Two weeks ago we talked about Google’s Summer of Code, which isn’t really an internship program. Then today we featured Google’s entry-level jobs on One Day, One Job. And we’re sure you’ve read our article How to Use Google to Find a Job (or Internship). Google, Google, Google. Well when we saw that Google still had internship opportunities listed as available on our website, we couldn’t turn down a chance to write about our favorite topic.
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Tagged as:
product management,
software development,
user experience

We had a serious internal debate about whether we could go ahead with posting about today’s company. Our mission is to bring our readers an unbiased look at great internships, but it’s hard to overcome our personal feelings when it comes to certain issues. So what was the cause of our reluctance to post about EchoDitto? They are the ones who gave Rosie O’Donnell a blog. We’re not big Rosie fans, ok? Actually, we didn’t have a big internal debate, but we did have some pause when it came to posting about EchoDitto. They are in the business of building online communities, but they seem to take a pretty strong political stance when it comes to choosing the clients with whom they work. Students who don’t share the same ideals probably won’t feel comfortable working for EchoDitto; however, the internship that they are offering looks too good for us not to write about it.
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Tagged as:
online organizing,
social media

I majored in Industrial and Labor Relations, and I can say with near certainty that most of the guys (and some of the girls) who started in that major with me wanted to be sports agents. It was our way of hanging on to childhood dreams after coming to the sad reality that we weren’t ever going to be professional athletes. By choosing a profession that allows everyday interaction with sports stars, we could come close to what we always dreamed of. If you’ve been through the same thought process, and we know there’s a lot of you who have, it’s time to start considering an internship in sports. The truth is that working in sports isn’t for everyone, so those who are considering it need to test the waters – and there’s no better way than an internship with a company like Bleacher Report
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It’s Spring time! We’re dying to get outside to start enjoying the improving weather, so please forgive us if it takes us a little longer to answer our e-mails. Many college students struggle with the decision between a summer job and an internship, often because they want to spend the Summer outdoors. Since we love organizations that offer different types of work experiences, today, we’re going to look at a non-profit called Wilderness Inquiry, which offers internships and, as an employer, is about as good as it gets for our outdoorsy readers.
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When I was a junior in high school, I couldn’t make out what was written on the blackboard anymore. I had gone from having 20/12 vision – the best the nurse had ever seen – to sitting in the ophthalmologist’s office to get my first pair of glasses. The glasses only lasted a month before I got contact lenses, but it was still awkward to pull out my glasses at the beginning of each class. The glasses and contacts made a huge difference in every day life, and they also helped me lift my batting average on the baseball team from .000 the year before to .448. I didn’t like that I needed them, but I had to learn to deal with it. In retrospect, I didn’t realize how lucky I was to get excellent vision care. The Scojo Foundation is a non-profit organization that provides glasses and vision care to people in developing countries who would otherwise struggle to get by.
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social entrepreneurship,

Internships in show business. Bright lights. Movie and television stars. Glitz and glamour. Yeah right! You’re not going to come within 6 miles of a movie star, so you might as well learn something useful and give up on your dream of finding your name in US Weekly. PostWorks (and Orbit Digital, their sister company) is in the entertainment industry, but everything that they do is behind the scenes. Since they specialize in post production work, they’re not even on the wrong end of the camera, they’re nowhere near it (until the film needs to be unloaded and processed, that is). In the end, though, it’s all worth it, right? Your hard work will be part of the finished product, and you’ll know that those movies stars couldn’t look so good without you.
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Tagged as:
post production,

