While I’m not a serious gamer, I definitely enjoy playing casual games on my iPhone and iPad. Although the App Store does offer recommendations, I find that it’s still hard to find good games. Instead I rely on getting recommendations from people I know–namely my girlfriend’s 10 year old sister. I watch what she’s playing, and if it looks fun, I buy the app. Then I can try to top her score and talk smack even though I can’t come close. Games are inherently social (even though gaming can become super anti-social), so it’s no surprise that gaming companies are bringing mobile and social gaming together. One of the big players in the industry is ngmoco. They’re based in San Francisco, CA, and their name is pronounced “en-gee mo-ko” (apparently it’s an acronym for Next Generation Mobile Company). ngmoco is all about building a social entertainment company in a time when “there will be more iOS/Android devices shipped than PCs/notebooks.” It makes sense.
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community management,
game design,
graphic design,
human resources,
online marketing,
product evangelism,
quality assurance,
quality engineer,
social media,
social networking,
software development,
technical support,
user experiences,
video games,
web development
The Washington Media Scholars Program Case Competition opens today! Get all of the details here.

Now, I haven’t heard of any internship seekers who use flashcards for interviews, but I’m sure there are some out there. I haven’t touched a flashcard since I stopped taking French, and that was a long time ago. I don’t miss them at all. It’s probably because my French teachers forced me to write hundreds of flashcards for homework. If I could have found a way to use a computer to automate the process, I would have. But those teachers wanted to see a handwritten flashcard. Today’s students probably don’t feel my pain. That’s because you can make all of your flashcards online, share them with friends, and use them on your smartphone thanks to Quizlet. They’re a San Francisco, CA based company that aims to “creatively harness technology to provide powerful, free learning capabilities to hundreds of millions of people.”
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Tagged as:
business development,
product development,
product evangelism,
product management,
software development,
user experience,
web development