I don’t know about you, but my stomach still hurts a little bit from eating too much on Thanksgiving. Hunger should be the last thing on my mind, but as I think about how lucky we are to have a holiday that is all about stuffing our faces, I can’t forget that the first Thanksgiving was preceded by meager times. The Pilgrims faced a lot of suffering and starvation before they got to celebrate a Thanksgiving, and, unfortunately, there are many people in this world who still continue to battle hunger. Action Against Hunger is a New York City based non-profit organization that hopes to change this by “providing innovative solutions to battle hunger.” They work across five continents in five program areas (Nutrition, Water & Sanitation, Food Security, Health, and Advocacy). They’re doing excellent work, and they also appear to have an excellent internship program.
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human resources,
New York,
public relations,

As this site grows, we get pitched more and more by companies and organizations asking us to feature their internships. Last week I got an e-mail from a woman who is a Public Affairs Associate at The Cleveland Foundation. Since non-profits usually pitch me with good internships, I was excited to see what the Foundation has to offer. As I suspected, The Cleveland Foundation has a top notch internship program; in fact, other organizations are modeling their internship programs on it. Before we get into the specifics though, you should know that The Cleveland Foundation is “the world’s first community foundation and the nation’s third-largest today, with assets of $2.2 billion and annual grants nearing $85 million.” Everything that they do is with the intent of improving the lives of people who live in the Greater Cleveland area now and in the future. Most of what the Foundation does consists of raising money, making grants, and providing leadership on the vital issues facing Cleveland.
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When I first heard the name Whole Child International, I was a bit perplexed. I usually take for granted the fact that children are whole. I quickly realized that they mean emotionally whole, not physically whole (although that is important too, I’m sure). Whole Child International is focused on working “in existing children’s institutions to improve the quality of care and help prevent the bleak outcomes that await most children raised in the world’s orphanages.” They first started in Nicaragua, but they are now in El Salvador too. Their goal is to help children in orphanages develop the basic psychological tools that they “need to succeed in school, work, relationships, and families of their own.” They have a distinctive model for institutional change that aims to directly affect the orphanage administration and caregivers so that they can better serve the children in their care.
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social media,
social networking,

It’s hard for me to imagine growing up without parents. The closest that I ever came to being orphaned was when my mom lost me in Toys ‘R Us for no more than ten minutes. I was about six years old, and when I realized that I couldn’t find my mother, I lost all interest in the thousands of toys surrounding me and frantically ran from aisle to aisle looking for her. It’s amazing how terrifying it can be for a young child to be separated from his or her parents for a short time, which makes it hard to fathom the emotional distress that orphans must go through. Jim Luce could see this distress in the eyes of one boy in an Indonesian orphanage, so he adopted him. His adoption experience gave him the idea to start a surrogate foster care system in developing nations based on the concept of small homes with only four children and a house parent at each dwelling. He wanted to raise orphaned children from toddlers to adulthood the way he was raising his adopted son, so he did it and named his non-profit organization Orphans International. Jim Luce describes the process in a wonderful essay that he wrote for the New York Times.
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New York,

To most college aged guys the words “men’s health” brings up images of jacked guys on a cover of a magazine that claims that it will help you “Lose Your Gut in 43 Days” and go on the “Red Hot Sex Safari.” Others might think of the retired athletes who now appear in commercials about prostate cancer, but for the most part 20-something males don’t think about health issues too much (and for good reason, most of us are completely healthy). I was taken aback when I started reading Adam Frey’s blog. Adam is a Cornell University (my alma mater) wrestler who competed in the NCAA championships this spring. A few days after his wrestling season finally ended, he was in a horrible car accident, but walked away from it mostly unscathed. He went to the hospital and had some precautionary tests done including a CAT scan. His body was completely unharmed from the accident, but that the doctors discovered that Adam had testicular cancer. Since his diagnosis Adam has been blogging nearly every day about his battle with cancer. His posts are inspirational, and his honesty is sometimes overwhelming. He is doing a fantastic job of bringing light to men’s health issues, much like the Men’s Health Network, which is a non-profit educational organization that aims to “significantly improve the health, longevity, and quality of life or men and their families.”
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Washington DC

