First of all, if you haven’t enrolled in Found Your Career (our job search training course) – yet, there couldn’t be a better time. The first group of students who signed up before the launch are already 1/3 of the way through the class and making a ton of progress. Since we have an automated content delivery system, you can start classes at any time. With the economy the way it is, you need every advantage that you’ve got. Even new grads are applying for internships now, which means more competition. Speaking of the economy, remember the good old days when paid Software Development internships were a dime a dozen? Those days are over. There are still a ton of internships in the software industry, but it seems like everyone wants you to work for free now because even startups are hurting. One exception is companies that ride the coattails of Apple. If you’re developing software for Macs, or better yet, iPhones, then there’s a good chance that you’re doing pretty well. I mean, iFart is making its developer hundreds of thousands of dollars. One company that is certainly taking advantage of Apple’s surging popularity is The Omni Group, a Seattle, WA based software development house. They may not make farting applications, but they do create some pretty cool software.
Internships in Paid
Looking for more internships in Paid? Check out the most recent internship postings in Paid.
Below you'll find all of the companies that we've covered that may offer internships in Paid. You can also look at entry level jobs in Paid.
A while back we took a look at internships with Gawker Media, a blog network that recently sold off a few blogs. One of the blogs that they sold off is one of my absolute favorites – The Consumerist, a blog about consumers’ rights. The reason that they sold off the blog wasn’t that it was unpopular, it was that it was nearly impossible to make profitable because of the need to not show impropriety through relationships with advertisers. Luckily for Consumerist fans everywhere, a perfect solution came about with the purchase of The Consumerist by Consumers Union, the non-profit publisher of Consumer Reports. Although Consumers Union isn’t a typical non-profit, they do an amazing job of providing regular people with the information that they need to make informed purchases.
My Dad is an architect, and he often likes to send me suggestions on which companies I should feature next. Sometimes he finds some pretty cool stuff, and a month or so ago he sent me a link to the Winter 2009 online issue of HQ Magazine, which features an article called “Top 20 Places to Work.” Usually such lists focus on a range of reasons for a place’s being great to work at, but HQ is an architectural publication, so this list is all about office space (not the movie). The section of the article on Epic Systems says: “Epic’s campus fits into idyllic pastures and farmland, providing serene, relaxing views from within. Outside are hiking trails, playing fields, a treehouse. Meeting rooms have working fireplaces to further the sense of calmness.” It sounds amazing. Epic systems is a Wisconsin based, privately held, employee owned healthcare software provider.
Sometimes you can just tell that a company is cool by looking at their website. It’s something about the way that they carry themselves online. New York City based thehappycorp definitely sends out that vibe, although they’re almost too cool. To be honest, I don’t fully “get” them. Their home page has a lot going on, and there isn’t much more information about what they do beyond the note that they work to improve “gross national happiness through the invention, management, and maintenance of progressive brands and ideas.” Their LinkedIn gives a little more info on what they’re all about; it says that they’re an “interdisciplinary creative company, that excels at delivering design solutions that are digitally competent” while offering a “wide range of services that include innovation, web development, experiential, and influencer marketing.” Now it’s all a little more clear…
These days a magazine’s website is absolutely essential to its success. Many are saying that there’s a day not too far off when most of the magazines that we know and love won’t be published in hard (soft?) copy and will only be found online. Things are changing, but some magazines seem better suited to weather the changes than others. New York Magazine is one of those that seems to be keeping up with where the industry is going. gets well over a million unique visitors per month, and that’s excluding the month that they published nude photos of Lindsey Lohan when their traffic increased by 2,000%. (No, we’re not going to link to them. You can find them yourself). New York Magazine “covers, analyzes, comments on and defines the news, culture, entertainment, lifestyle, fashion and personalities that drive New York City” on a weekly basis. Basically it’s everything New York.
