Rarely do we feature companies that aren’t at least partially US based, but sometimes there are companies so interesting or relevant that I have to share them with you even though it would require a serious move (and probably some visa acrobatics) for you to land a job with them. Today we’re going to look at Ireland’s Intrade, a company that runs prediction markets. I originally learned about Intrade from Freakonomics
, but I became more interested yesterday with the election in Massachusetts. A prediction market falls somewhere between betting and investing—it allows you to buy contracts that either pay out or don’t based on a given outcome. For example there was a time yesterday before polls closed when you could have purchased a contract for $70 that would have paid out $100 if the Republican nominee, Scott Brown, won the Massachusetts Senate election. The price of a contract reflects the probability that a given event will happen—a $70 contract represents a 70% likelihood.
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Dropping the ball usually isn’t a good thing—especially in the job search; however, tonight the ball is going to drop in Times Square, and hopefully it will be a good thing for your job search. It will get you acting towards achieving your New Year’s resolution of landing a great job, and it might even give you some ideas of places to look for a job. Take Waterford for example. They’re the company that builds the ball that drops in Times Square. The ball was aluminum up until 1999 (before Waterford was involved), but there was an obvious need to do something a little fancier for the new millennium. Waterford, which is headquartered in Ireland but has offices in New York/New Jersey, is known as one of the finest crystal manufacturers in the world, so it makes sense that they were the choice to build a half-ton, six-foot wide, crystal paned ball. They’re also probably the company that made that crystal vase that you almost broke when you were roughhousing as a kid.
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