomic factors. Since internships are temporary and often meagerly paid, if paid at all, they don’t put the same kind of strains on companies that a permanent hire does. That means that you don’t need to worry about recession-proofing yourself yet; however, you may want to keep an eye to the future by considering an internship at a non-profit that takes many of its interns on full time. One example is the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, “a private, nonpartisan, not-for-profit institution dedicated to research and education on issues of government, politics, economics, and social welfare,” which has hired 50 of its interns permanently over the past 10 years.
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public policy,
The other kids begged their parents to take them to the zoo. Animals were exciting to them. Animals move and eat. They make weird sounds. They smell funny. Plants have none of those appeal factors. Plants don’t move, they grow. They absorb their nutrients. They’re soundless. And they smell good (most of them anyways). To most kids that spells B-O-R-I-N-G, but not to you. You realize that the zoo is an 86-minute comedy movie, while a botanical garden is 142 minutes of Academy Award winning cinematic genius. So, if you were the kid that ignored the cheap thrills of the zoo for the higher art of the botanical garden, then today’s internships will bud your interest.
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Do you think you’re cool? Why not try for an internship that will put your coolness to the test? PSFK is a consultancy and publishing company that specializes in “trends & inspiration.” Their story is inspiring to web entrepreneurs like us:
PSFK all began when two old friends, Piers and Simon (Fawkes and King) stopped emailing each other pieces of trend and idea news between New York to London – and instead started adding their observations on to a website called PSFK.com.
Somehow that site turned into a thriving business (we’re taking notes), and now they want to hire interns.
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