Happy Groundhog Day! Unfortunately, it looks like we’re headed for 6 more weeks of winter according to Punxsutawney Phil. That really aggravates me, so I think that I’m done trusting the rodent for my weather prediction. Last year we recommended working for the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club on One Day One Job, but this year we want to lead you towards a career where you’ll actually be able to predict the weather. That’s why we want you to take a look at internships with the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration. NOAA is a government agency “that enriches life through science,” which makes them almost the exact opposite of the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club. NOAA’s responsibilities range from “daily weather forecasts, severe storm warnings and climate monitoring to fisheries management, coastal restoration and supporting marine commerce.” In fact, “NOAA’s products and services support economic vitality and affect more than one-third of America’s gross domestic product.”
As we noted when we featured Blizzard’s entry level jobs on One Day, One Job, video game sales tend to do really well when unemployment is high. Although looking for internships can be frustrating, and buying a Wii/Xbox 360/PS3 and camping out in your parents’ basement for the summer may seem like a good idea, it’s not. That’s why Jason Seiden and I are announcing our 21 day online job search training course today. It’s called Found Your Career, and it’s open for enrollment. We’re offering an introductory price to the first 100 students to sign up, so get in before the price goes up. It’s a great way to put all of that video gaming energy to good use (and it’s much more affordable). The course is intended for entry level job seekers, but all of the lessons apply just as much for interns. Another way to put that energy to use is by considering internships with Santa Monica, CA based Activision, the company that is behind Guitar Hero, Call of Duty, and many more games. Video games are hot now, but now’s not the time to hone your expert level skills on Guitar Hero, it’s time to hone your internship search approach by developing new skills and focusing on industries that are still growing in tough times.
Although I got to work at a private fishing club during one summer in college and spent two summers interning at Orvis, I still wish that I could have done something like interning with Montana Fish Wildlife & Parks. Being a lover of the outdoors, I can’t imagine many things better than spending a summer in Big Sky Country. In case you’re not familiar with what Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks is, they’re Montana’s state agency charged with managing conservation of many of the state’s natural resources. Obviously, much of what they do is centered around managing fishing and hunting regulations, but they also have a huge responsibility of managing all of state parks (and there’s a whole lot to manage in a state like Montana).
This weekend my Dad e-mailed me about a company that had just moved to Connecticut (where I’m originally from). Connecticut has been working hard to attract the movie industry to the state – they even have what is called a “Hollywood East Task Force” in Hartford – so it’s big news when a company like Blue Sky Studios makes a move to Connecticut because they’ve been bribed by tax credits. It certainly brings a lot of jobs (and internships) to Connecticut (even though New York loses just as many.) As interesting as it is that Connecticut is trying to become “Hollywood East,” it’s not nearly as interesting as what Blue Sky Studios does. They “pioneer creatively superior photo-realistic, high-resolution, computer-generated character animation for the feature film, television and entertainment industries.” Put more simply, they’re behind feature films like Ice Age, Horton Hears a Who, and Robots, and some pretty cool shorts too.
Nobody likes bugs or rodents. Ok, some people do, but I know some people who absolutely freeze up at the sight – or even thought – of a little critter. At the very least, pests are unpleasant. Nobody wants to live with ants, roaches, mice, rats, or whatever other uninvited guests might be trying to make a stay at your place. That’s why we use pest control. It gets rids of the unpleasantness that is readily apparent, but what are the after effects that we don’t see? It’s hard to know for sure, but much of what we do to get rid of pests includes toxic chemicals. It’s not good for our environment, and it’s not good for our children. That’s why the Safer Pest Control Project is trying to change the way that we deal with those nasty little critters.
Internship searching is hard enough on it’s own. When you have to worry about not being able to feed yourself over the summer because you might have to take an unpaid internship, it can become overwhelming. Obviously the best remedy is to find a paid internship, but that’s easier said than done. What you can do to ease your financial fears for the summer is to start paying attention to personal finance (that’s a link to Ramit Sethi’s I Will Teach You To Be Rich, because he’s the go to guy for that kind of stuff). You can also start using Thrive, a website that “brings all your credit card, checking, savings, retirement, and investment accounts into one place so you can easily see what you have, what you owe, and where you can grow.” They’re based out of New York City, and as far as I can tell they’re offering a product that is extremely similar to Mint, which has been on my radar for well over a year now. Still, Thrive appears to have developed a great tool for monitoring your personal finances, and since they’re hiring paid interns, we thought we should take a look at them.
