A year or two ago I read an interesting book called Why Not?: How to Use Everyday Ingenuity to Solve Problems Big And Small
(affiliate link) about invention and innovation. It was a good read, and it put all kinds of new ideas in my head. One of the stories in the book is bout how the author and Yale professor, Barry Nalebuff, and one of his students, Seth Goldman, teamed up to start Honest Tea, which now seems to go by the name Honest Beverages. They were doing a case study on Coke and Pepsi in class, and both Barry and Seth agreed that most retail beverage options were either way too sweet or way too watered down. They wanted something in between, and it happened that Barry had just returned from studying the tea industry in India when Seth e-mailed him to continue the conversation that started in class. They kept running with the idea, and soon after Honest Tea was born. In 1998 the Bethesda, MD based company had 3 employees and $250,000 in sales, and last year those numbers rose to 87 employees and $38 million in sales.
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New York,
Washington DC

I guess it makes sense that people are more giving during the holidays. When you’re filling up on delicious food and getting lots of gifts, you can’t help but want to spread around the good fortune. Unfortunately for many food banks that spirit of giving isn’t distributed evenly throughout the year, while hunger is. Food banks and soup kitchens need food and volunteers year round, and sometimes they even have employment opportunities. One of those organizations that does is Food Bank for New York City. Their mission is to “end hunger by organizing food, information and support for community survival and dignity” throughout New York City’s five borough. While you’re still in that Thanksgiving mindset, you should take a look at Food Bank for New York City and see if you can add a helping hand as an intern.
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Tagged as:
entry-level jobs,
New York,
public relations

It’s Thanksgiving! That means that we’re going to run with the theme and talk about a… chicken company? I know we’re all getting ready to chow down on some turkey, but first we should take a look at Pilgrim’s Pride, a Pittsburgh, TX based company that happens to be our country’s largest chicken producer. Much like how our tradition of Thanksgiving started with one small group and grew to be celebrated by hundreds of millions of people, Pilgrim’s Pride started as a single feed store and grew to be an $8.5 billion company. Unfortunately, Pilgrim’s Pride has hit some problems as of late, as they’re going through a bankruptcy. Still, they couldn’t have a more appropriate name (it came from their founder’s last name) for a Thanksgiving themed post, and they do appear to offer internships; in fact, they even seem to have turned a profit in their most recent quarter.
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Tomorrow is Halloween, which means that we need to talk about candy today. We’ve already looked at companies like Jelly Belly, The Hershey Company, Charles Chocolates, Vosges, and Just Born Quality Confections. We’ve also discussed jobs at Mars & Co., which is a consulting firm, and not to be confused with Mars, the CPG and candy company. You probably know them best for M&M’s, Snickers, Dove, Milky Way, Twix, and Mars bar; however, they’re also behind Pedigree, Whiskas, Uncle Ben’s, and quite a few other brands. For your sake I hope you only run into the good stuff and not Whiskas or Pedigree during your trick-or-treating. While headquartered in McLean, VA, Mars has locations all across the world. They’re a huge company with a ton of international business, which makes for a great place to gain some experience.
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human resources,
information technology,

You know Disney. You love Disney. Who doesn’t? As a company they’ve stretched way beyond Mickey Mouse, but when it comes to Disney Theme Parks and Resorts, which includes Walt Disney World Resort in Lake Buena Vista, FL and Disneyland Resort in Anaheim, CA, it’s still all about Walt Disney’s imagination. There are few things as exciting to a child as a trip to Disney World or Disneyland, and the same can be said for a lot of adults. If there’s any company that I don’t need to tell you more about, it’s probably this one. What I can tell you is that your friends are going to be insanely jealous when you tell them that you’re going to be a part of the Disney College Program while they’re unlinking paperclips and making copies in some boring internship. You’ll also have something on your résumé that will always be the first topic of conversation. How could someone not ask you about your time at Disney World or Disneyland?
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hospitality management,

