I love salmon (especially fly fishing for them). I also love Cornell Hockey. And I can get pretty excited about clothing if it matches my style. That’s why I was extremely interested when I heard about a clothing line called Salmon Cove that was launched by two former Cornell hockey players (Ryan Vesce and Ben Wallace) in 2008. I never ended up buying anything, but I occasionally checked back in to see how they were doing. Recently I noticed that I was seeing a lot of Salmon Cove ads targeted to me on Facebook, so I visited their website to see what was new. The company is now based in Chicago, IL (just around the corner from me), and it has relaunched with new owner/leadership. The brand and style are still the same–preppy–but they’ve certainly added a Midwestern flair with shirt names like The Macinac Button Down and The Harbor Springs Button Down. If I had to compare them to anything, it’d probably be Vineyard Vines, but Salmon Cove definitely has their own style (and an awesome fish logo on all of their clothing).
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business development,
online marketing,
public relations,
social media,

I guess today’s post is going to be a case study on how social media can influence the decisions people make. Yesterday I was browsing Facebook and saw an ad for “The Ultimate Social Media Internship.” I’m not sure how that ad got targeted to me (since I’m not a current college student), but it did, and I clicked on it (who knew that people actually click on Facebook ads?). Anyway, I ended up here. I was intrigued by the fact that a social media agency successfully used social media to get my attention, so I decided to take a closer look at Banyan Branch. They’re based in Seattle, WA, and they are “pioneering the way brands, companies, and movements can harness the power of social media for their benefit.” It worked on me, so I guess they have to be good, right?
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Tagged as:
interactive media,
online marketing,
public relations,
social media,

The last century or so has been all about mass produced goods. Everybody wants what everyone else has. If all your friends had a Chinpokomon, then you’d want one too. That’s starting to change. More and more people are interested in handcrafted, bespoke goods. Consumerism is changing, albeit slowly. Additionally, more and more people are looking to do good when they make purchases. Whether it’s wearing a Livestrong bracelet or TOMS Shoes, people like showing off their inner “do gooder.” Ahkun is a New York, NY based non-profit that serves the intersection of these two consumer trends. They “work with entrepreneurs who have received microloans” by connecting “them to the global marketplace–creating sustainable businesses and closing the gap between microfinance lenders and borrowers, consumers and producers.” In other words, Ahkun allows you to buy handmade goods from people who are doing their part to grow developing economies.
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business development,
international development,
New York,
online marketing,
social media,

It always helps to have someone hold you accountable, whether it’s to keep you from cheating on a paper or cheating on a diet (those are links to this week’s relevant posts on iParadigms and Weight Watchers, respectively). But it’s not only individuals that need to be held accountable. What about our government? That’s what Democracy and a system of elections is all about, but we all know that it doesn’t quite work as planned. I think most would agree that our government is constantly doing things against our interests. Common Cause is a Washington, DC based non-profit (lobbying organization) that is “a vehicle for citizens to make their voices heard in the political process and to hold their elected leaders accountable to the public interest.” Defining “the public interest” can get a little hairy depending on your point of view, but there’s no doubt that our government can do a better job of serving it (whatever it is).
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Tagged as:
fellowship programs,
online marketing,
public policy,
public relations,
social media,
Washington DC,
web development

My two biggest problems in life are figuring out what to wear and where to go. Since we covered the former yesterday, today it’s time to cover the latter. Ok, those aren’t really my two biggest problems in life, but I sometimes get frustrated that I live in a city the size of Chicago and feel like I can’t come up with a good idea of what I should do on a given weekend. There are a million opportunities out there, but figuring out what’s worth your time is difficult. That’s why Metromix was started as a joint-venture between newspaper behemoths Tribune Co. and Gannett Co. Metromix covers 60 different geographic areas (each individually) and offers a “guide to local restaurants, bars and clubs, events, concerts and movies.” While sites like Yelp have been built off the backs of their users, Metromix has an editorial staff generating content for each of their sites along with some user-generated content; however, smaller cities seem to get less original content. I must admit that Metromix isn’t my go to for what’s happening in Chicago, IL (which is where Metromix is located), but they seem to generate a ton of traffic and they have the resources of two major publishing/ad sales businesses behind them.
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Tagged as:
account management,
online marketing,
social media,