The other day I got a fantastic restaurant recommendation over Twitter, and yesterday the same person gave me a great recommendation on internships with the company that she works at, Walker Sands Communications. They’re a well known Chicago based PR firm with a specialization in Technology. Their three areas of expertise are PR, Design, and Strategic Marketing. Walker Sands also puts a strong emphasis on the entrepreneurial mindset – many of the people on their staff have built companies of their own. I always find it hard to find a point of differentiation between PR firms because they’re obviously very good at making themselves look good. The staff is usually what separates one firm from another, but it’s hard to judge a staff without working with them. I’ve always found it helpful to check out the firm’s client list to see if there are any names that you could get excited about working with.
Maybe it’s just me, but I swear that whenever I’m writing about an internship that has seasonal ties, I’m writing about it in the wrong season. That’s not the case today. Although Chicago is pretty flat, I don’t think we’ve seen a day above freezing in months. I’d imagine the snow at the ski resorts across the country has to be in great shape this year. I guess with these internships, you’ll be applying when the time is right, but if you land the internship for the summer or fall, it won’t be ski season anymore. That’s ok, if you can’t be skiiing, you might as well be thinking about it while interning at Skiing Magazine. I think that it’s pretty obvious what Skiing Magazine is all about, although I’d be interested to know how it differs from SKI Magazine which is put out by the same publisher, Bonnier Corporation.
Yesterday was a holiday for a lot of people, and I’m going to guess that not a lot is going to get done today because everyone will be watching the inauguration. Many of you will probably try to use holidays and events as a way to put off your daily internship searching, but here at One Day, One Internship we try to make the most out of these situations by using them to generate ideas. Yesterday we look at internships at The King Center, and today we’re going to check out internships with the United States Secret Service. Why? Because today is a big day for the Secret Service. Managing security at an event like the Presidential Inauguration is a daunting task, but the Secret Service is at their best for events like this. That’s why we instantly thought of them when we tried to come up with some Inauguration related internships.
These days it seems like more and more internships are unpaid. With the economy the way it is, people want to get their work done for free. We don’t mind it so much when it’s coming from non-profits, but areas like journalism seem to be some of the worst offenders when it comes to not paying interns who are doing valuable work. Today we’re going to at internships with The American Spectator – a journalistic publication run by a non-profit organization that actually pays their interns. The Spectator’s roots were planted in “1924 by George Nathan and Truman Newberry over a cheap domestic ale in McSorley’s Old Ale House,” but The American Spectator as we know it wasn’t started until 1967 when the Saturday Evening Club took over the defunct publication. Today The Spectator, published by the non-profit American Spectator Foundation, is a monthly magazine covering news and politics with a strong conservative slant.
Internships are often a good way to figure out what you want to do with your life. They are a low commitment way to make sure that your expectations for a given career are realistic. Today’s internships still provide an opportunity for students to try out a career path, but they’re reserved or students who have demonstrated an extremely serious interest in space science research. The Space Studies Board is a division within the National Academies (a non-profit organization that advises the nation on Science, Engineering, and Medicine) that focuses on space research. The Board is based in Washington, DC and was founded in 1958. They “oversee advisory studies and program assessments, facilitates international research coordination, and promotes communications on space science and science policy between the research community, the federal government, and the interested public.” If you’re committed to studying space, you need to intern with the Space Studies Board.
