This is a sponsored post. We’ve worked directly with the U.S. Space & Rocket Center to bring you the inside scoop on their internships.
People say “I’m not a rocket scientist” for a reason, right? You have to be really smart and work really hard to be that guy or girl who is supposed to have the answer to every question, because, well, you’re a rocket scientist. Now, what if you actually want to be a rocket scientist? Or a rocket engineer? What if you want to be an aviator who flies whatever comes after the space shuttle? Where do you start? Space camp at the U.S. Space & Rocket Center, of course. Whether you’re looking to sign up as a camper or you’re a college student who is looking for internships, the U.S. Space & Rocket Center is a great place to start building the education and experience that you’ll need to have a successful career in the Space industry.
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As this site grows, we get pitched more and more by companies and organizations asking us to feature their internships. Last week I got an e-mail from a woman who is a Public Affairs Associate at The Cleveland Foundation. Since non-profits usually pitch me with good internships, I was excited to see what the Foundation has to offer. As I suspected, The Cleveland Foundation has a top notch internship program; in fact, other organizations are modeling their internship programs on it. Before we get into the specifics though, you should know that The Cleveland Foundation is “the world’s first community foundation and the nation’s third-largest today, with assets of $2.2 billion and annual grants nearing $85 million.” Everything that they do is with the intent of improving the lives of people who live in the Greater Cleveland area now and in the future. Most of what the Foundation does consists of raising money, making grants, and providing leadership on the vital issues facing Cleveland.
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Yesterday we told you you about Trendrr’s internships, and while we were researching them, we stumbled upon the fact that their parent company, Wiredset, also offers internships. We considered cramming Wiredset and Trendrr’s internships into one post, but we thought that Wiredset looked cool enough to merit its own post. Wiredset is a digital marketing agency, which means that they offer services in four areas – online marketing, web production, measurement and metrics, and strategic consulting. Considering the fact that Wiredset’s client list includes Apple, ESPN, Comedy Central, MTV, and Microsoft, they must be pretty good at what they do. I can vouch that they certainly have their finger on the pulse of the web. Wiredset’s CEO Mark Ghuneim e-mailed me 7 minutes (seriously) after I posted about Trendrr to thank me for the post. That’s awesome.
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New York,
software development,
web development

It’s been a while since we’ve featured any government internships, and with today’s being Veteran’s Day, we thought it would be a perfect opportunity to take a look at what kind of internships you can get at the Department of Veterans Affairs. Before you get in to internship searching mode, though, go thank a veteran. If your grandfather served in World War II, give him a call and say thank you. Or if one of your buddies has served or is serving in Iraq, shoot him or her an e-mail stating your appreciation. And if any of you job searchers out there happen to be veterans, thank you from the One Day, One Internship team. Now let’s get into what the VA is all about. There are 25 million veterans currently living in the United States and 70 million people who are “potentially eligible for VA benefits and services because they are veterans, family members or survivors of veterans.” The VA is responsible for providing top-flight patient care and administering veterans’ benefits. Our vets have risked their lives to earn the services offered by the VA, so it’s important that the VA has a talented staff that is committed to providing top-flight “customer” service.
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One of the cooler fly fishing moments that I’ve had was sea turtle related. I was in Costa Rica fishing for sailfish when we trolled past a couple of sea turtles. Immediately a dorado (aka mahi mahi aka dolphin fish) came out from below the sea turtles (they love hanging out under debris… or turtles) and started chasing the hookless plugs that we had let out behind the boat. We teased the fish in to the boat, I cast my fly to it, hooked it, and caught it after an amazing battle. It was a perfect example of how ecosystems work with the fish using turtles as cover to ambush prey. Unfortunately, our experience with sea turtles from the previous year’s trip wasn’t so heartwarming, as another boat from our party came across a turtle that had been tangled in commercial fishing long lines (nothing like what sport fishermen use). Luckily they were able to get the turtle in the boat and cut it free from the tangle of lines, but it was a reminder of how many risks sea turtles are facing out in the wild (see below for a picture of the turtle as it was being rescued). The Sea Turtle Restoration Project is a non-profit organization that is trying to protect sea turtles from these threats of pollution, coastal development, commercial fishing long lines, and shrimping nets.
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Considering that college is a time when you’re supposed to be working towards having a productive adulthood, a whole lot of self-destruction seems to be going on. It must be hard for the health nuts to fit in. If you prefer 8 glasses of water a day to keg stands, celery sticks to buffalo wings, and the Nintendo Wii to the Xbox, then you’ll be a lot more comfortable in an internship at Rodale than you will be at a frat party. Rodale is a “global media company with a heritage, mission, and authority dedicated to the health and wellness of the individual, community, and planet.” They publish magazines such as Men’s Health, Women’s Health, Organic Gardening, Prevention, and Runner’s World. They’re also the largest independent book publisher in the U.S.
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information technology,
New York,
public relations,

