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The Whale Center of New England Logo

When I was 6th grade, my entire Middle School class (all 51 of us) went on a whale watch trip. It was supposed to be a good way for the class to bond, but it ended up creating more cliquiness. The Cape Cod weather in September was delightful, but the seas were apparently a little too rough for whale watching. We spent a lot of time buying taffy and other novelties instead. On the last day we were able to get out for half a day of whale watching. The seas were still rough, so the teachers encouraged all of us to take half a tablet of dramamine. Being the manly 6th grade man that I was, I decided that I would take a full tablet. For some of my classmates the half tablet wasn’t enough, and they spent most of the boat ride with their heads over the railing technicolor yawning. I, on the other hand, fell right to sleep – a side effect of the dramamine. I woke up just long enough to see the 2 whales that we encountered, and thoroughly enjoyed the rest of my nap. Those were the first whales that I’d ever seen, but I’ve seen some since, and I’m always absolutely amazed by them. If you’re fascinated by whales (and not susceptible to seasickness), an internship with The Whale Center of New England might be a great way to spend this fall or spring.

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