When I was 6 years old, my Mom and Dad thought it would be a great idea to take the train to Florida. We had been to Florida quite a few times before to visit Grandma and Grandpa, but always flew from a New York airport. For some reason my parents decided that the train was the way to go this time. Instead of 6 hours door to door, it was a solid 2 days, but it was actually a lot of fun. The most memorable part was coming into Washington, DC at night and seeing all of the monuments lit up. It was also on that trip that I finally got the hang of reading. I haven’t taken a long train trip since, but I will be doing so this Summer on my way to Quebec for a fishing trip. Although a train is slower, it’s also more comfortable, less of a hassle, and a nice change of pace. That’s exactly what the National Association of Railroad Passengers thinks too, as they’re a non-profit organization that is pushing for “a modern, customer-focused national passenger train network that provides a travel choice Americans want.”
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public policy,
public relations,
Washington DC,

Yesterday we came across an article that included pictures of one of Earth’s last uncontacted tribes. It’s absolutely incredible to think that there are people out there who have absolutely no idea about what exists in the world outside of their society (you can be sure they don’t need to get internships). Even cooler is the fact that the rest of the world has almost no clue about them. The pictures were taken from an aircraft, which must have left these people totally freaked out. Their reaction was what anyone would do given the circumstances, they started shooting arrows at the plane. The article mentioned a non-profit organization called Survival International which protects these people from the encroachment. We immediately thought internships.
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post production,
united kingdom,

Elevators are by definition awkward. We’re not talking about the design, which is actually one of the more elegant inventions in human history, but about the social aspects of being in an elevator. When you step in, you are forced to invade other people’s personal space. You don’t know whether to make small talk or to look forward and do nothing. If you’re in the back and need to get out, but there are people in front of you, it can be a struggle to not miss your floor. It’s generally an uncomfortable experience to step into an elevator (what if it fell? ahhhh), but millions of people have to do it every day to get where they live or work. Captivate Network hasn’t completely eliminated the awkwardness of elevator travel, but they have a product that makes the experience less awkward and delivers marketing messages to millions of people every day.
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With the amount that the word “green” is thrown around these days, you’d think there are a lot of envious people out there. Maybe there are, but that’s not what it’s all about. It’s about being Irish. Just kidding. It’s about the environment. There’s still a ton of debate about how far we need to go to with environmentalism, but it’s hard to argue against improving efficiency and sustainability. Green Options is a blog network that is focused on the “need for innovative solutions to our (the world’s) problems.” They say that they’re “not treehuggers or hippies per se,” but that they “believe market-based solutions are the key to reaching true sustainability.” We second them on market-based solutions! It’s a great way to initiate change, because it starts with the most willing.
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If watching soap operas is part of your daily internship search routine, then we really hope it’s because you’ve read our article on using television to find internships. If that is the case, then you’re not the only one who has put trashy tv shows to a strangely productive use for you. Back in the 1930’s Procter & Gamble created soap operas (then on the radio) to sell their soap. They realized that in most households the women bought the soap and also listened to the radio at home during the day. Out of that realization came one of the most brilliant marketing techniques ever created – radio/television programming tailored specifically for reaching a demographic with advertising. In 1952 the move was made to television, and since then Procter & Gamble Productions has been behind major television shows like Guiding Light and As the World Turns.
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public relations,

I majored in Industrial and Labor Relations, and I can say with near certainty that most of the guys (and some of the girls) who started in that major with me wanted to be sports agents. It was our way of hanging on to childhood dreams after coming to the sad reality that we weren’t ever going to be professional athletes. By choosing a profession that allows everyday interaction with sports stars, we could come close to what we always dreamed of. If you’ve been through the same thought process, and we know there’s a lot of you who have, it’s time to start considering an internship in sports. The truth is that working in sports isn’t for everyone, so those who are considering it need to test the waters – and there’s no better way than an internship with a company like Bleacher Report
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