Today’s my birthday. I’m 25. If you want to get me a present, you can buy me something on my Amazon Wishlist
. If you don’t, then you can still check out today’s post on how to try to get an internship with a company that is absolutely not hiring. As I was thinking of a birthday themed company to feature, Charm City Cakes came to mind. They’re the Baltimore, MD based bakery that is featured on the Food Network’s Ace of Cakes. Unfortunately, they’re not making my birthday cake (if they were it would probably be a giant trout cake), but they are the best of the best when it comes to birthday—or any other celebration’s—cakes. You have to love any company that is truly at the top of it’s industry—especially when they’re head and shoulders above the competition like Charm City Cakes is.
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When I’m looking for companies to feature, I spend a lot of time looking at new startups. Sometimes I hear complaints that the internships that we feature are a little heavy on the tech side, but that’s where a lot of the exciting positions are these days. Startups are also more likely to be companies that you’ve never heard of before (which I consider a good thing). So, imagine my surprise when I’m browsing a startup job board and come across a posting for Charles Chocolates. They’re a San Francisco based chocolate startup founded by Charles Siegel, a guy who “has been a part of the San Francisco chocolate scene since 1987.” That may sound a little odd, but he’s done this before, and now he’s doing it again. I think the timing is right for an artisanal chocolate success story—just look at what Vosges is doing with their chocolate business.
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Tagged as:
customer service,
public relations,

Believe it or not, over the past week One Day, One Internship has been coming to you from a lodge on the banks of the Grand Cascapedia river in Quebec. As I’ve learned this week, fishing for Atlantic Salmon is extremely difficult, even though you can often see the fish right in front of you. In some pools there appear to be plenty of fish, but none of them will bite. That’s probably a good thing considering the fact that the estimated annual run on the Bonaventure (where we’ve been doing our fishing) is only about 1,500-2,000 fish. That means that if I catch and release my daily limit of two fish, I’ve caught .1% of the entire run. Even though we’d really like to, we can’t even think about killing one of these fish to eat—they’re too precious. Luckily, CleanFish is a company (and a B Corporation, you know what that is now!) that offers sustainable seafood that we can eat. They’re based in San Francisco with offices in Gloucester, MA and Los Angeles, CA as well, and they’re changing the way that we eat seafood.
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Tagged as:
social entrepreneurship,
social venture

I never thought that I’d hear the words “city” and “harvest” used together as often as I do these days, but now it seems that every city has a farmers market, urban vegetable gardens, and restaurants with hyper-local cuisine. Oddly enough, City Harvest means something slightly different when they talk about harvesting food. They are “a non-profit organization founded in 1982” and “the world’s first and New York City’s only food rescue program.” What does that mean? It means that this year they will “collect 26 million pounds of excess food from all segments of the food industry, including restaurants, grocers, corporate cafeterias, manufacturers, and farms.” They’re harvesting anything and everything that they can (as long as it’s up to their food safety standards) to feed New York City’s hungry. It’s a brilliant idea, and the organizations longevity proves that it’s working.
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New York,