Sometimes what you think is a niche community isn’t really “niche” at all. I’ve come across deviantART periodically while browsing the web, and I always thought how cool it was that there was a place online for artists to share their work. I had no idea that deviantART was a Top 100 website in terms of traffic and has “over 16 million registered members and over 145 million unique artist generated works of art.” I knew that it was a sizable community, but I had no idea that it was that sizable. While deviantART is a place for all kinds of art, there is definitely a focus on manga and digital art. Other categories include photography, traditional art, literature, Flash, filmmaking, and skins for applications. If it’s artsy, there’s a good chance that there’s a place for it on deviantART. The site was founded in 2000 in Hollywood, CA, and it’s unclear whether it was with the intention of building a business. Regardless, deviantART now appears to be a thriving business with a bunch of job openings.
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Tagged as:
online marketing,
online media,
rights management,
social media,
social networking,
Sponsored Internship from my good friend Jason Seiden: Ajax Social Media is looking for an intern to assist with marketing. We train LinkedIn on how to use LinkedIn. No kidding. We are taking on one marketing intern this summer to help plan and execute live events in San Antonio, Dallas, and Chicago, including an upcoming book launch, and to assist with our new webinar series. To apply, DM @seiden with a link to your blog, FBook page, LinkedIn profile, or whatever other link you think is most relevant. (Hint: it’s probably not your resume.)

The average Internet user probably knows next to nothing about the Domain Name System or DNS. It’s a system that is mostly behind the scenes, even though it is absolutely essential to how the Internet works. When you type in www.onedayoneinternship.com, your host checks its records (which are constantly updated) for an entry corresponding to the domain name. If it’s up to date and working properly, it will resolve the domain name to the Internet Protocol address (every device connected to the Internet has an IP address). From there the request will get passed on to my name server, and you will be directed to the proper site (since www.onedayonejob.com is hosted on the same server). Not many people realize how important a good DNS server is. If your ISP doesn’t update their DNS list often, you may not be able to access a site that moves to a new server. You might also get redirected to an annoying page filled with ads when you type in an invalid domain name. Or you might be using a slow DNS server that takes forever to connect you to the right server. OpenDNS is a company that solves all of these problems and more. They are based in San Francisco, CA, and they are “the leading provider of free security and infrastructure services that make the Internet safer through integrated Web content filtering, anti-phishing and DNS.”
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information technology,
online marketing,
public relations,
software development,
web development,

One of my favorite daily activities during college was doing the crossword puzzle in The Cornell Daily Sun. It was a nice diversion during lunch (or an especially boring class). One of the best things that you can do while working on a crossword puzzle is to get one of the large horizontal words in the middle of the puzzle. These words are often 32 or 33 across, which is where 33Across got their name. They’re a company that “uses social graph data to dramatically improve online marketing” and “unlock the puzzle of social connections.” In other words, they have built a platform that targets advertising to people whose online connections already use the products or services that are being advertised. 33Across is based in New York, NY, and they have another major office in Sunnyvale, CA. Social advertising really is a lot like 33 across on a crossword puzzle–it’s really tough to solve, but when you do it opens a world of opportunities.
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Tagged as:
business development,
market research,
New York,
online marketing,
product development,
software development,
web development

I’m constantly amazed by the quantity and breadth of non-profit organizations that are working to solve society’s many problems. While we often take a look at the larger organizations because they have more job and internship opportunities, you shouldn’t overlook the smaller non-profits that are deeply embedded in their communities and focused on solving a small set of problems in a specific area. These organizations are especially well equipped to make things happen, even if they can only do it on a small scale; however, they can also be limited by their size and local focus. Foundation for Sustainable Development is a San Francisco, CA based non-profit that “works to enhance the capacity of small non-governmental organizations around the world to address local health, social, environmental, and economic issues.” In other words, they help these smaller organizations by giving them access to some of the resources of larger organizations.
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Tagged as:
community development,
fellowship programs,
grant making,
grant writing,
graphic design,
information technology,
international development,
online marketing,
program development,
social media,

