Did you know that over the past decade the cost for advertisers in all types of media has grown at a rate far exceeding inflation? That may not seem like a big deal to you, but as media agencies have consolidated in hopes of creating economies of scale, prices have still continued to go up for their clients. That’s not what they said would happen! Because the cost of media is mostly market driven, a total communications management company like TargetCast tcm can’t promise lower prices when it comes to ad spending, but they can offer better service.
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I love American Express. When my girlfriend ran over my iPod Nano (ok, I dropped it on the ground behind her tire and didn’t know it, my bad) their Purchase Protection Plan covered it. When my money was running a little short during the holidays, I won a 25% off Amazon.com coupon through their MyWishlist Promotion. It made buying gifts a lot easier. When my Mother and Grandmother went to visit my Aunt, AMEX provided a free companion ticket. It was 2 for the price of 1. There’s no credit / charge card company that treats its customers as well as American Express does.
They also treat their employees (and hopefully their interns) well. They’ve won more top employer awards than we care to list. Their products and services are unparalleled, they’re passionate about their business, and they always seem to put customers first. They have an amazing brand, which is the 15th most valuable in the world. Yes, their brand alone is worth more than $20 billion. This all translates into an extremely strong employment brand and a company that any college student would be luck to intern for.
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As a college student, you’re probably not accustomed to the luxury of having gift baskets of gourmet treats delivered to your doorstep – unless you consider a cheap cardboard box to be a gift basket and pizza and wings to be gourmet. So, you may not be familiar with Harry & David, “a vertically integrated direct mail marketer and retailer of gourmet fruit, foods and gifts.” The cool thing about Harry & David is that they grow 9 out of 10 products that they sell, and they have a substantial internship program.
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Finding a St. Patrick’s Day related internship for you was harder than finding a four leaf clover in a monsoon, but we did it. We’re not sure how you’re celebrating, considering St. Paddy’s Day falls during many Spring Breaks and Holy Week, but have a bowl of Lucky Charms for us – unless, of course, you gave them up for Lent. Many people think that mining is much like searching for a pot of gold, but Luck Stone is a company that considers the stuff you dig through to be the “pot of gold.”
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We couldn’t resist ourselves. We’re math nerds (who have a fondness for offbeat holidays), and we love Pi Day. For those of you who don’t get it, March fourteenth or 3/14 represents the first 3 digits of pi. That means that at 1:59:26, the date and time will represent 8 digits of pi. How do we celebrate Pi Day besides coming up with a pi-related internship for you? We take recommendations from PiDay.org and eat pies and other circularly shaped delicacies while reciting as many digits of pi as we can from memory. Hey, we never claimed to be cool. We went back and forth about what kind of internship to feature, and even asked a math teacher for recommendations. We found a company called Pi Media that we just couldn’t pass up. Today, we won’t be talking about internships in math, private investigation, or baking. Sorry.
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We’re big fans of Seth Godin. In case you don’t know who he is, he’s a marketing guru who happens to have his own action figure. If that’s enough to sell you on him, then you might want to take a look at some of the books he’s authored such as Meatball Sundae: Is Your Marketing out of Sync?
, Permission Marketing : Turning Strangers Into Friends And Friends Into Customers
, The Dip: A Little Book That Teaches You When to Quit (and When to Stick)
, and Purple Cow: Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable
. We love Seth’s advice to companies, and we love it when they use his advice in marketing their products. It’s all about making customers happy. What’s not to love? We just wish companies would take the same approach to recruiting for internships and entry-level jobs. That’s why we’re here writing for you every day. We want to give you the experience the employers don’t, while showing them how it should be done. Potential employees should be treated like customers, not like telemarketers who call during dinner.
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seth godin,

Today, we’re going to look at Draftfcb, which happens to be the world’s third oldest ad agency (although there have been a few mergers and acquisitions inbetween). They often do contracts in the nine-figures, so they’re kind of a big deal.
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account management,
user experience

I was blessed to grow up in Chicago during a time when the Bulls were the most dominant sports team in the world. I was crazy about each and every player on the team, but was especially obsessed with BJ Armstrong. Now, I know that you may be thinking that BJ is a funny choice, given the more obvious picks of Michael Jordan, Scottie Pippen, Dennis Rodman and the likes, but there was something about BJ’s work ethic and drive that made me fall in love with him. So when I saw him eating dinner at a restaurant near my house, I could hardly contain myself. Now imagine yourself eating dinner everyday next to your favorite Olympic heroes. As an intern at the U.S. Olympic Committee you could do just that, plus breakfast and lunch.
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culinary nutrition,
sport science,
sports administration,
strength and conditioning,

Today we’ve found a number of internships for the academic minded soon-to-be-interns. If you’re fascinated by public policy or foreign relations and would like to work in a non-profit, you’ll definitely want to read on. The Brookings Institution is a non-profit public policy organization based in Washington, DC. They conduct high-quality, independent research and, based on that research, they provide innovative, practical recommendations that advance three broad goals: strengthen American democracy; foster the economic and social welfare, security and opportunity of all Americans; and secure a more open, safe, prosperous and cooperative international system.
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foreign relations,
public policy

We’ve written about quite a few advertising jobs on One Day, One Job, so we thought we’d start off the second week of One Day, One Internship with what is clearly a popular genre. We’ve had our eye on archer>malmo for a while. They’re a full service marketing and advertising agency located in Memphis, TN, and they’ve got internships. Their web site is really simple and only has a few pages, but we love their home page. It revolves through their portfolio and includes one sentence explanations of the campaigns as they are shown – it’s both fun and educational to just sit and watch for a while. archer>malmo was also named the 17th best small company to work for by the Great Place to Work Institute, so we know they’re going to treat you right (and they have a video to prove it, but you’ll have to read on to get the link).
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Thanks for joining us for our first post on One Day, One Internship. If you’re a One Day, One Job reader, you know the drill. If you’re not, we’ll explain. Every day we feature one company and their internship opportunities. We do basic background research to give you new ideas on companies that might be fun, interesting, or exciting to work for as an intern. Our daily posts should be a jumping off point for you to continue your research and to get you in the right mindset for thinking creatively about what you want to get out of your Summer (or whenever you decide to do it) internship experience.
Whether you’re looking to add an extra commitment because of a lighter than expected course load, or trying to get your parents off your back about what you’re doing this Summer, Bliss offers two great internship opportunities that will provide a flexible schedule, excellent learning opportunities, and a really fun work environment. Why do we think they’ll have a fun work environment? Because “countless hours of spa-side tension-nixing and skin-fixing are the basis of Bliss.” Beyond that, they have amazing copywriting. Whether it’s their product descriptions or their job postings, Bliss uses its way with words to woo you. We think that kind of attention to detail has to spill over into the workplace.
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New York,