Here at One Day, One Internship, we’re big on storytelling. The reason that we feature a new company every day is that a lot of companies aren’t very good at telling their own stories, and even if they are, there’s a good chance that you’ve never heard their stories. Brooklyn, NY based MediaStorm is one of those companies that excels at telling its own story – probably because their “principal aim is to usher in the next generation of multimedia storytelling by publishing social documentary projects incorporating photojournalism, interactivity, animation, audio and video for distribution across multiple media.” They’ve worked on some amazing projects that include Intended Consequences, a chronicle of the lives of Rwandan women who “were subjected to massive sexual violence, perpetrated by members of the infamous Hutu militia groups known as the Interahamwe,” and The Marlboro Marine, the story of a marine whose photograph became famous and how “tried to return to his previous life but found his nights haunted by images of war and his life fractured by depression.” MediaStorm seems to deal with a lot of heavy topics, but they certainly have mastered multimedia storytelling.
If there’s ever a time to intern at the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, it is now. What’s the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency? It’s a bureau of the the U.S. Department of the Treasury that was chartered in 1863 to ensure a safe and sound national banking system for all Americans. How do they do that? They have a nationwide staff that “conducts on-site reviews of national banks and provides sustained supervision of bank operations. The agency issues rules, legal interpretations, and corporate decisions concerning banking, bank investments, bank community development activities, and other aspects of bank operations.” I think that it’s pretty obvious why the OCC has become a lot busier in the past couple of years. So instead of worrying about how there will be no jobs in finance when you graduate, you should see if you can land an internship with one of the government agencies that is dealing with our banking problems head on.
Unless you go to see fewer movies than I do, then you know about Dreamworks. On the animation side they’ve done Shrek, Antz, Kung Fu Panda, Madagascar and more. On the film side they’ve done Amistad, Saving Private Ryan, American Beauty, Gladiator, Old School, Transformers, and many more. They make great movies, and they’ve been very successful. It’s no surprise considering they were started by media moguls Steven Spielberg, Jeffrey Katzenberg, and David Geffen. If you don’t recognize their logo, then you probably shouldn’t be looking for a internship in the entertainment industry. An internship at DreamWorks is a dream come true for many college students, so let’s look at how you can land one.
It’s amazing to think that a publication started by Harriet Beecher Stowe, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr., and James Russell Lowell in 1857 is still kicking. The Atlantic has morphed from a focus on literary and cultural affairs to more broadly attacking the topics of foreign affairs, politics, economics, and cultural trends. It has also joined forces with National Journal and Government Executive to form Atlantic Media. Their publications are a little more advanced than Highlights and Mad Magazine, which is why a recent rebranding effort was probably necessary. Appealing to people’s intellectual sides just isn’t the best way to sell magazines, unfortunately. With lots of changes going on at Atlantic Media, and National Journal Group’s political trade journals still bringing money, now might be an interesting time to consider interning with Atlantic Media.
I was just browsing the news this morning when I came across the story of how Bernard Madoff, a prominent Wall Street trader, allegedly admitted to defrauding investors in his hedge fund of $50 billion. It is an unbelievable amount of money, and it’s hard to believe that anyone would go through the effort and risk to steal that much money – I can’t even fathom what you would do with $50 billion in illegally acquired money. The most outrageous part of the story might be that Madoff has been released on $10 million bail. That’s peanuts for him. It’s .02% of what he allegedly stole. After reading this story I started browsing non-profits for today’s post, and I came across the Vera Institute of Justice. It’s a New York City based organization with locations in Washington, DC and New Orleans, and it was founded when “philanthropist Louis Schweitzer and magazine editor Herb Sturz recognized the injustice of a bail system in New York City that granted liberty based on income.” Today’s story about Madoff is a perfect example of this injustice.
In case you haven’t already noticed, we announced the beginning of our part of the HP Magic Giveaway contest today. HP has given us $6,000 worth of their products to give away, and we’re giving them all away to one lucky winner. We thought that it would be cool to take a look at HP’s internships on the same day that the contest launches, but we had an internal debate over whether we should label it a sponsored post or include it with the rest of our posts. The contest is all about paying it forward, and since we haven’t received any compensation from HP for the contest (nor have we had any communication with HP’s HR department either), we thought that we’d send some goodwill back their way by featuring their internship. Sorry to muddy up the post with this, but I wanted to make sure that we’re staying transparent.