Maybe I’m dating myself, but I was a big AOL user back in the day. It’s where I started learning about the Internet, so it wasn’t just about chat rooms and IMs for me. I remember getting monthly e-mails from Steve Case, who was the Founder and CEO of the company. Believe it or not, I think I actually read them. Anyway, AOL is a very different company these days, and Steve Case is no longer involved. A lot of what he does now along with his wife Jean Case is focused on The Case Foundation, a Washington, DC based non-profit organization that reflects “their family’s commitment to finding lasting solutions for complex social challenges.” That may sound a bit broad, but it’s really about investing some of the wealth that the Cases have accumulated in “people and ideas that can change the world” regardless of whether they fit into a specific category.
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Tagged as:
grant making,
graphic design,
online marketing,
social investing,
social media,
user experience,
Washington DC,
web development

When you’re running an online business, your biggest challenge is usually getting people to visit your site. That’s why Google has been able to build a multi-billion dollar business–they are able to consistently send sites substantial, high quality, targeted traffic. Because site owners are investing so much money in building traffic (whether they do it organically or pay for advertisements), they often overlook another part of the equation that is nearly as important: making the most of having a site visitor’s attention. This may mean getting them to read a piece of content, click on an ad, or buy a product. Whatever your business goal is, you want to make sure that your content is encouraging site visitors to do what you want them to do. That’s where Monetate comes in. They’re a Conshohocken, PA based company that helps “marketers test and target product pitches and site features.” Monetate covers all the technical hurdles so that in-house creatives can stick to doing what they do best and not worry about dealing with the IT department to implement the changes that they want.
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online marketing,
software development,
user experience,
web development,

One of my favorite things about living in Chicago is that I am surrounded by some of the best restaurants in the world. Not only does that mean that I can treat myself to the occasional delicious meal, but I also have more celebrity chef sightings than the average person. Since most of you aren’t as cool as I am, you’ll need another way to get “a backstage pass to the celebrity chef world.” Luckily, there’s StarChefs, a magazine “for food and wine-savvy consumers and an essential information resource for aspiring professional chefs.” The New York, NY based publication has been around since 1995 and claims “monthly traffic of over 14.6 million hits” (or 30 million on another page). My analytics tell me that’s an overstatement (hits is an outdated measure that doesn’t really tell you anything), but they do have a sizable community that is extremely well targeted for advertising.
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Tagged as:
graphic design,
New York,
online marketing,
social media,

These days it’s hard to find an advertisement where a brand isn’t encouraging you to Like them on Facebook or Follow them on Twitter. (And since I mentioned it, you should Like Us, Follow Me, and Join our LinkedIn Group.) I’m still not convinced that it’s a better idea to send traffic to your presence on someone else’s site than it is to send people to your own site, but everybody is doing it. And if you’re going to do it, you might as well do it right. Involver is a company that “provides marketers with everything they need to create rich experiences across the social web.” They’re based in San Francisco, CA, but they’re adding offices rapidly. So far they also have locations in New York, NY; Austin, TX; Los Angeles, CA; and Chicago, IL. To put it more simply, Involver has built a platform on top of the major social media platforms. By using Involver, you can more simply craft an exceptional user experience within the framework of sites like Facebook and Twitter.
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Tagged as:
business development,
human resources,
New York,
online marketing,
product management,
social media,
social networking,
software development,
user experience,
web development
Cornell students! I will be in Ithaca from today through next Monday for the Entrepreneurship@Cornell Celebration. E-mail me at willy@onedayonejob.com. I’d love to meet up with as many readers as possible. I’ll also be meeting with ILR students one-on-one on Monday 4/18. Contact ILR Career Services if you’re interested in signing up.