There may be no “u” in Qorvis, but there is certainly room for you. If Qorvis said something that corny, you probably wouldn’t want to work for them. Since Qorvis is a communications and public relations firm, they’re smart enough not to use slogans like the one I just came up with. Instead they rely on a nice looking Careers site and a hard to pronounce name to recruit interns.
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A couple days ago I made a decision that I may regret. I joined Twitter. In case you’ve been too busy having a life, Twitter is a social networking site / time waster that is best explained to college students as a combination of Facebook’s status updates and walls. All messages have to be 140 characters or less, and there’s not much more to it. I was skeptical at first, but after a few days of use, I’m starting to like it (if you want to follow me, you can do so here). I’m especially excited that I found an internship to write about by following ProBlogger webmaster, Darren Rowse, on Twitter. Darren has made an extremely good living off of blogging and also co-founded a blog network called b5media, which is offering the internships. So, score one for Twitter, and if you’re the type of person who might be interested in the internships we’re talking about today, it’s probably in your best interest to get familiar with Twitter as a self-promotion/networking tool. For the rest of you college students who aren’t social media addicts, Twitter is probably just another way to filibuster when you should be studying.
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We’ve spent the last few months dreaming up ways to trick you for April Fools’ Day. We considered writing about six figure internships or writing about an internship with an A-list celebrity, but nothing really seemed all that funny – or believable. The web is all about pranks on April 1st, and we’re just going to stay out of it. Instead we’ve found a company that is not only relevant to today’s holiday, but is also hiring college students for Summer internships. We’re talking about the Motley Fool, a company that aims to “educate, entertain, and enrich” its customers with excellent financial advice. What company could be better to feature on April Fools’ Day than the one that owns Fool.com?
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Tagged as:
software development

If you’ve bought a plane ticket or stayed in a hotel any time since about 1994 (ok, maybe a little later than that) you probably used a third party booking agent to at least look up fares or rates. Although the way airplane fares and hotel room rates are determined remain mysteries to most of us, it’s become a heck of a lot easier to travel economically when you have the Internet to help you plan. We’re probably not telling you anything you don’t know, so let’s start talking about internships at a company that you’re likely already familiar with, Expedia.com.
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Tagged as:
project management,
software development,

After I graduated college, it took me some time to figure out what I wanted to do with my life. One of the best ways I spent my “time off” was a trip to Oregon. My girlfriend happened to have a volleyball tournament in Portland, and the Deschutes River in September is prime for steelhead fishing. I put together a trip of 3 days in the Oregon desert, and 2 in the heart of Portland. It was absolutely amazing. Although I didn’t figure things out right away, I found that the Oregon desert is a perfect place to spend some time considering the next step in your life. It’s also an awesome place to be outdoors. The High Desert Museum is located in Bend, OR and it has quite a few internships that will allow you enjoy the desert, get relevant work experience, and ponder your future.
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Tagged as:
living history,

We’re not sure what to make of the internship market during what appears to be a struggling economy. On one hand, interns are free or cheap labor, so they can be worth having around. On the other hand, companies like Bear Stearns are rescinding internship offers that they made to students just a few months ago. We’re not economic prognosticators, but we think that financially minded college students might want to expand their horizons at a time like this. If you’re having trouble finding an internship in finance, you may want to look to non-profit organizations or the government while the market conditions are unfavorable. You can still get great experience, make incredible connections, and have a well known name to put on your resume. Nonprofit Finance Fund is a prime example of an organization where a college student can build the foundation for a successful career in finance while waiting the market out.
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Did you know that over the past decade the cost for advertisers in all types of media has grown at a rate far exceeding inflation? That may not seem like a big deal to you, but as media agencies have consolidated in hopes of creating economies of scale, prices have still continued to go up for their clients. That’s not what they said would happen! Because the cost of media is mostly market driven, a total communications management company like TargetCast tcm can’t promise lower prices when it comes to ad spending, but they can offer better service.
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I love American Express. When my girlfriend ran over my iPod Nano (ok, I dropped it on the ground behind her tire and didn’t know it, my bad) their Purchase Protection Plan covered it. When my money was running a little short during the holidays, I won a 25% off Amazon.com coupon through their MyWishlist Promotion. It made buying gifts a lot easier. When my Mother and Grandmother went to visit my Aunt, AMEX provided a free companion ticket. It was 2 for the price of 1. There’s no credit / charge card company that treats its customers as well as American Express does.
They also treat their employees (and hopefully their interns) well. They’ve won more top employer awards than we care to list. Their products and services are unparalleled, they’re passionate about their business, and they always seem to put customers first. They have an amazing brand, which is the 15th most valuable in the world. Yes, their brand alone is worth more than $20 billion. This all translates into an extremely strong employment brand and a company that any college student would be luck to intern for.
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Google Summer of Code isn’t technically an internship program, but we guarantee that it offers a summer work experience that is as authentic and exciting as anything else that we’ve come across. Before we get to the details, it’s important that you understand what Google Summer of Code is, and what it is not. Google Summer of Code pairs college students with mentoring organizations to work on open source software development projects. These are not “internships,” and they’re not with Google – except for the few instances when a student is assigned to have Google as a mentoring organization. All work is done online, so there are no hours, no office space, and no travel. Summer of Code projects are intended to take up the whole summer, so signing on for another Summer internship or traveling the world is probably a bad idea; however, as long as you meet your milestones for project completion, you are free to do whatever you want with your summer.
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Tagged as:
open source,
software development