I’m a Mac guy, so when I think about HP, I think about Hewlett-Packard and the clunky PCs that they used to make. Things have changed. They now mostly go by the name HP, and their computers are anything but stodgy. I have an office full of their products (until I have to send them to one of you), and I’m extremely impressed by how innovative they are. Their “technology solutions,” as they like to call them, really stand out from the crowd. I’m also impressed with HP’s approach to social media and buzz marketing. They understand that old media is dying and that they need to find a new way to market their products. What’s better than giving out products to bloggers to review and then having those bloggers giveaway the products during the holiday season? The success of the promotion is yet to be determined, but you have to like the prospect of working for a company that is willing to make a huge investment in trying something new.
Do you love New York City? Are you all about everything that has to do with news, arts, food, and events? If so, you should read Gothamist – the most popular local blog in New York. They’ve been around since 2003, and they’re now doing 4.6 million pageviews a month. That’s a lot. Gothamist isn’t just a blog, though. It’s also a company that manages quite a few other blogs including Chiagoist, LAist, DCist, SFist, Austinist, Bostonist, Houstonist, Phillyist, Seattleist, Londonist, Sampaist, Shanghaiist, and Torontoist. If you need to keep up with what’s going on in your city, these are the blogs to go to.
You may have noticed that we occasionally run sponsored posts from companies who want to draw more attention to their internships. Right now, we’re more focused on telling you about other exciting things like the job search training course that we’re working on, our partnership with VisualCV to help you build a killer online resume, and our soon to be announced contest where we’re giving away $6,000+ in HP and Microsoft products. When we do run sponsored posts, it’s always a pain in the butt to get paid. We have to fill out all kinds of forms and jump through lots of hoops to get a check sent. It can be quite annoying. Enliven Software is a startup based out of East Lansing, Michigan that makes the billing process a lot easier for small and medium sized companies. They’re aiming to be the “leading provider of secure, paperless electronic invoicing, online payables and electronic payment solutions.” Our Accounting function isn’t quite advanced enough to need their software yet, but I hope one day that I’ll be able to do all of my invoicing, billing, and getting paid online.
My mother sent me to Ballroom Dancing School in 4th and 5th grade. My friends and I called it “Monday Night Karate” at school to avoid being made fun of, but every monday night we got dressed up in a jacket and tie and had to act prim and proper and say things like, “Good evening Mrs. Jones. It’s a pleasure to see you again.” At least I didn’t have to wear white gloves like the girls did. The real goal of the weekly class was to teach us manners, but you would think that I would have learned a step or two. I didn’t. I am a terrible dancer, so I’m probably not the best person to tell you about Dancing in the Streets, a NYC based non-profit organization that “strives to illuminate the urban experience with free public performances and site-specific installations that examine the kinetic life and history of natural and architectural public spaces,” but I’m going to tell you about them anyway.
Happy Black Friday! May you not get in a fist fight over a discounted video game system or flat screen tv. Today is the official start of the holiday shopping season, and legend has it that it is also the first day of the year that major retailers “go into the black.” For those of you not familiar with accounting terminology, that means that they finally become profitable. Whether or not this is true depends on the retailer, but you have to wonder why a store wouldn’t just open up for November and December and sit dormant the rest of the year if it’s really that bad. Today, instead of looking at jobs in retail, we’re going to go the other way and look at a major accounting firm, Ernst & Young. They might not be the first company that you think of on Black Friday, but you can be sure that they spend a lot of time analyzing the results. And, of course, they hire a ton of interns.
Back when I was doing research on Seth Godin’s internship offerings, I came a blog called Joel on Software. I quickly noticed that Joel’s company, Fog Creek Software, had internships in New York City, and with a little more research I found out that they’re some of the hottest internships out there. Fog Creek’s Summer internships fill up fast, so I had to wait until now to tell you about them. Fog Creek is now accepting and reviewing applications for 2009! Fog Creek is all about recruiting the top 1%, and they do internships exactly how they should be done. Even if you’re not interested in software development internships, read this article by Joel Spolsky on Fog Creek’s internship program. “Unpaid internship” isn’t in his vocabulary.