I’m always getting a good flow of tips on companies to feature from readers who have landed jobs and internships through sources other than One Day One Job and One Day One Internship. One of those readers is Amanda Montgomery, whom I had connected with through Twitter and e-mail before she started bugging me to cover her employer. She even went as far as to write the entire post for me. I’m going to do my own research on this one, but her persistence shows the quality of service that Dallas, TX based Social Media Delivered offers (and it also shows that she must really love her job). They are “training, coaching, and strategy specialists” for social media. In 2008 they saw how social media was emerging to change the way that we communicate with each other and with brands. They jumped on the bandwagon before it was a bandwagon, and they’re driven by a CEO who was named by Fast Company as “one of the 100 Most Influential People Online.”
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Tagged as:
graphic design,
online marketing,
public relations,
social media,

Advertising is supposed to deliver results, but for the longest time it was nearly impossible to tell whether an ad was actually performing as it should. The Internet has changed that, and it’s caused problems for lots of businesses that rely on ad sales for revenue. However, there are plenty of other businesses that are reacting quickly to these market changes and giving advertisers what they want. One of these companies is ConsumerTrack, which is based in El Segundo, CA. They specialize “in creating, managing, optimizing and monetizing marketing campaigns for a variety of companies ranging from small lenders and finance groups, to Fortune 500 banks and blue chip companies.” These aren’t just any marketing campaigns though, they’re designed in a way to ensure that clients are getting a maximum return on investment for their advertising dollars.
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Tagged as:
affiliate marketing,
media planner,
online marketing,
social media,
software development,
web development,

I adore the concept of April Fool’s Day, but I’m rarely impressed by the gags that people come up with. It seems to have become a day where people show off how lame their sense of humor is. Since this is my fourth April Fool’s Day doing this and I still don’t have the heart to play a trick on hopeful internship seekers, we’re going to do what we’ve done for the past three years–look at companies with amazing senses of humor. Last year we covered Second City (and at least one reader landed a position there). The year before it was CollegeHumor. And the year before that we took a look at Motley Fool (check out this listing that their recruiter tweeted at me this morning). We’ve also covered internships at The Onion, but that wasn’t for April Fool’s Day. This year it’s all about Funny or Die, the “rapidly growing celebrity-anchored video website” based in San Mateo, CA. I guess this is what you get when you combine “a bunch of Silicon Valley dudes and ladies” with funny guys Will Ferrell, Judd Apatow, Adam McKay, and Chris Henchy.
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Tagged as:
New York,
online marketing,
social media,
software development,
web development
E-mails not giving you what you’re looking for? Check out our archives of nearly 1,100 companies and their internships.

I ran a music fan site as my first online business. It wasn’t crazy successful, but I loved getting the occasional $100-$200 check from advertisers while I was in high school. Back then the Internet was still unfamiliar territory. Most artists had their own web presences, but they were usually outdated and low on real information. The best fans sites were better than the official sites, but most of the fan sites died off as musicians, sports teams, comedians, and other fan-worthy acts started to get more serious about interacting with fans online. However, fans aren’t just for mega stars who have huge budgets to pay agencies to take care of managing fan relationships. Anyone can have fans, but it’s hard to be fan-worthy if you spend all of your time managing fan relationships. FanBridge is a New York, NY based company that has built a platform for managing and leveraging fan lists. FanBridge makes keeping fans engaged easy so that their customers can keep doing what they do best–whether it’s playing music, making jokes, or baking cupcakes.
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Tagged as:
business development,
customer service,
New York,
online marketing,
social media,
social networking,

