Memorial Day is one of my favorite holidays—not only because it signifies the start of summer, but also because I love small town patriotism. My hometown always has a fantastic parade that is often accompanied by a fighter jet fly over. Now, today’s employer may not immediately make you think of Memorial Day like last year’s did (it was Weber-Stephen, the manufacturer of my favorite charcoal grills), but you’ll realize pretty quickly why the National Park Service is a great choice for today. Not only are some of the parks that they manage great places to celebrate the Memorial Day weekend outdoors, but they’re also responsible for quite a few memorials including The Marine Corps War Memorial, The Vietnam Veterans Memorial, The Korean War Veterans Memorial, and The World War II Memorial. Memorial Day is really about our fallen heroes, and the National Park Service is constantly working to honor them by maintaining and managing our memorials.
Internships in Human Resources
Looking for more internships in Human Resources? Check out the most recent internship postings in Human Resources.
Below you'll find all of the companies that we've covered that may offer internships in Human Resources. You can also look at entry level jobs in Human Resources.
I’m not sure about this one, but… it definitely caught my eye. Apparently the Lingerie Football League is looking for interns. I guess professional sports is mostly about fine physical specimens (pro bowling excluded, of course), so this isn’t too far of a reach. I mean, the AVP relies on sex appeal too. Oh wait… the women and men on the AVP Tour are actually exceptional athletes. Apparently that’s not the case with the Lingerie Football League. It’s more about creating a women’s football league that the masses will want to watch. I think that it’s pretty ridiculous and that it will probably be a bust (pun intended, and I realize that the article that I just linked to made the same pun), but that doesn’t mean that it wouldn’t be cool to intern with them. Having that on a resume will at least be a conversation starter (or ender depending on who’s looking at your resume).
Nearly every t-shirt that I own, I got for free. College is a great place to amass free t-shirts, but now that I’ve been out a few years, my collection is starting to wear thin (in more ways than one). I’m not sure what I’m going to do, but I don’t want to start paying for them. I’ll leave that to the customers of Michael Stars who throw down 50… 60… 100 bucks for a tee. Hey, they’re nice looking shirts, and there’s definitely a market for them. It may not be recession chic, but it works. Just look at Jessica Alba, Courteney Cox, Eva Longoria, and many more celebs wearing Michael Stars shirts. If that doesn’t impress you, then maybe you should check out the charity work that Michael Stars does. It may be hard to justify spending a lot on a t-shirt, but it definitely won’t be hard to justify taking an internship with Michael Stars in Hawthorne, CA.
When I started this business, I focused almost entirely on the web for networking – a LinkedIn connection or an e-mail address was all that I needed. However, my mom (who is also my graphic designer) had other ideas. Right after she designed my logo, she sent away to VistaPrint to get me business cards. Although I didn’t use them right away (I was glued to the computer screen and not talking to many people in real life), eventually they became a necessity. Those business cards also came with the one and only One Day, One Job t-shirt (a free gift from VistaPrint). They are the place to go for customized stuff (there’s no better way to put it). You can get business cards, pens, checks, banners, postcards, lawn signs, rubber stamps, mouse pads, magnets, and much much more. The best part about it is that you can do it all online and get a really great price. VistaPrint is definitely achieving their goal of “making high-quality graphic design and custom printing convenient and affordable for everyone.”
How do you feel about the intersection of friendship and marketing? I know that a lot people weren’t happy when Facebook Beacon started telling their friends what they were buying from other sites, and I also know that nobody wants their friends to go salesman on them (like with Cutco knives); however, word of mouth marketing remains one of the most effective vehicles to reach people with a message. That’s because we still seem to trust our friends the most when it comes to making purchasing decisions. But can brands become our friends? According to 22squared, a marketing agency based out of Atlanta, GA and Tampa, FL, “consumers want brands that act more like helpful friends than persuasive marketers.” I think that’s right, but it still sounds a little weird to me. Maybe we should look at Facebook again for the answer. Plenty of people are “Fans” of brands (like ours), which is very much like being Facebook Friends with them.