Summers are meant to be spent outside. Unfortunately, there aren’t many internships that allow that. If you’re an underclassmen, you can probably get away with taking a summer job like the one I took weed whacking and filling in potholes after my Freshman year, but as you move towards graduation, you need at least one solid internship on your resume. For many college students it can be disconcerting to sit in a cubicle all summer, so at the very least you should look for an internship with an escape route – unless of course the only tan you plan to get is from the glow of your computer screen. There aren’t many internships that offer a better mix of outdoor opportunities and real world experience than those at the New York City Department of Parks & Recreation.
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As a college student, you’re probably not accustomed to the luxury of having gift baskets of gourmet treats delivered to your doorstep – unless you consider a cheap cardboard box to be a gift basket and pizza and wings to be gourmet. So, you may not be familiar with Harry & David, “a vertically integrated direct mail marketer and retailer of gourmet fruit, foods and gifts.” The cool thing about Harry & David is that they grow 9 out of 10 products that they sell, and they have a substantial internship program.
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We’re going to keep it short today, because we have an Easter Egg Hunt to attend to. As we search for the golden egg, you can go hunting for that perfect internship. One place to look is an obvious choice for today, Easter Seals, which is a non-profit organization that “provides exceptional services to ensure that people living with autism and other disabilities have equal opportunities to live, learn, work and play.” Started as the National Society for Crippled Children, Easter Seals is an organization that has adapted to the changing needs of people with disabilities over time. The one constant has been a focus on resurrection and new life for the people whom Easter Seals helps.
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Tagged as:
occupational therapy,
physical rehabilitation,
physical therapy,
speech language pathology

When you think of non-profit organizations and their missions, you typically think about groups that are feeding the hungry, saving the planet, or promoting education. There are myriad non-profit organizations that aren’t dealing with such serious issues, but they still deserve your attention during your internship search. One example is the United States Golf Association. As golf’s national governing body, the USGA is constantly focused on anything that is “for the good of the game,” whether it be running tournaments, writing the rules of Golf, or supporting other golf related programs.
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Have you ever put a Marshmallow Peep in the microwave? Lit one on fire? Bitten a head clean off? If you have, you’re not alone. There are likely millions of people with similar urges to torture cute little marshmallow animals. You say that you’re special. You terrorize Peeps all year – not just at Easter. Well, maybe you would be a perfect intern for Peeps’ manufacturer Just Born Quality Confections.
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Easter Candy,
Posting from Spring Break seemed like a good idea – until our hotel’s Wi-Fi went down. This presents two problems. First, we might not be able to watch the Cornell-Standord game online (it doesn’t seem like this place gets CSTV). Second, we can’t even give you a mini post like we have been doing all week. This is coming from an iPhone which has no copy and paste; therefore, we can’t even put together a bunch of links.
We wanted to start March Madness off right by featuring internships with CBSSports.com. You’ll have to do the research on your own, but you can start at the CBSSports.com Careers Page.
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We’ll be the first to admit that we’ve been slacking off this week. It’s tough finding new companies that offer entry-level jobs and internships every day. It’s even tougher sitting by the pool while you do it on Spring Break – so many distractions. We’ve persevered and ignored the lure of the 80 degree water to bring you IDEO, a great company with quite a few internship opportunities for college students.
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“May you live in interesting times.” It’s allegedly a translation of a Chinese proverb, but Wikipedia can’t even figure out who actually said it first. Regardless, an internship at the Federal Reserve Board should be extremely “interesting” over the next year (at the very least). With Bear Stearns almost falling into bankruptcy, and a lot of other investment banks in trouble, an internship in finance doesn’t look nearly as attractive as it did last semester. Still, if you’re interested in economics, finance, or a related field, a job at the Federal Reserve Board is a great alternative. Although connected to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the Federal Reserve Board is a different entity. If you don’t already know, the Fed, which is led by Chairman Ben Bernanke, is responsible for crafting the monetary policy that supports the American economy.
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Finding a St. Patrick’s Day related internship for you was harder than finding a four leaf clover in a monsoon, but we did it. We’re not sure how you’re celebrating, considering St. Paddy’s Day falls during many Spring Breaks and Holy Week, but have a bowl of Lucky Charms for us – unless, of course, you gave them up for Lent. Many people think that mining is much like searching for a pot of gold, but Luck Stone is a company that considers the stuff you dig through to be the “pot of gold.”
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The One Day, One Job/Internship team is partaking in the tradition of Spring Break (even if some of us aren’t in college anymore), so our posts are going to be on the shorter side for the next week or so. We figure, time off from school should give you plenty of time to do the research yourselves, right? Our compromise is that we’re going to give you more links, and less commentary. How’s that? I’m enjoying the wildlife of Puerto Rico, which includes ospreys, tarpon, egrets, iguanas (invasive, but still cool to look at), and a lot more, so it’s appropriate that today’s internships come from the National Wildlife Federation.
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international affairs,