Pi Day is one of my favorite holidays. Not only is it super geeky, but you get to celebrate by eating pie. I’ve been trying for years to find a pie company with internship opportunities, but haven’t been successful. In past years we’ve taken a look at Pi Media and The Mathematical Association of America for pi-related internships. I almost forgot about Pi Day this year, and I was already going to write about Orbotix, but then I realized that they couldn’t be more perfect for the holiday. They’re a Boulder, CO based company that I found out about on Brad Feld’s blog, and they are revolutionizing the simplest and best toy ever created–the ball. Their first product is called Sphero, and it’s a robotic ball that you can control with your smartphone. It has the potential to be the next big Christmas blockbuster toy, but even if it’s only popular with geeks and cat owners, I think it will sell a bunch.
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Tagged as:
game design,
online marketing,
social media,
software development,
video games,
web development
The Washington Media Scholars Program runs a case competition for college students every year. Participating can get you a scholarship, a trip to DC, networking opportunities, and even extra credit for a class. Learn more here.

What are you up to this weekend? I know that it’s getting to be that time where professors cram in mid-terms (or prelims as we called them at Cornell) before Spring Break, but that’s no excuse to stay in the library all weekend. You need to get out and have some fun, and that means knowing where to go. Finding a good time on a college campus usually isn’t too hard, but once you move into the real world going out and organizing friends can get really frustrating. You’d think that Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare, and other social networking sites would make it easier to meet up with friends and find cool events/places, but they haven’t really done that yet. That’s where The Hotlist steps in. They’re a New York City based startup that has developed “a social discovery engine that enables you to view what’s happening today, tomorrow and throughout the week among your Facebook friends and the entire world!” The Hotlist was name one of the Top 100 Web Sites of 2010 by PCMag.com, and they’ve received a ton of other press mentions. But it’s really up to you to judge how hot The Hotlist is.
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Tagged as:
local marketing,
New York,
online marketing,
social media,
social networking,
software development,
web development
The Washington Media Scholars Program has been sponsoring One Day, One Internship for the past week (and will be for the next week) because they want you to know about their case competition. It’s great preparation for a career in Strategic Media Research, Planning and Management, and you can even win a $3,000 scholarship.

Fast Company’s list of The 2011 Most Innovative Companies has a great mix of familiar and unfamiliar names. One of the companies on the list that I’m only recently familiar with is Opening Ceremony. They call themselves “a multifaceted retail environment comprised of shops, showroom, and private label collection that establishes a new, international creative forum in downtown Manhattan.” I first heard about Opening Ceremony because they’ve been collaborating on a line with Pendleton (a brand that I love). As I’d put it, Opening Ceremony is a New York, NY based fashion retailer/designer/curator. They’re all about bringing together things that are different—new and old, exotic and local. It’s based on the premise behind the original Olympics in 1896—”creatively merging sports, business, and global participation.” But it’s fashion instead of sports.
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Tagged as:
graphic design,
New York,
online marketing,
social media,
If you’re thinking about a Media internship, then you need to take a look at the Washington Media Scholars Case Competition. It will prepare you to succeed in your internship, and you can even win a $3,000 scholarship.

I don’t know about you, but my college never gave me Presidents’ Day off. At it’s core it’s an important holiday, but it’s pretty much become a reason for car dealerships and furniture stores to have sales. Since it’s a day for cars and I’ve been going through Fast Company’s list of The 2011 Most Innovative Companies, I decided it’s only appropriate that we take a look at Nissan USA, which came in at #4 on the list. While Nissan is headquartered in Japan, their US group is based in Franklin, TN with a number of other locations across North America. Now, the reason that Nissan is getting so much buzz is that they recently released the Nissan LEAF Electric Car, the “first mass-market all-electric car.” With the release of this automobile, Nissan went from an industry laggard to a leader in sustainability. It’s hard to say whether electric cars are truly the future, but you have to give Nissan props for going all out.
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Tagged as:
New Jersey,
online marketing,
public relations,
social media,
supply chain,
Washington Media Scholars Foundation is our sponsor this week. They have an awesome case competition for students interested in Media careers. You can win a $3,000 scholarship, so find out more here.