I love cooking, but I didn’t always. I went into college barely knowing how to make myself a bowl of pasta, but when I lived off campus Sophomore year, I was left with little choice but to learn how to cook. I’ve never been one to follow recipes strictly, though. I always like trying something new and getting creative with my cooking. That’s exactly the philosophy behind America’s Test Kitchen. It’s a real kitchen (all 2,500 square feet of it) in Brookline, MA that is used to “to develop the absolute best recipes for all of your favorite foods.” They do this by testing recipes anywhere from 30-70 times until they not only get it right, but get it right to the point that it’s dead simple for the people who are consuming the products that America’s Test Kitchen puts out – magazines, cookbooks, DVDs, tv shows, and websites. To me it sounds like one of the coolest places in the world, so if there’s no post tomorrow, it’s because I quit in hopes of a career at America’s Test Kitchen (just kidding!).
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This is a guest post by Heather R. Huhman. Heather is the media relations manager at a national health care professional association. She is also the entry-level careers columnist for Examiner.com, a career expert for the CAREEREALISM Twitter Advice Project, the job search expert for Campus Calm and author of the e-book “Gen Y Meets the Workforce: Launching Your Career During Economic Uncertainty.”
Described in a leading trade magazine as a group of “type a-plus personalities” with a “BS-free approach,” New York City based 5W Public Relations touts a diverse client list—ranging from Anheuser Busch to Barnes & Noble Online to Snoop Dogg and Ice Cube. Interested in corporate communications? They’ve got it. Sports and entertainment, perhaps? They’ve got that, too. Health care, crisis communications—the list goes on. I love the ambition and overwhelming success of 5WPR, which has grown from a one-person firm with three clients in 2003 to the 21st largest independent PR firm and 23rd largest PR firm overall in the U.S. with revenue exceeding $11.5 million today. Even more impressive, perhaps, is that 5WPR’s CEO was recently named to both the Advertising Age’s and PRWeek’s “40 Under 40” lists. Want to learn more about this young leader? Check out his blog or follow him on Twitter. What a great environment in which to learn the ropes of the PR business—alongside a group of young professionals with an average age of 26.
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Tagged as:
New York,
public relations,

Easter is almost here, and since we’ll be covering a non-profit on Sunday, it’s time to talk about candy again! Last year we checked out internships at Just Born Quality Confections (the manufacturer of Peeps), so this year we need to give jelly beans their due respect. And if we’re talking about jelly beans, it’s hard to ignore Jelly Belly. Although I have a soft spot for those simpler jelly beans with less creative flavors (except for the nasty licorice flavored ones), I know that Jelly Belly is the king of the jelly bean industry. They offer an insane variety of flavors that includes Buttered Popcorn, Cotton Candy, Toasted Marshmallow, and Jalapeño. While Fairfield, CA basedJelly Belly has branched out a bit from their jelly bean roots, they seem quite committed to furthering the success of the bean. They’ve even brought jelly beans to the sports market to compete with the drinks and gels that most people are accustomed to.
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Although people mostly associate St. Patrick’s Day with drinking (it’s really supposed to be a feast), I like to think of it in terms of searching for something good. Just think – there’s the four leaf clover, and the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, and… ok that’s it. Well, you can also use St. Patrick’s Day as motivation for your internship search. That’s why we’re looking at Phoenix, AZ based Shamrock Foods today. They not only fit in with the theme of the day, but they also fit in perfectly with the article that we published yesterday on anticipating internship postings. So, let’s feast on Shamrock Foods and see if they have any internship opportunities.
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At least 3 days a week I walk out of my apartment building and I smell chocolate. That may sound strange, but I live less than a mile from a chocolate factory. On days when the wind is blowing right from the West and they’re churning out chocolate, I don’t need to eat dessert – the delicious smell is enough. It’s especially enjoyable when it’s snowing out, and I’m sure that it won’t be nearly as nice on a 90 degree Summer day. It’s a pretty cool perk that I didn’t know that I was getting when I moved into this building. I’m hoping that you can get the same perk when you take an internship with The Hershey Company. I don’t know if their corporate offices are near their factories, but even if they aren’t, you’ll still be surrounded by chocolate if you work for them. Hershey’s obviously doesn’t need an introduction, but you may not know that some of their other big brands are Reese’s, KitKat, Kisses, Jolly Rancher, and Ice Breakers. Oh, and in case you didn’t know, they’re located in… Hershey, PA.
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Tagged as:
information technology,
software development,

