I majored in Industrial and Labor Relations, and I can say with near certainty that most of the guys (and some of the girls) who started in that major with me wanted to be sports agents. It was our way of hanging on to childhood dreams after coming to the sad reality that we weren’t ever going to be professional athletes. By choosing a profession that allows everyday interaction with sports stars, we could come close to what we always dreamed of. If you’ve been through the same thought process, and we know there’s a lot of you who have, it’s time to start considering an internship in sports. The truth is that working in sports isn’t for everyone, so those who are considering it need to test the waters – and there’s no better way than an internship with a company like Bleacher Report
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A couple days ago I made a decision that I may regret. I joined Twitter. In case you’ve been too busy having a life, Twitter is a social networking site / time waster that is best explained to college students as a combination of Facebook’s status updates and walls. All messages have to be 140 characters or less, and there’s not much more to it. I was skeptical at first, but after a few days of use, I’m starting to like it (if you want to follow me, you can do so here). I’m especially excited that I found an internship to write about by following ProBlogger webmaster, Darren Rowse, on Twitter. Darren has made an extremely good living off of blogging and also co-founded a blog network called b5media, which is offering the internships. So, score one for Twitter, and if you’re the type of person who might be interested in the internships we’re talking about today, it’s probably in your best interest to get familiar with Twitter as a self-promotion/networking tool. For the rest of you college students who aren’t social media addicts, Twitter is probably just another way to filibuster when you should be studying.
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When you think of non-profit organizations and their missions, you typically think about groups that are feeding the hungry, saving the planet, or promoting education. There are myriad non-profit organizations that aren’t dealing with such serious issues, but they still deserve your attention during your internship search. One example is the United States Golf Association. As golf’s national governing body, the USGA is constantly focused on anything that is “for the good of the game,” whether it be running tournaments, writing the rules of Golf, or supporting other golf related programs.
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Posting from Spring Break seemed like a good idea – until our hotel’s Wi-Fi went down. This presents two problems. First, we might not be able to watch the Cornell-Standord game online (it doesn’t seem like this place gets CSTV). Second, we can’t even give you a mini post like we have been doing all week. This is coming from an iPhone which has no copy and paste; therefore, we can’t even put together a bunch of links.
We wanted to start March Madness off right by featuring internships with CBSSports.com. You’ll have to do the research on your own, but you can start at the CBSSports.com Careers Page.
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Fox News – a name that brings a broad array of reactions depending on whom you say it to. Some see it as the only fair and balanced news source. Others call it a propaganda machine. Some tune in every day for the sheer tabloid-like entertainment value. A lot of people even have opinions without having watched Fox News more than the 3 minutes they saw it muted on a tv in a public place. No matter what your opinion is, you can’t deny that Fox News’ formula has made it a cable news ratings giant. Whether you want to pursue a career in journalism, or you’re much more interested in becoming a television personality, Fox News has internships that can give college students the experience that they need to get a top entry-level job in broadcasting.
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I was blessed to grow up in Chicago during a time when the Bulls were the most dominant sports team in the world. I was crazy about each and every player on the team, but was especially obsessed with BJ Armstrong. Now, I know that you may be thinking that BJ is a funny choice, given the more obvious picks of Michael Jordan, Scottie Pippen, Dennis Rodman and the likes, but there was something about BJ’s work ethic and drive that made me fall in love with him. So when I saw him eating dinner at a restaurant near my house, I could hardly contain myself. Now imagine yourself eating dinner everyday next to your favorite Olympic heroes. As an intern at the U.S. Olympic Committee you could do just that, plus breakfast and lunch.
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culinary nutrition,
sport science,
sports administration,
strength and conditioning,
We first came across Current when we were researching entry-level jobs for One Day, One Job. Our first impression was that we didn’t get it. To clarify – not only did our cable provider not offer the Current tv channel, but we also didn’t understand what Current was all about. Our cable only goes up to channel 95, so we haven’t been able to tune in, but this article about Current on ReadWriteWeb helped us better understand Current’s market positioning and reason for existence. Current wants to be the place where the Internet meets television. It’s a good idea. Just look at Google Trends, and you can see how much television programming drives searches on the Internet. Current has 24/7 programming that relies on user-generated content from the net, which is definitely a new idea. Their web site is tightly integrated with their on air content, and viewers play a huge role in driving what gets broadcast.
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