Internships in Engineer

Looking for more internships in Engineer? Check out the most recent internship postings in Engineer.

Below you'll find all of the companies that we've covered that may offer internships in Engineer. You can also look at entry level jobs in Engineer.

by on November 21, 2011

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I’m convinced that textbook publishers are just really expensive money launderers. You spend an outrageous amount of money on some book that you probably won’t even open, and at the end of the semester you sell it back for 15% of what you paid for it. Your money is clean and you’re slightly more educated, yet there’s this sinking feeling that you’ve been had. Academic publishers have built monopolies title by title, and they’ve reaped the rewards for decades. It’s finally coming to an end. There are now open-source publishers like Flat World Knowledge and textbook rental services like Chegg and that are digging into the publishers’ profits. Today we’re going to focus on San Mateo, CA based which was founded in 2006 “to make education more affordable for everyone.” From what I can tell, they were the first textbook rental service, and they’ve been growing big time since they launched.

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