Every 10 years our country does a census to collect demographic data about our populous to drive public policy decisions. It’s an extremely big deal, and it temporarily creates 1.4 million jobs (according to government figures). Sometimes temporary jobs like these can be an alternative to an internship, but we want you to get more meaningful work experience if possible. Luckily, the U.S. Census Bureau does a lot more than its once every ten years nationwide census. They are “the leading source of quality data about the nation’s people and economy,” so you’d be amazed by all of the things that they track. For instance, much of the economic data that you have been hearing about in the news lately – as in “Stocks plunge on weakened Monthly Retail Sales” – comes from the U.S. Census Bureau. If you’re fascinated by data or just love counting things, there aren’t many places that offer a more interesting work experience that the Census Bureau.
I’m an iPhone guy, so I tend to feel sorry for people who are constantly thumbing away on their BlackBerries. That’s just my being a smug Apple user though. I realize that a lot of people love their BlackBerries and for good reason. They’re pretty remarkable devices, and they’re perfectly tailored for business use. (Although not as perfectly tailored as my iPhone! Ok, I’m done.) That’s why Research In Motion, the company that makes BlackBerries, has a 16.6% share of the smartphone market. They seem to have hit a bit of a rough spot lately (at least their stock price makes it look like they have), but their market position is still very strong. That’s why it’s no surprise that they appear to have a huge internship program; however, the real reason that I wanted to feature Research In Motion here is that they chose an unfortunate, yet inappropriately hilarious domain name for their Jobs site (it redirects now, but I think that you can figure it out).
Unless you go to see fewer movies than I do, then you know about Dreamworks. On the animation side they’ve done Shrek, Antz, Kung Fu Panda, Madagascar and more. On the film side they’ve done Amistad, Saving Private Ryan, American Beauty, Gladiator, Old School, Transformers, and many more. They make great movies, and they’ve been very successful. It’s no surprise considering they were started by media moguls Steven Spielberg, Jeffrey Katzenberg, and David Geffen. If you don’t recognize their logo, then you probably shouldn’t be looking for a internship in the entertainment industry. An internship at DreamWorks is a dream come true for many college students, so let’s look at how you can land one.
I was just browsing the news this morning when I came across the story of how Bernard Madoff, a prominent Wall Street trader, allegedly admitted to defrauding investors in his hedge fund of $50 billion. It is an unbelievable amount of money, and it’s hard to believe that anyone would go through the effort and risk to steal that much money – I can’t even fathom what you would do with $50 billion in illegally acquired money. The most outrageous part of the story might be that Madoff has been released on $10 million bail. That’s peanuts for him. It’s .02% of what he allegedly stole. After reading this story I started browsing non-profits for today’s post, and I came across the Vera Institute of Justice. It’s a New York City based organization with locations in Washington, DC and New Orleans, and it was founded when “philanthropist Louis Schweitzer and magazine editor Herb Sturz recognized the injustice of a bail system in New York City that granted liberty based on income.” Today’s story about Madoff is a perfect example of this injustice.
We’ve catered to the PBS junkies before – we’ve covered internships at PBS and at WTTW11 in Chicago – and we’re going to do it again today. WGBH is a non-profit PBS affiliate based out of Boston that also happens to be the “single largest producer of PBS prime-time and online programming.” They started out by broadcasting the Boston Symphony Orchestra over the radio in 1951, but they’ve expanded to television and the web since. It’s really amazing how much of PBS’s programing comes out of WGBH. One of my all-time favorites was ZOOM, which is a little embarrassing to admit, since I was a bit old to be watching it at the time. Another interesting thing about WGBH that I picked up from Wikipedia is that they’re “considered a leader in services for people who are deaf, hard-of-hearing, blind, or visually impaired.” WGBH actually “invented television closed captioning, audio description (Descriptive Video Service), and created the Rear Window Captioning System for films.” As you can see, WGBH is an innovator not just in public television, but in all media, and probably a great place to work.
