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Hunter Boot

by on December 2, 2010

Hunter Boot Logo

About a month ago my girlfriend bought a pair of boots. A few weeks later when we were in Connecticut for Thanksgiving, we stopped into a shoe store so that she could buy special socks to go with these boots. The idea of needing special socks for a pair of boots is kind of odd to me, but who doesn’t love a good pair of socks? Then I saw it. A stack of boxes that went to the ceiling. This store was ready for the holiday shopping season, and their main preparation was stocking Hunter boots. Lots of them. Uggs were hot for a while, but now people want boots that can actually get wet, and they’re flocking to Hunter Boot. The company is headquartered in Scotland, but they have offices in London and New York too. They’ve made their name on their Wellington boots—Wellies for short, and though they’ve been around for more than 150 years, they’re seeing quite a surge in popularity right now.

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