At some point in your life, you’ve probably had a conflict – an argument with your parents, siblings, roommates, or others. Humans inherently have conflicting interests, but that doesn’t mean that common ground can’t be found. Search for Common Ground is a non-profit organization that “works to transform the way the world deals with conflict – away from adversarial approaches and towards collaborative problem solving.” Sometimes it may seem impossible, but most conflicts can be resolved peacefully through with the right methods. Search for Common Ground uses its 5 core principles to encourage attitudes that resolve conflicts across the world. These are: Conflict is neither negative nor positive; Conflict can be transformed; Finding common ground; Peace is a process; and Humankind is interdependent. If you want to know more about Search for Common Ground’s approach, you can take their Guided Tour.
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international affairs,
post production,
Washington DC

If you’ve spent any time in New York City on a 100 degree day, you know it’s not a good place for your lungs. The air is thick and hard to breathe, the smell of the streets is downright disgusting, and the only respite is when you walk by the occasional open door of an establishment that has its air conditioning pumped up to the max. No outdoors loving kid would ever want to spend an entire summer there – especially if that kid has asthma or other pulmonary problems (which are much more frequent for city children). That’s why The Fresh Air Fund, a not-for-profit agency, has provided free summer vacations in the country to more than 1.7 million children from disadvantaged communities in New York City since 1877.
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New York,
public relations

Do you start every day with Good Morning America? Do you think that the Today Show is the essence of everything that is evil in the world? Well, then you sound perfect for an internship with ABC. They have all kinds of internships, from the typical business areas to opportunities with specific shows. They make it a bit hard to find out how to apply, so that’s what we’re going to focus on today.
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New York,
Washington DC

We don’t even know where to get started, for we’re a bit overwhelmed. The Smithsonian Institution has the most comprehensive internships website that we have ever come across. If you don’t already know, the Smithsonian is an institution that was founded by a gift from a British Scientist named James Smithson.
I then bequeath the whole of my property…to the United States of America, to found at Washington, under the name of the Smithsonian Institution, an Establishment for the increase & diffusion of knowledge…
He had never been to America, so it’s quite puzzling that he made such a gift. Some people say it was his final swipe at the rigidities of British society. Since the gift was made to our federal government, the Smithsonian is a government institution (not a non-profit organization, like you might have thought it was). You will find the Smithsonian working in a wide variety of areas to increase the knowledge of the American people, and this means that they have internships in a jaw dropping number of fields.
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Yesterday we came across an article that included pictures of one of Earth’s last uncontacted tribes. It’s absolutely incredible to think that there are people out there who have absolutely no idea about what exists in the world outside of their society (you can be sure they don’t need to get internships). Even cooler is the fact that the rest of the world has almost no clue about them. The pictures were taken from an aircraft, which must have left these people totally freaked out. Their reaction was what anyone would do given the circumstances, they started shooting arrows at the plane. The article mentioned a non-profit organization called Survival International which protects these people from the encroachment. We immediately thought internships.
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post production,
united kingdom,

Do you really like reading our posts? Especially on weekends? Do you find job search, especially in the non-profit sector, absolutely fascinating? If you answered yes to all (or even one) of those questions, then we should talk. No, we’re not looking for an intern to help us research companies for our non-profit weekends feature (unless that’s something that you’d like to volunteer for, we’d be happy to consider creating a position for someone), but we’d love to chat with you. We’d also love to tell you about a few non-profit internships that we found right under our noses. Action Without Borders – Idealist.org is one of our favorite non-profit job and internship search sites, and they have a number of internship opportunities that are still available for the summer.
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