If your sweetheart is out of a job or struggling to find an internship this Valentine’s Day, then give him or her a gift that shows that you really care. Chocolates, flowers, and jewelry only bring temporary satisfaction, but there’s nothing more satisfying (besides a relationship with you, of course) than a job that you love. Enroll your sweetheart in Found Your Career (our online job search training course) today.
At this time last year, we were just preparing to launch One Day, One Internship, but on One Day, One Job we did a weeklong build up to Valentine’s Day – we checked out jobs at ProFlowers, OpenTable, eHarmony, and Tiffany & Co. One obvious choice that I left out was a confectioner or chocolatier. That’s why today we’re going to look at Vosges, a Chicago based producer of Haut-Chocolat. I had a lot of options when it came to picking a chocolatier to feature today, and I probably could have picked one that actual internship listings (your homework can be to go find one), but I picked Vosges for a single reason. They make a chocolate bar with bacon in it. I’ve had it, and it’s awesome. How could you not want to work with a company that is creative enough to mix those two things together?
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For a long time fruit juices other than orange juice (and prune juice) were largely the domain of young children. I’m not sure why this was, but I still to this day feel like a kid when I drink juice. Over the past few years we’ve seen juice gain in popularity – not grape or apple juice, but more exotic juices like pomegranate, cherry, and acai. POM Wonderful has been one of the companies that profited the most from the upswing in adult juice consumption. Maybe it’s all of the health benefits of the pomegranate that is convincing adults to hit the juice. It’s hard to not like something that improves cardiovascular and prostate health while also improving erectile function. Not to mention that pomegranates are loaded with antioxidants. With those health benefits and great marketing, POM Wonderful is primed for continued success – they’re the largest producer of pomegranates in the United States.
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New York,

Somehow the Coca-Cola brand has been indelibly tied to the image of Santa Claus. In fact, there’s even an urban legend that the modern image of Santa Claus was created by The Coca-Cola Company. It’s not true, but the fact that many people believe it to be true speaks volumes about Coca-Cola’s branding prowess (dating all the way back to the 1930s). We considered a lot of Christmas themed companies to feature today, but we keep coming back to the image of St. Nick sipping on a glass bottle of Coke. Let’s see how you can find a job with Coke.
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Have you ever heard of the slow food movement? Despite what it might sound like, it’s not about eating snails, turtles, and sloths. The slow food movement about envisioning “a word in which all people can eat food that is good for them, good for the people who grow it and good for the planet,” or as USA Today puts it, “slow food aims to everything that fast food is not.” As delicious as Chicken McNuggets are, I have to say that fresh, locally grown produce usually comes out ahead for me. Slow Food USA is a non-profit organization based in Brooklyn, NY that is working to grow the slow food movement and “to create dramatic and lasting change in the food system.” I wish I could tell you more about what their strategy is to accomplish this, but their 5 Year Strategic Plan is “coming soon.”
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New York,

Today’s internships are going to be especially sweet, but before we tell you about them, we want to remind you about two sweet deals that we’re offering over on One Day, One Job. The first is a free copy of an awesome book called How to Self-Destruct written by career coach and management consultant Jason Seiden (who is partnering with us for our job search training course), and the second is the HP Magic Giveaway, where we and 49 other sites are each giving away $6,000 HP packages to our readers. Now that we’ve reminded you, let’s talk about some sweet internships that might also be recession proof. Do you know what people do when they’re unemployed? They eat ice cream. I did it, and I’ve heard of plenty of others who have done the same. Instead of spending the summer on the couch with a spoon in hand, why don’t you think about an internship with Dreyer’s? They’re a $2 billion company with more than 7,000 employees, and they’re all about ice cream.
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supply chain