Figuring out what you’re going to do after school is scary. If you’re an artist (of any kind), figuring out what you’re going to after school is absolutely terrifying. Why is that? Because to be successful in the arts, you need to take risks. Nobody enjoys painters, musicians, or actors who play it safe. People want art to push their limits. Ars Nova is New York City’s “premier hub for emerging artists and new work.” They encourage young people to push the limits of art, and they do so by giving them a place to perform and by “developing and producing eclectic theater, comedy and music to feed today’s popular culture.” If you’re a performing artist, then Ars nova might be a place that you want to look at as you plan your future. If you’re not a performing artist, but love the performing arts, then you might want to consider an internship with Ars Nova.
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New York,

Now that we have a whole new slate of elected officials, it’s time to figure out how we’re going to put them to work for us. One great idea on how to get our suggestions out (besides voting of course) is PolicyPitch, a website that lets you introduce “new ideas and policies at the neighborhood, city, and state levels.” In other words, say that you have a 4 foot deep pothole on your street that you want fixed. You can submit that idea, and other people (who presumably live on or drive on your street often) can vote your idea up. Hopefully PolicyPitch will gain enough traction that government officials will start listening and responding to these idea submissions. That’s the key to success for PolicyPitch, and that’s why they’re looking to add interns to their numbers (all 2 of them).
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Tagged as:
software development,
web development

Sunny day… Sweepin’ the clouds away… On my way to where the air is sweet… Can you tell me how to get… How to get an internship at Sesame Street? Sesame Workshop is “a nonprofit educational organization making a meaningful difference in the lives of children worldwide by addressing their critical developmental needs.” How do they do that? By producing Sesame Street, of course. You may not realize how much work and research has gone into making Sesame Street the educational powerhouse that it is. They have a well defined process that is the key to consistently addressing educational needs.
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New York,

If you’re like Derek Zoolander and can’t turn left, then a career as a NASCAR driver probably isn’t in the cards for you; however, that doesn’t mean that you can’t work for the the country’s 2nd most popular sports league (based on television ratings). Some may debate whether NASCAR is a sport or not, but nobody can debate its popularity. It’s huge. I’ve never watched more than 5 minutes of a NASCAR race, so I’m not the guy to sell you on NASCAR, but I do know that it’s a hell of a business. The league made $3 billion in profit last year, and they apparently share some of it by paying their interns.
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Tagged as:
broadcast journalism,
information technology,
North Carolina,
public relations,
software development,

I don’t know if you internship searchers are too young to remember the days of Napster and AudioGalaxy, but when I was in high school, finding music to download for free online was about as easy as it could possibly be. It’s kind of sad that even though technology has improved drastically, we still long for the “good ‘ol days.” SeeqPod, an Emeryville, CA based startup, has responded to the demand for finding free music online by taking the search engine approach. They don’t host any music, but they scour the Internet for playable audio files that you can listen to on their site. Their software finds a surprisingly wide array of musical titles (give it a try and see if it can find your favorite song), which is great, but it hasn’t come without some legal issues. Warner Music sued Seeqpod earlier this year, but there doesn’t seem to have been a resolution to the case yet. Despite the lawsuit, SeeqPod is still bullish on their future considering the fact that they’re hiring for a number of positions, including paid internships.
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software development

If you’ve been paying attention over the past few weeks, you may have noticed that I recently moved to Chicago. I’m trying to make a list of things to do and places to see, and one of the attractions that I’m excited to visit is the Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum. It’s exactly what you’d expect a nature museum to be – they have butterflies, praying mantises, and water snakes. They have all kinds of exhibitions and special programs that include daily animal feedings. It looks like a wonderful day to visit, and it also looks like a fantastic place to have an internship. And in case you were wondering Peggy Notebaert is the wife of Richard Notebaert, the CEO of Qwest, who donated $5 million to the construction of the museum with the stipulation that it be named after her (we really had to dig to find that).
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child development,
program development,

