Happy Mother’s Day! We’re not sure how many moms we have reading, but we know of at least a few. If you haven’t told your mom about us, why don’t you? She’d probably be thrilled to help you with your internship search. We’re not sure if you’ve noticed, but we only write about non-profit internships on the weekends, and we like to run with holiday themes. This combination provided especially troubling today, for there aren’t nearly as many Mom-related non-profits out there as you would think there are. From the ones that we could find, very few had any sort of internship opportunities. We persisted in our search and found the Crittenton Women’s Union, a non-profit organization in the Boston area, that “transforms the course of low-income women’s lives so that they can attain economic independence and create better futures for themselves and their families.” They turned up on an Idealist search for the word “mother,” so we’re going with it.
Live, Work, Thrive
The Crittenton Women’s Union’s domain name is LiveWorkThrive.org, which is quite fitting for an organization that supports low-income women through advocacy, education, family support services, housing, research, and workforce development. Here’s more on what the Crittenton Women’s Union does. You should also take a look at the Voice Project Blog for deeper insights about how the Crittenton Women’s Union is empowering women to create social change. In fact, the organization’s entire website is fantastic and should be able to answer any questions that you might have before you consider interning with them.
Celebrate Mother’s Day Every Day This Summer
Crittenton Women’s Union is currently offering 7 different Summer internships including the following opportunities: Healthy Families Intern, FLASH Intern, Assessment Center Case Management Intern, Horizons Housing Program Intern, Hastings House Administrative Intern, Marketing / Communications Intern, Research Assistant Intern. There is also one Fall internship offering in Institutional Advancement. More information about each internship can be found on the Crittenton Women’s Union Internships page. All opportunities are unpaid, located in Brighton, MA or in the greater Boston area, and have an application deadline of June 2nd. You can apply by sending a cover letter and resume to Jeff Swallom at jswallom@liveworkthrive.org
Links to Help You Begin Your Research
How did you celebrate Mother’s Day? Leave a comment and let us know.
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case management,