Tracking people down isn’t all that hard anymore. If you want to find someone, there’s a really good chance that a simple Google search will give you a good enough lead to find some contact information. You should know all about this if you’re going about your internship search properly. If you haven’t tracked down someone at a company that you want to intern for and offered to buy him or her lunch, then what are you wasting your time doing? You should be able to get by with free tools, but sometimes you need something a little more powerful. ZoomInfo is a Waltham, MA based company that offers “continuously updated, multi-sourced, highly relevant business information and unrivalled tools to quickly pinpoint contacts and accelerate success.” ZoomInfo’s database “spans five million businesses and 50 million employees,” so if you’re looking for a company or a person, there’s a good chance that they have info on them.
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business development,
information technology,
online marketing,
social media,
social networking,
software development,
web development
Interested in Strategic Media Research, Planning and Management. Check out the Washington Media Scholars’ Case Competition.

Since I moved to Chicago in October of 2008, I’ve been getting more and more involved with the local startup scene. I’ve met a lot of cool people ranging from founders of some of the city’s most successful startups to the awesome people at Jelly Chicago (it’s a co-working group, and you should join us). One of the better events that I’ve been to was midVentures Launch. I even got to introduce myself to the guy who makes me feel bad every time I go to the gym because he a) always seems to be there no matter when I go b) is always doing ridiculously difficult workouts. That may seem completely irrelevant, but it turns out that he’s a Project Manager at Sandbox Industries, which is a Chicago, IL based venture capital firm. They have three distinct areas of focus: their incubator, the Sandbox Venture Fund, and the BlueCross BlueShield Venture Fund. As I was doing my daily browsing for interesting opportunities, I came across some postings from Sandbox Industries, so I figured that it was time to take a closer look at them.
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Tagged as:
business development,
online marketing,
project management,
social media,
software development,
venture capital,
web development,
Good news! We’re switching e-mail providers today. We have a sponsored e-mail (with awesome opportunities) coming later today, and that should come from our new provider, Aweber. You probably won’t notice any changes right away (forgive us if we run into any glitches), but it’s going to help us offer you a much better e-mail experience in the long run.

A couple of weeks ago I got an e-mail from a high school friend saying that she’s collecting “class notes” for our school’s newsletter. She didn’t suppress the recipient list, so it’s been a big reply all fest (luckily my graduating class was only 46). It’s truly interesting to see where all of my friends and what they’re doing 9 years after graduating high school. Beyond that, it’s a great source of new ideas for companies to feature. One of my friends is currently working at Clickable, a New York, NY based company that offers a “live Web platform to make online advertising Simple, Sophisticated and Profitable.” Chances are that you’ve never dabbled in online advertising (though maybe you should), but I can assure you that it gets complex very quickly–especially when you are running ads through platforms like Google AdWords, Facebook Ads, and Microsoft AdCenter. Clickable offers a software solution that makes everything way simpler.
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Tagged as:
account management,
business development,
New York,
online marketing,
social media,
social networking,
web development

It’s hard to think of an industry that hasn’t been affected by the Internet in some way, but when you think about those that have seen the most change, publishing has to be at the top of the list. Not only has technology changed the way that we read, but it’s also changed what we read. In fact, I bought a Kindle
to force myself to read more books, and half of the reading that I do on it is stuff that I sent to it from the web. However, books are still huge business, and the major brands in the book publishing business still seem to be surviving, if not thriving, in a forever changed book selling environment. Simon & Schuster is a great example (and if you’re looking for other internships in publishing, you may also want to check out Hachette, Sterling, Penguin Group, and Island Press). The New York, NY publisher was able to hit their profit targets last year even though they fell short of revenue targets. This article on a letter from Simon & Schuster’s CEO will give you insight into how the company is embracing digital publishing while also expanding its focus on high growth areas like Children’s publishing. The Internet may just be what keeps the big name publishers alive.
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Tagged as:
human resources,
interactive media,
New York,
online marketing,
public relations,
supply chain,