Back when I was in high school (yes, part of that was in the 90s), I thought that I was really savvy when it came to using the Web to do better in my English classes. I found online, public-domain versions of many of the books that I was reading. The best part was that these were searchable, so if I needed to find a quote or a specific passage, all I had to do was remember a key word or two. It was fantastic. A lot has changed since then, and I don’t even know the extent of what academic resources are available online now. What I do know is that it’s not fair that today’s students have access to sites like Shmoop, when I couldn’t even dream of something like it. What is Shmoop? It’s hard for me to describe briefly, so maybe you should take the Tour de Shmoop.
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business development,

Brand building is a tough business, but Liggett Stashower is a Cleveland, OH based advertising agency that does it well. They’ve done a fantastic job building their own brand (as you’ll see soon), so it makes sense that other companies should trust them to do the same for them. They were named by Crain’s as the coolest place to work in Cleveland, and this video certainly backs it up. Liggett Stashower wins awards for community service and gives college students scholarships. I also hear that they occasionally pull children from burning buildings and are weeks away from the cure for cancer. Seriously, though, as soon as I arrived on Liggett Stashower’s website, I was impressed by them. If you’re interested in marketing, advertising, public relations, or communications, this is a place that you want to intern.
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Tagged as:
account management,
business development,
project management,
public relations,

Just because you’re in your last few years of school doesn’t mean that you have to be done with educational development. Even if you haven’t studied education for a second, you must have picked up something with 15-16 years in the educational system. At the very least you’ve lived in a thriving society, and you understand how education, health, civil society and economic development are the keys to a better life. Maybe you take these things for granted, but once you see what the non-profit Academy for Educational Development is doing, you’ll get a better understanding for how innovative solutions can help solve critical social and economic problems. AED has programs that focus on 7 specific areas – Education, Enterprise & Economic Development, Environment & Energy, Health, HIV/AIDS, Leadership & Democracy, and Youth – and they also take 7 different approaches – Behavior Changes, Gender, Partnerships, Research & Evaluation, Social Marketing, Technology Applications, and Training. It may sound like they have their hands full, and they do. AED is running “more than 250 programs serving people in all 50 U.S. states and more than 150 countries.”
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Washington DC

Have you ever served jury duty? It kind of sucks, right? Although a lot of people will never be fond of forced service, most people would be much more willing to serve on a jury if the entire process wasn’t so onerous. What about people who actually go through the judicial process? They’re probably not too fond of the system either, but may that’s because half of the parties involved in cases always lose. Whatever your view on the judicial process is, I think that we can all agree that there is a lot of room for improvement. That’s what the The Fund for Modern Courts is all about. They’re a “a private, nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to improving the administration of justice in New York.”
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New York,
public policy,

Did you know that the invention of the portable clock was mainly driven by the need for ships to measure longitude? I bet that you didn’t. I did because I was forced to read a book called Longitude: The True Story of a Lone Genius Who Solved the Greatest Scientific Problem of His Time
during the summer before my Sophomore year of high school. For most of nautical history, one of the most challenging problems facing mariners was figuring out where they were at a given moment. Now companies like Veson Nautical provide software solutions that “allow users to manage and share information efficiently across Chartering, Operations, Trading, and Accounting departments—streamlining workflow, cutting costs, and optimizing profits.” If Christopher Columbus (whom we celebrated – or not – earlier this week) had software to optimize profits, he certainly never would have “discovered” America.
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Tagged as:
quality assurance,
quality engineer,
software development

Before we start, two things. Fisrt, if you’re currently doing an unpaid internship in New York City and would like to be featured in a press story, e-mail me at willy@onedayonejob.com. Second, if you want to win an iPod Touch with almost no effort at all, enter our contest. Ok, let’s get started. If you’ve read our article from One Day, One Job on 9 Magazine Lists That Will Find You a Job (it works for internships too), you know that we’re always looking for new lists of great companies who might be hiring interns. We recently came across the Wall Street Journal’s Top Small Workplaces 2008, so of course we’re going to poach from it. The list is alphabetical, and we didn’t even have to go past A because ATA Engineering Inc. looks like an awesome place to work, they appear to have a strong internship/co-op program, and this is just one of many awards that they’ve won. They’re an employee-owned engineering consulting firm, and they specialize in the areas of Spacecraft, Launch Vehicles, Entertainment, Electronics, Airframes, and Software. ATA Engineering is all about teamwork, and their compensation plans and hiring processes reflect that.
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New Mexico,
software development,

