Yesterday we talked about how living in a big city after college can give you access to all kinds of organizations that will help you meet people in places that you want to be. Some, like yesterday’s CUP, are geared towards broader audiences of professionals, while others, like today’s The New York Academy of Sciences, have a more specific focus. The aforementioned organization is a New York, NY based “international, nonprofit membership organization working to advance scientific knowledge, mobilize science to address major global challenges, and increase the number of scientifically informed individuals in society.” It’s coming up on two centuries of existence, and today they boast more than 20,000 members worldwide.
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member services,
New York,
program development,

We’ve featured a lot of startups here at One Day, One Internship, but never one with as good of a sense of humor as Rooftop Media. They’re a San Francisco based company that is entirely focused on comedy. Yes, they were able to secure $2.5 million in venture capital solely on their sense of humor. Ok, they actually have a well thought out business model too, but I’d like to think that instead of pitching decks (slides) to VCs, they just did a little standup routine and that was that. The main concept behind Rooftop Media is providing a platform for middle tier comedians—professionals whom you’ve probably never heard of. They have a destination comedy video site called RooftopComedy.com, while also working with media and advertisers. For media they “create custom comedy programming for broadcast, web, mobile and print channels hungry for unique, compelling content,” and for advertisers they “create powerful, branded entertainment and integrated marketing programs on behalf of our advertising clients.” They’ve worked with impressive names like Microsoft, Purina Mills, Virgin America, Fast Company, and more.
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