I don’t know about you, but my stomach still hurts a little bit from eating too much on Thanksgiving. Hunger should be the last thing on my mind, but as I think about how lucky we are to have a holiday that is all about stuffing our faces, I can’t forget that the first Thanksgiving was preceded by meager times. The Pilgrims faced a lot of suffering and starvation before they got to celebrate a Thanksgiving, and, unfortunately, there are many people in this world who still continue to battle hunger. Action Against Hunger is a New York City based non-profit organization that hopes to change this by “providing innovative solutions to battle hunger.” They work across five continents in five program areas (Nutrition, Water & Sanitation, Food Security, Health, and Advocacy). They’re doing excellent work, and they also appear to have an excellent internship program.
Happy Thanksgiving! Thank you for reading! One Day, One Internship wasn’t even around yet last Thanksgiving, but on One Day, One Job we talked about jobs at Plimoth Plantation and Colonial Williamsburg. Those are still a great option if you want to be reminded of Thanksgiving every day when you’re at work, but this year we’re going to take the easy way out and talk about turkey. I was first introduced to Jennie-O when I tried some of their turkey bacon. It’s good, if you haven’t had real bacon in a while. Since my Thanksgiving cooking philosophy is that bacon makes everything better (especially when it’s put on top of the turkey and doused in maple syrup, seriously, try it), I’ll let Jennie-O provide the turkey, but I’m getting the bacon somewhere else. In the three or four years that I’ve been familiar with the Jennie-O brand, I’ve noticed that they’ve revved up their branding efforts. You’ve probably seen some of their tv commercials, which are pretty funny, but you may have overlooked the fact that they’re working hard to expand recognition of their employment brand with college students.
It’s been almost 9 months since we officially launched, and in that time we’ve featured quite a few internships in public relations. Many have been in-house with major brands, while others have been on the consulting/agency side. When you’re looking at in-house internships, it’s easy to find the point of differentiation – it’s all in the product or service that you’re trying to get press for; however, it’s not so easy to differentiate between internships at different PR agencies. It usually takes a little work – you need to look at client lists, case studies, and awards to get a sense of how one agency is different from another. With LEWIS PR, the point of differentiation is clear – everything about what they do is international. They have locations in Australia, Benelux, Czech Republic, France, Germany, China, India, Italy, Japan, Nordics, Poland, Singapore, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
This is a guest post by Lauren Berger aka “The Intern Queen.”
In the music world – great labels can be few and far between – Universal Music Group remains on top. UMG (Universal Music Group) consists of: Interscope Records, A&M Records, Geffen Records, Island Def Jam Music Group, Lost Highway Records, MCA Nashville, Mercury Records, Motown Records, Universal Records, Universal Records South, Verve Music Group, Decca Label Group, Universal Music Latino, Machete Music and Universal Music Enterprises. Internships at UMG are offered for Fall, Spring, and Summer Semesters and are only for students currently enrolled in a college/university. The subsidiaries of UMG offering internships include Interscope Geffen A&M and Island Def Jam Music Group. The Los Angeles and New York offices are still looking for fall interns for the Fall 2008 semester.
This morning I realized which company we should have featured to celebrate my birthday yesterday. Luckily, my birthday celebration is going to be a 2 week event that will culminate with our giving away an iPod Touch to one lucky reader who spreads the word about us to his or her friends. Although we announced the contest last night, we’re really kicking it off today, so I think that we should focus on my birthday again and talk about entry level jobs with Hallmark. Here’s how Hallmark describes itself:
Some companies make things. Good things, but, you know…things. Hallmark is another kind of company. We play a unique role in defining and expressing friendship and family and love – and we’ve done it for nearly 100 years.
I usually just shake a card to see if a check falls out – just kidding. I actually got a talking Hallmark card that couldn’t have been more perfect for me. My mom may have had to walk through the store opening every single card to find it, but she did. It has made me laugh over and over. You have to love Hallmark.
It’s not too uncommon for us to have trouble scrounging up details about a company’s internships despite the fact that we know that they have them; however, today’s situation is pretty unusual. We’re having no trouble finding information on internships with Brant Publications, but we’re having a heck of a time gathering information about the actual company. It’s not that they’re some stealth stage startup or a small boutique firm that nobody has ever heard of. They are the publisher of three well known magazines – The Magazine Antiques, Interview, and Art in America, but they don’t have a corporate website (or logo). Apparently, they do have a dress code, though. Despite the lack of publicly available information about Brant Publications online, we still think that their internships look pretty cool. If you’re dying to work in publishing or around the arts, you’ll probably be pretty excited about the internship opportunities that you’ll find below.