Happy Thanksgiving! Thank you for reading! One Day, One Internship wasn’t even around yet last Thanksgiving, but on One Day, One Job we talked about jobs at Plimoth Plantation and Colonial Williamsburg. Those are still a great option if you want to be reminded of Thanksgiving every day when you’re at work, but this year we’re going to take the easy way out and talk about turkey. I was first introduced to Jennie-O when I tried some of their turkey bacon. It’s good, if you haven’t had real bacon in a while. Since my Thanksgiving cooking philosophy is that bacon makes everything better (especially when it’s put on top of the turkey and doused in maple syrup, seriously, try it), I’ll let Jennie-O provide the turkey, but I’m getting the bacon somewhere else. In the three or four years that I’ve been familiar with the Jennie-O brand, I’ve noticed that they’ve revved up their branding efforts. You’ve probably seen some of their tv commercials, which are pretty funny, but you may have overlooked the fact that they’re working hard to expand recognition of their employment brand with college students.
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Tagged as:
human resources,
information technology,
product management,
quality assurance,

Do you look at the labels on all of the food that you buy? Not only the nutritional facts but also the ingredients? If you answered yes, then you’re probably a health conscious consumer, or maybe you have a specific food allergy. Well what about the stuff that’s in your food that isn’t on the ingredients label? No mater what kind of drugs they pump into the cow that your hamburger is coming from, it’s always just going to be labeled beef. How about that bottle of water that you’re drinking from right now? It’s just water, or is it? A salmon from Lake Ontario is still just salmon, even if it’s full of PCBs (at least you can’t buy those in the grocery store). There’s a lot of stuff in our food and water that we don’t know about, which is why Washington, DC based Food & Water Watch exists. They’re “a nonprofit consumer organization that works to ensure clean water and safe food.”
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Tagged as:
public policy,
social media,
Washington DC

Yesterday I told you how my move to Chicago has extended my baseball watching season, but I’m not sure that I mentioned that I have tickets to today’s Cubs game! I’m pretty excited about it, although I’m not excited about the fact that it might get into the 40s tonight during the game. October baseball is not for fair weather fans – the types who might prefer a catered event at the stadium to a real baseball game. Whether you’re a fair weather fan, an insanely devoted fan who just wants to be as close to your team’s stadium as possible at all time, or even if you just enjoy fine dining, an internship with Levy Restaurants might be something worth thinking about. They’re a company that is all about hospitality and dining experience, and they happen to do catering/events at some pretty amazing venues – Wrigley and U.S. Cellular Field included.
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Tagged as:
hospitality management,

As we told you on Monday, it’s getting sparse for Summer internships. We’re going to finish out the week with 2 more companies and 2 non-profits and then we’re going to take a 2 week break. When we come back we’ll start looking at internships for the Fall. Today we’re going to talk about Whole Foods Magazine. They have no relation to Whole Foods Market, and they’ve been publishing continuously for 30 years. They’re all about “informing natural products retailers on dietary supplements, herbs, hbc, homeopathy, and foods.”
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New Jersey,

Happy Memorial Day! First and foremost, this is a day to remember those who have given their lives to protect our freedom. Help us send a big thank you out to all of those who have ever served in the armed forces, while we remember those who are no longer with us. We considered writing about careers in the military today, but it seemed a bit out of our realm. If that’s something that interests you, then you should take a look at Today’s Military to get a better sense of the options that are out there. Instead, we’re going to stick with a Memorial Day tradition that we’re much better acquainted with – the barbecue. As the official beginning of summer, Memorial Day is the perfect time to fire up your Weber-Stephen grill.
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As we continue to help you in your hunt for last minute internships, you need to remember that our daily posts are just jumping off points for your internship hunt. Just because the company that we feature isn’t near where you live or isn’t in the industry that you want to work in doesn’t mean that you should pass over it. Think about similar companies or fields and use the ideas that you come up with to formulate your own internship search plan. For instance, we are looking at internships at Wild Waves Theme Park in Federal Way, WA today. There may not be a ton of you out there who live near Wild Waves, but there’s a good chance that many of you live a commutable distance from a theme park. Use the job search techniques that we’ve taught you and see if you can find an internship at your local theme park.
Wet and Wild Internships
Whether you’re looking for summer jobs or internships, theme parks are a great place to look because they’re always hiring college students. Theme parks are generally large operations, so there’s more to working for them than taking tickets, selling hot dogs, or dressing up as a character in a costume that is 140 degrees on the inside. Wild Waves Theme Park is looking for interns in Marketing, Finance, Human Resources, Operations, Food Service, Information Technology, and Retail. The only specific information that we could find about individual internships were job postings for their IT Internship, Marketing Internship, and Finance Internship. From those postings you can apply directly for the internships. We’re not quite sure if the other internships are still available, as they’re not listed in Wild Waves’ job openings, so your best bet is to fill out a general application and to state your desired internship. You could also try calling 253-661-8027, which appears to be the phone number for their HR office.
Links to Help You Begin Your Research
Found a cool internship, but it wasn’t for you? Tell us about it so that we can share it with other readers.
Tagged as:
human resources,
information technology,