I’m always amazed by how lame job and internship postings are (why do you think I started doing this?). If a Marketing department tried to sell products the way HR departments sell jobs and internships, they’d have been fired a long time ago. Even the postings that I consider to be good are pretty mediocre in the grand scheme of things—and they look a lot like other “good” postings. Yesterday I came across a job posting that really stood out from any others that I’ve seen lately—maybe it’s because the “Entry Level Hustler” position is pretty unique on its own. But first let’s talk about the company offering the position (they have internships too). They’re called SpeakerText, and they’re a San Francisco, CA based startup that offers “a premium service for video publishers that turns video into text so that it can be searched, shared and accessed by everyone.” We’ve all become accustomed to being able to search text (I know I get aggravated at not being able to search a hard copy book). But now that video is so popular, we have this new mass of online information that can’t be searched. SpeakerText is trying to solve this problem through crowdsourcing.
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business development,
customer service,
online marketing,
social media,
software development,
user experience,
web development

Does anyone else find it vexing that gyms get completely packed in the first few weeks of January? I have a lot of respect for people who use the new year to motivate themselves into getting in shape, and I’m certainly approaching my workouts with more energy than I was in December, but I hate the crowds. Last month I mentioned that I was reading Tim Ferriss’ new book, The 4-Hour Body
. I recently finished it, and it has encouraged me to try some new things at the gym. One of the suggestions that I’m excited to try is “kettlebell swings.” They were a bit hard to understand until I saw a video of how to do them in one of Tim’s blog posts. The video was hosted on BodyBuilding.com, and when I went to check the site out I saw a link to a Careers section at the bottom of the page. I started looking around, and I learned that the Boise, ID based company is the most visited bodybuilding and fitness site in the world, the #1 sports nutrition e-commerce site, one of the top 500 e-commerce sites in America, and a former Inc. 500 company. I knew that online fitness could be big business, but I had no idea that BodyBuilding.com owned such a dominant place in the market.
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customer service,
international affairs,
online marketing,

I’m always on the lookout for startup non-profits. Even though they don’t offer the most certainty when it comes to internships, I think that they offer some of the most exciting opportunities out there for college students who want to make a difference. That’s why I got excited when I came across The Public Learning Media Laboratory. They’re a Boston, MA based non-profit organization that “applies new scientific findings and technological solutions to create systemic improvement in elementary and middle school education.” In other words, they’re devoted to making the most of the billions of dollars that we as a nation are investing in education. By providing tools to help teachers be more effective, The Public Learning Media Laboratory has the ability to really push educational outcomes forward for our nation’s youth.
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online marketing,
social media,
software development,
web development

Marketing is all about targeting. Marketers want to reach specific audiences, and media companies try to develop audiences that marketers want to reach. Typically, the more specific an audience is, the more valuable it is—at least as long as there’s something that you can sell to that audience. Alloy Media + Marketing, which is headquartered in New York City is a company that operates on both the marketing and media sides. They specialize in targeted youth media and promotional programs, and they operate a number of businesses in those areas. Youth marketing is a big deal—not only do young people spend a large portion of their income (even if it’s relatively small) on discretionary purchases, but they also are impressionable. If you can gain an 18 year old’s loyalty, you’ll have a long time to extract value from them as a customer. Alloy leverages “a diverse array of assets and services in interactive, display, direct mail, content production and educational programming” to build relationships with and market to teens and college students.
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account management,
experiential marketing,
information technology,
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Very few brands can truly claim that they have loyal customers. And if you think about the ones that can (Apple for example), they usually don’t offer “loyalty programs.” If someone is loyal because you constantly reward them, then it’s not really loyalty, right? But that’s ok! Loyalty programs are an extremely effective marketing technique, and results are what matter—regardless of whether customer loyalty is genuine or synthetic. Loyaltyworks is an Atlanta, GA based company that “creates and manages full-service incentive, loyalty and reward solutions” for other businesses. Because running these types of programs can be complex for companies who want to stay focused on their core business, there’s a lot of room for Loyaltyworks to offer a full suite of of incentive, loyalty, and reward solutions.
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