Internships at the Mystery Company
Brant Publications is currently looking to fill internships in Office Services, Human Resources, Advertising (Art in America), Advertising (The Magazine Antiques), Advertising (Interview Magazine), Art (Interview Magazine), Editorial (Interview Magazine), Editorial (The Magazine Antiques), Mailroom, Accounting, Fashion, and Production. All of the internships are located in New York City, and many have multiple openings. The job descriptions for each internship are pretty sparse, but the job titles are specific enough that you should get some idea of what they’ll expect you to be doing. The internship listings don’t say so explicitly, but we get the vibe that these are unpaid internships. You can apply online through the Magazine Publishers of America website where the links above will lead you. It’s not completely clear whether these are Fall, Spring, or Summer internships, but it seems that Brant hires a lot of interns, and probably does so year round.
Links to Help You Begin Your Research
- Brant Publications’ Yahoo! Business Profile
- Internships at Brant Publications
If you find out anything more about Brant Publications, please share it in the comments.
Periodically the news is riddled with stories about how the airlines are teetering on the brink of bankruptcy. Lately the focus of doom and gloom commentary has shifted to finance and insurance companies, but that doesn’t mean that the airlines are doing any better. There’s one company that is seemingly never in the conversation about struggling airlines – Southwest Airlines. If you’ve ever flown Southwest, you probably know why. They do things differently, and it makes flyers happy. Even though it seems like almost no one can succeed flying commercial routes, Southwest continues to impress. Air travel isn’t going anywhere – it’s too important to us, so forget about all the bad things that you hear about the airline industry, and start thinking about an internship at Southwest Airlines.
Are you a superhero whose alter ego happens to be looking for an internship? Just for cover, of course, because superheroes don’t actually need to work. You’ve managed to keep it quiet through a couple years of college, but you need something to do between classes besides beating up villains and saving the world. Why not intern at the last place that they’d ever expect you to work – Marvel Enterprises. It’s so obvious that it’s completely unobvious. In all seriousness if you’re not familiar with Marvel, they’re “one of the world’s most prominent character-based entertainment companies.” They made their name in comic books, but they’ve expanded into tv, movies, toys, video games, and more.
Considering that it’s July, hockey probably isn’t the first thing on your mind right now, unless, of course, you’re sweltering in a room without air conditioning dreaming of the cool air inside the rink. The offseason is a time for National Hockey League Teams to address their needs, and that isn’t only about the personnel who wear ice skates. Although many of the NHL Teams have major Summer internship programs, they also need interns during the hockey season. While you may be focused on baseball or the Olympics right now, you should get your mind back to hockey for a bit and try to find an internship with an NHL Team for this coming fall or spring.
Rue 21 is all about fashionable clothing at a reasonable price. They sell both men’s and women’s wares in their stores, which stretch across 41 states. As of now they’re strictly a brick and mortar operation, although it looks like they might be moving towards an online store at some point. Rue21 appears to have a significant internship program, but getting details on it has been a bit difficult. Here’s what we’ve found out.
Despite the fact that L’Occitane has a tab for Men on their website, I have to admit that I’ve never used their products. When it comes to fragrance, skin care, body & hands, bath & shower, hair care, etc. I’m more interested getting the job done than enjoying the experience. I know that there are plenty of men (and even more women) who have a very different philosophy when it comes to these types of products, so I imagine that an internship with L’Occitane would be a pretty cool thing for a lot of you.
We hope you had a safe Independence Day. Unfortunately, every year people get hurt during the celebration. Fireworks are a lot of fun, but they can result in some really nasty burns and injuries. Since we encouraged you to blow stuff up yesterday, we thought we’d counter that by featuring a non-profit organization that helps children who endure severe burns. The Shriners Hospitals for Children do exactly that. Who are Shriners? They wear funny hats. They drive little cars in parades. They’re Freemasons. And most importantly, they help kids through their hospitals. That’s going to be our focus today, since college students likely aren’t that interested in being part of a fraternal organization that seems like it has an average age north of 60. Then again, you probably got all hot and bothered about your college’s greek organizations and secret societies.