When we landed upon the MWW Group’s About Us page, we were a little bit skeptical. How can any company claim to be “one of the nation’s top 10 PR agencies?” How do you rank something like that? Who does the ranking? Can’t any company make that kind of claim? We still don’t know who dubbed the MWW Group as one of the top 10 PR agencies in the country, but we’re not going to challenge them. Why not? Because the MWW Group was behind Amazon.com’s launch of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince which resulted in 1.5 million preorders. Any PR agency that is trusted with a launch like that, and then able to exceed expectations for the most hyped book launch ever can be in our top 10 too. Maybe they can help us promote our iPod Touch giveaway – there are only a few entries so far, and it’s ridiculously easy to enter.
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Tagged as:
human resources,
information technology,
New Jersey,
New York,
public relations,
social media,
web development

Ok, it might be politically incorrect to celebrate Columbus Day, but it was just about the only holiday that I had off when I was in college. Maybe it just happened to be a convenient weekend for Fall Break, but I still can’t believe that I didn’t have class on Columbus Day, but did have class on Labor Day (when I went to a School of Industrial and Labor Relations). Anyway, Christopher Columbus wasn’t much of a navigator. He had no idea where he was going, and he tried to take the long way around the world. Still, his ineptitude was the reason that he “discovered” the Americas. Had Garmin been around in the 1490s, Columbus never would have ended up where he did. Then again, the existence of a company built on GPS technology would have changed a lot of things for famous explorers five centuries ago. (Much like the existence of iPods – like the one we’re giving away – would have changed the world for musicians back then.)
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navigation systems,
software development,
web development

It’s hard to find an internship when you have so many different interests. You often have to pick one area to focus on and go with it. You can’t, for example, get an internship in marketing with a focus on environmentalism in the publishing industry, can you? Actually, you can. Island Press is a non-profit publisher that prides itself on being a provider of the best new ideas in environmentalism and a trusted source for information and solutions relating to the health of our planet. Every year Island Press publishes “40 new books on such vital topics as conservation biology, marine science, land conservation, green building, sustainable agriculture, climate change, and ecological restoration.” That’s not all that they do though, Island Press’ slate of expert authors and scientists also “host conferences, teach courses, and speak in the community on relevant environmental issues.” They’re an organization that is committed to keeping the world a good place to live, and they’re doing it through one of my favorite mediums – books.
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This morning I realized which company we should have featured to celebrate my birthday yesterday. Luckily, my birthday celebration is going to be a 2 week event that will culminate with our giving away an iPod Touch to one lucky reader who spreads the word about us to his or her friends. Although we announced the contest last night, we’re really kicking it off today, so I think that we should focus on my birthday again and talk about entry level jobs with Hallmark. Here’s how Hallmark describes itself:
Some companies make things. Good things, but, you know…things. Hallmark is another kind of company. We play a unique role in defining and expressing friendship and family and love – and we’ve done it for nearly 100 years.
I usually just shake a card to see if a check falls out – just kidding. I actually got a talking Hallmark card that couldn’t have been more perfect for me. My mom may have had to walk through the store opening every single card to find it, but she did. It has made me laugh over and over. You have to love Hallmark.
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human resources,

I never thought that moving to Chicago would prolong the baseball season for me. Living in the New York City area gave me 13 straight years of October baseball, and now that I’ve left, both Shea Stadium and Yankee Stadium will remain empty for the rest of the fall before they eventually face demolition. It’s lucky for me that I’m now living in a new city that happens to have two teams that are still in it. I get a 14th straight year of local baseball in October! Playoff baseball is by far the most exciting baseball of the year, but it also means that season will soon be over. Those of you who are baseball fans know how long the winter seems when there is only hot stove chatter to keep you entertained while you wait for pitchers and catchers to report to Spring Training. Although it may seem ridiculously early, now is the time to start thinking about your Summer plans if you want to intern with Major League Baseball. It’s pretty obvious that there is a lot of demand for these internships, so you need to make sure that you’re on the ball and beat all of the deadlines.
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New York,
public relations,
Washington DC,