Unlike college seniors who are looking for full time employment, interns-to-be don’t need to worry much about recession and other macroeconomic factors. Since internships are temporary and often meagerly paid, if paid at all, they don’t put the same kind of strains on companies that a permanent hire does. That means that you don’t need to worry about recession-proofing yourself yet; however, you may want to keep an eye to the future by considering an internship at a non-profit that takes many of its interns on full time. One example is the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, “a private, nonpartisan, not-for-profit institution dedicated to research and education on issues of government, politics, economics, and social welfare,” which has hired 50 of its interns permanently over the past 10 years.
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public policy,

We couldn’t resist ourselves. We’re math nerds (who have a fondness for offbeat holidays), and we love Pi Day. For those of you who don’t get it, March fourteenth or 3/14 represents the first 3 digits of pi. That means that at 1:59:26, the date and time will represent 8 digits of pi. How do we celebrate Pi Day besides coming up with a pi-related internship for you? We take recommendations from PiDay.org and eat pies and other circularly shaped delicacies while reciting as many digits of pi as we can from memory. Hey, we never claimed to be cool. We went back and forth about what kind of internship to feature, and even asked a math teacher for recommendations. We found a company called Pi Media that we just couldn’t pass up. Today, we won’t be talking about internships in math, private investigation, or baking. Sorry.
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The President’s Council of Economic Advisers is exactly what you’d expect it to be, a group of economists who advise the President on economic matters and drive the policy that the President pursues. The current Chairman is Edward Lazear (he wrote one of the more interesting economics textbooks that I encountered in college), and former Chairs include Ben Bernanke (current Chairman of the Fed) and N. Gregory Mankiw (a Harvard professor and one of my favorite bloggers). You can see that the council is a collection of the finest minds in economics; hence, an internship with the CEA is just what any budding economist needs to get started. Whether you’re looking to go into finance, government, or academia, there are few better opportunities.
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We’re big fans of Seth Godin. In case you don’t know who he is, he’s a marketing guru who happens to have his own action figure. If that’s enough to sell you on him, then you might want to take a look at some of the books he’s authored such as Meatball Sundae: Is Your Marketing out of Sync?
, Permission Marketing : Turning Strangers Into Friends And Friends Into Customers
, The Dip: A Little Book That Teaches You When to Quit (and When to Stick)
, and Purple Cow: Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable
. We love Seth’s advice to companies, and we love it when they use his advice in marketing their products. It’s all about making customers happy. What’s not to love? We just wish companies would take the same approach to recruiting for internships and entry-level jobs. That’s why we’re here writing for you every day. We want to give you the experience the employers don’t, while showing them how it should be done. Potential employees should be treated like customers, not like telemarketers who call during dinner.
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seth godin,

Fox News – a name that brings a broad array of reactions depending on whom you say it to. Some see it as the only fair and balanced news source. Others call it a propaganda machine. Some tune in every day for the sheer tabloid-like entertainment value. A lot of people even have opinions without having watched Fox News more than the 3 minutes they saw it muted on a tv in a public place. No matter what your opinion is, you can’t deny that Fox News’ formula has made it a cable news ratings giant. Whether you want to pursue a career in journalism, or you’re much more interested in becoming a television personality, Fox News has internships that can give college students the experience that they need to get a top entry-level job in broadcasting.
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