When you’re in a new place, like a city where you’re interning for the summer, you need help finding your way around. Things like restaurants, hotels (for your parents when they visit), nightlife, movies, music, golf, shopping and other entertainment resources can be difficult to figure out. There are a lot of reviews online, but the quality of such reviews is often questionable. You never know who is writing them and what their personal tastes are. That’s why resources like Zagat are so essential to making the most of your stay in a new place. They have over 250,000 surveyors helping them produce the highest quality content for print and the web. A Zagat review is a review that you can trust. If you already have an internship, why not grab a Zagat guide for the city that you’ll be living in? If you don’t have an internship, why not consider interning with Zagat?
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Tagged as:
human resources,
New York

About two months ago over at One Day, One Job, we wrote an article about finding jobs by watching tv. You shouldn’t be surprised that we practice what we preach and use the tube for internship searching as well. We’re big fans of Top Chef and watch its new episodes every week. We like it because we learn new cooking techniques, but also because it’s a reality show that rewards people for being talented, not for being jerks. Though we sometimes completely zone out in front of the tv, we do our best to pay attention and keep an eye out for internship ideas. The most recent episode of Top Chef featured Common Threads, a non-profit organization that educates children on the importance of nutrition and physical well-being and fosters an appreciation of cultural diversity through cooking. We made a mental note on Wednesday night, and here we are on Saturday morning writing about them.
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As a college student, you’re probably not accustomed to the luxury of having gift baskets of gourmet treats delivered to your doorstep – unless you consider a cheap cardboard box to be a gift basket and pizza and wings to be gourmet. So, you may not be familiar with Harry & David, “a vertically integrated direct mail marketer and retailer of gourmet fruit, foods and gifts.” The cool thing about Harry & David is that they grow 9 out of 10 products that they sell, and they have a substantial internship program.
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I was blessed to grow up in Chicago during a time when the Bulls were the most dominant sports team in the world. I was crazy about each and every player on the team, but was especially obsessed with BJ Armstrong. Now, I know that you may be thinking that BJ is a funny choice, given the more obvious picks of Michael Jordan, Scottie Pippen, Dennis Rodman and the likes, but there was something about BJ’s work ethic and drive that made me fall in love with him. So when I saw him eating dinner at a restaurant near my house, I could hardly contain myself. Now imagine yourself eating dinner everyday next to your favorite Olympic heroes. As an intern at the U.S. Olympic Committee you could do just that, plus breakfast and lunch.
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Tagged as:
culinary nutrition,
sport science,
sports administration,
strength and conditioning,

Thinking about waiting tables instead of looking an internship? If your reasons for this are more that you’re interested in hospitality management, and less that you just want to put some money in the bank, then the Chicago based Lettuce Entertain You Enterprises internship program might be a great alternative. LEYE is what some call a restaurant empire with over 70 restaurants and approximately 5,000 employees. Managing one restaurant is hard enough, but somehow founder and CEO Richard Melman has been able to do it over and over again.
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Tagged as:
hospitality management,