There are some brands that you instantly recognize even though you have no real connection to them. Usually this is a product of lots of advertising over a long period of time. People who don’t drink soda know Pepsi, and people who don’t own cars know GEICO. So how does a women’s lifestyle brand that was only launched in 2004 become iconic to a 27 year old guy whose fashion sense is based on what Bonobos sells? I’m not quite sure how Tory Burch did it, but I’m pretty sure that their big, bold logo has something to do with it. If you’ve ever walked by one of their stores or seen someone wearing Tory Burch, there’s no way that you could have missed who the designer was. Maybe positioning has something to do with it too, as Tory Burch, which is based in New York, NY, calls itself “a luxury lifestyle brand defined by classic American sportswear with an eclectic sensibility and attainable price point.” That sounds like a recipe for success to me.
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