I was 10 when the first season of Road Rules came out. I had seen the Real World before, but it didn’t really appeal to me. Road Rules, on the other hand, was just about the coolest show ever to me. They had a Winnebago! I’m not sure if the show got worse as the seasons progressed, or if the cast just seemed way less cool as I approached them in age, but after a few seasons of watching both the Real World and Road Rules, I got bored. Still, you have to respect Bunim-Murray Productions for essentially creating reality tv. We’ve all now been desensitized to how revolutionary those shows were when they first aired. Now we have The Simple Life, Living Lohan, Keeping Up with the Kardashians, and Old Skool (all current BMP projects). It’s not the same, but that doesn’t mean that an internship with Bunim-Murray Productions won’t be an awesome experience.
I’m kind of a nerd – I really like reading Economics blogs. So I was delighted to come a cross a a post about internships on Greg Mankiw’s Blog. He’s certainly one of my favorite Econ bloggers (and he’s a Harvard professor), so I value his internship recommendations quite highly. Unfortunately I came across his post when the deadlines had passed for Summer internships at many of the organizations he named. I made note of this, and now that we’re looking at Fall internships, I’ve decided to return to some of the ideas Dr. Mankiw shared. Today we’re going to look at The Heritage Foundation,
a research and educational institute – a think tank – whose mission is to formulate and promote conservative public policies based on the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense.
Great timing for this one. The Houston Astros are 37-42 and just released a player for choking their General Manager. Still, they are a Major League Baseball team, and they have a ton of Fall internships available. Despite the rough times that the team is going through, we doubt that they’ll have any effect on the quality of the internships experience. There are few internships more desirable than those with professional sports teams.
As we continue to help you in your hunt for last minute internships, you need to remember that our daily posts are just jumping off points for your internship hunt. Just because the company that we feature isn’t near where you live or isn’t in the industry that you want to work in doesn’t mean that you should pass over it. Think about similar companies or fields and use the ideas that you come up with to formulate your own internship search plan. For instance, we are looking at internships at Wild Waves Theme Park in Federal Way, WA today. There may not be a ton of you out there who live near Wild Waves, but there’s a good chance that many of you live a commutable distance from a theme park. Use the job search techniques that we’ve taught you and see if you can find an internship at your local theme park.
Wet and Wild Internships
Whether you’re looking for summer jobs or internships, theme parks are a great place to look because they’re always hiring college students. Theme parks are generally large operations, so there’s more to working for them than taking tickets, selling hot dogs, or dressing up as a character in a costume that is 140 degrees on the inside. Wild Waves Theme Park is looking for interns in Marketing, Finance, Human Resources, Operations, Food Service, Information Technology, and Retail. The only specific information that we could find about individual internships were job postings for their IT Internship, Marketing Internship, and Finance Internship. From those postings you can apply directly for the internships. We’re not quite sure if the other internships are still available, as they’re not listed in Wild Waves’ job openings, so your best bet is to fill out a general application and to state your desired internship. You could also try calling 253-661-8027, which appears to be the phone number for their HR office.
Links to Help You Begin Your Research
Found a cool internship, but it wasn’t for you? Tell us about it so that we can share it with other readers.
When you’re in a new place, like a city where you’re interning for the summer, you need help finding your way around. Things like restaurants, hotels (for your parents when they visit), nightlife, movies, music, golf, shopping and other entertainment resources can be difficult to figure out. There are a lot of reviews online, but the quality of such reviews is often questionable. You never know who is writing them and what their personal tastes are. That’s why resources like Zagat are so essential to making the most of your stay in a new place. They have over 250,000 surveyors helping them produce the highest quality content for print and the web. A Zagat review is a review that you can trust. If you already have an internship, why not grab a Zagat guide for the city that you’ll be living in? If you don’t have an internship, why not consider interning with Zagat?