We often mention it when companies that we feature receive accolades or press from top business magazines. One of the publications that we often look to for a nod of credibility as a great internship employer is Fast Company, and today we’re going to look at some of their internship offerings. If you’re not familiar with Fast Company, it’s both a magazine and an online social/content network. They’re business focused and typically report on “innovation, digital media, technology, change management, leadership, design and social responsibility” (from Wikipedia). Fast Company is definitely one of the “cooler” business publications that you’ll come across.
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New York,

By featuring one internship every day, we like to think that we put internship related information in an easily digestible format. Causecast is trying to make finding cool causes easier by featuring ten every month. That’s just the start of it, though. They have a community/social networking aspect, and they also link non-profits with brands and celebrities. For exapmle, Generation Rescue is supported by Jenny McCarthy and sponsored by, well, it looks like Causecast is still working on the sponsorships. They use the power of Web 2.0 to collect a ton of relevant information on organizations, and they even provide an easy way to donate to the causes of your choice. You can see what the total donations from the Causecast community are to date, which is also cool. The community, so far, is still pretty small, but Causecast’s website is excellent and will certainly generate a lot more interest in the future.
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Tagged as:
post production,

You may have seen it on a bumper sticker or overheard it while shopping downtown – especially in a college town – “Go Local.” It’s a movement that should stir pride in anyone who shares the small-r republican ideals of Thomas Jefferson. Farmers’ markets are back in style, artisanal cheese shops are popping up all over the place, and local, grass-fed beef is appearing on more and more restaurant menus. The yeoman farmer is back! Not only are these people making great products available, but they’re also building successful businesses by serving the demand for local food. How can this business model based on going local be extended beyond farming? One startup, Local Motors, is trying to make people “go local” when they buy cars. Yes, cars.
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Are you waiting for a cell phone that you can get surgically implanted? If you intern with MobileCrunch, you might be the person who breaks the news on such a product. MobileCrunch is a blog about everything mobile (as in communications devices). They’re an offshoot of CrunchGear, which is an offshoot of TechCrunch, which is one of the most popular blogs on the planet. If you’re always counting the days until you get a free equipment upgrade on your cell plan, MobileCrunch is for you.
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A lot of people and organizations think that they know what it takes to keep kids out of trouble. They’ll go on and on about how this or that is the way to keep kids from becoming criminals. Fight Crime: Invest in Kids is a non-profit organization that takes “a hard-nosed look at research on what keeps kids from becoming criminals and put that information in the hands of policy-makers and the public.” They base their action on facts, not feelings, so that they can do the most to make our streets safer and the lives of our youth more meaningful.
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Tagged as:
information technology,
public policy,
Washington DC

Back in May I went to my first Cornell Entrepreneurship Network event in New York City. It was about recruiting, so it was a must attend for me. I heard some really interesting people speak, and I met quite a few people who have a strong interest in recruiting. I always questioned whether these types of events would be valuable to me, but this one certainly was. Two of the people whom I met were Christina Velderman and Gary Tuerack from the National Society of Leadership and Success, which is also known by the Greek letters Sigma Alpha Pi. Gary is the President and Founder, and Christina is in charge of Special Projects and Operations. They told me that the Society offers a wide range of internship opportunities, so I thought that it was worth sharing with you. The society “is a nationwide community that dramatically improves one’s ability to successfully attain desired outcomes.” The Society offers a speakers series in addition to a student organization / honor society.
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Tagged as:
public relations

A week from tomorrow I will be leaving Connecticut and making a move to Chicago. First I’ll be stopping in Ithaca, NY for Cornell’s homecoming (any readers want to meet up?), but then it’s on to the Windy City. I have an apartment leased and furniture ordered. It’s a big move, and I’m really excited about it. You’ve probably envisioned your first apartment after college, and I can almost guarantee that you envision yourself buying furniture online or at a store like Crate & Barrel – just like I did. Well, doing that won’t make Miriam Tucker too happy. She’s the CEO and Partner in charge of all staff and internal business affairs at Rago Arts and Auction Center, an auction house that specializes in the sale of 20th and 21st century art and design, and she’s trying to figure out how to build a larger client base of 20 and 30 somethings. This is a challenging problem because most young people are intimidated by auctions and would never even think of them as offering a better value than a retail store. I have to admit that I’m intimidated by the idea of buying my furniture at auction, but I’d love to try it. Ms. Tucker is looking for creative ways to solve this problem, and she thinks that interns are the answer. That’s why she came to us for help finding some.
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New Jersey,
social media,
social networking