I grew up in suburban Connecticut, but I spent a lot time outdoors, both around my house and in more wild places. During my childhood I rarely saw deer, turkeys, coyotes, or hawks. Only a few times did I ever hear or see a woodpecker. Seeing wildlife was special. As I got older that began to change. I see all of the above relatively often now, and I swear that I hear a woodpecker banging away every day now. I definitely consider this a victory for local conservationists who have worked hard to save and bring back wildlife habitats; however, I also know that many species of flora and fauna are still in danger across the world. Conservation International is an organization whose mission statement should be “saving life on Earth.” Instead they have chosen the slightly less terse:
We believe that the Earth’s natural heritage must be maintained if future generations are to thrive spiritually, culturally, and economically. Our mission is to conserve the Earth’s living heritage – our global biodiversity – and to demonstrate that human societies are able to live harmoniously with nature.
Either way, they’re doing great work towards helping the world balance the needs of society with nature.
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One year, my cousin gave me a subscription to MAD Magazine for my birthday. I had never read an issue before, but I definitely recognized their icon Alfred E. Neuman. I didn’t think that I’d get that into it, but every month I’d look forward to getting the latest issue in the mail. Most of the jokes probably went over my head, because I was about 12 years old at the time, but I’d sit there and read and laugh. The only way you’re going to understand what MAD is all about is to pick up an issue, so head out to your nearest magazine rack and get one if you’d like to put your sense of humor to work this summer.
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New York

Have you ever heard of Daily Candy? The girls are probably nodding their heads yes, and the boys are probably shaking their heads no. Well, Daily Candy is a daily e-mail list “from the front lines of fashion, food, and fun.” We’ve always wanted to write about their internships, but unfortunately we’ve never seen any listed (and we’re always watching). Thrillist is the manly man’s version of Daily Candy. You’ve already learned that it’s a lot easier to have someone find cool stuff for you – whether it be internships, restaurants, or clothes – than to look for yourself. That’s why companies like Thrillist and Daily Candy are thriving.
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New York,

Sometimes we like to get a little creative when we look for internships. It almost becomes a game for us. We hear about something, start researching, and piece together enough information so that we can give you a good idea of what the internship is all about and how you can apply. For some reason some companies don’t think to post their internships on their own websites, which makes finding reliable information a lot harder. Our daily Tweetscanning for internships turned up a link to a closed forum post about Freeverse. That piqued our interest, so we kept researching the video game and software developer.
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quality assurance,
software development,
video games

When I hear the name Pepperjam, the first thing that comes to my mind is the television show Pepper Ann from One Saturday Morning. That’s actually really embarrassing to admit, but I hope that you’ll overlook it when you see how cool of a company Pepperjam is. They have “Free Pizza Fridays, Ping Pong, video games (ie: Nintendo Wii, Guitar Hero), free Red Bull and music all day.” Now forget that I admitted to ever knowing anything about the show Pepper Ann.
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affiliate marketing,
software development

Well, if there’s anyone who’s qualified to write about internships at Orvis, it has to be me. I spent the summers after my sophomore and junior years as an intern in the Human Resources Department. Why did I pick Orvis? Because I am a life long fly fisherman and I love their products. I found the internship listed on their website, and knew that I had to have it. As an Industrial and Labor Relations major, I couldn’t think of a better fit than a HR internship with the company that built my favorite fly rod.
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hospitality management,

A few years ago, it became cool for companies to use the term “rock star” in reference to high potential applicants. As in, “We’re looking for a a rockstar PHP developer” or “She’s a total rockstar, we need to hire her.” Now everyone is saying it, and it’s lost its flare. Well, if there’s any entity that actually needs rock stars, it’s the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum.
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human resources,

Two weeks ago we talked about Google’s Summer of Code, which isn’t really an internship program. Then today we featured Google’s entry-level jobs on One Day, One Job. And we’re sure you’ve read our article How to Use Google to Find a Job (or Internship). Google, Google, Google. Well when we saw that Google still had internship opportunities listed as available on our website, we couldn’t turn down a chance to write about our favorite topic.
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product management,
software development,
user experience

We’ll be the first to admit that we’ve been slacking off this week. It’s tough finding new companies that offer entry-level jobs and internships every day. It’s even tougher sitting by the pool while you do it on Spring Break – so many distractions. We’ve persevered and ignored the lure of the 80 degree water to bring you IDEO, a great company with quite a few internship opportunities for college students.
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We couldn’t resist ourselves. We’re math nerds (who have a fondness for offbeat holidays), and we love Pi Day. For those of you who don’t get it, March fourteenth or 3/14 represents the first 3 digits of pi. That means that at 1:59:26, the date and time will represent 8 digits of pi. How do we celebrate Pi Day besides coming up with a pi-related internship for you? We take recommendations from PiDay.org and eat pies and other circularly shaped delicacies while reciting as many digits of pi as we can from memory. Hey, we never claimed to be cool. We went back and forth about what kind of internship to feature, and even asked a math teacher for recommendations. We found a company called Pi Media that we just couldn’t pass up. Today, we won’t be talking about internships in math, private investigation, or baking. Sorry.
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Lately, we’ve seen a lot of search activity for internships in the video game industry, so we thought we’d deliver what many of you have been yearning for. We featured Insomniac Games’ entry-level jobs on One Day, One Job a couple months ago, and we were thoroughly impressed by their job offerings. When we decided to revisit them looking for internships, it was no big surprise to us that their offerings appear to be some of the best summer internships that we’ve seen.
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Tagged as:
software development,
video games

We’ve written about quite a few advertising jobs on One Day, One Job, so we thought we’d start off the second week of One Day, One Internship with what is clearly a popular genre. We’ve had our eye on archer>malmo for a while. They’re a full service marketing and advertising agency located in Memphis, TN, and they’ve got internships. Their web site is really simple and only has a few pages, but we love their home page. It revolves through their portfolio and includes one sentence explanations of the campaigns as they are shown – it’s both fun and educational to just sit and watch for a while. archer>malmo was also named the 17th best small company to work for by the Great Place to Work Institute, so we know they’re going to treat you right (and they have a video to prove it, but you’ll have to read on to get the link).
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Do you think you’re cool? Why not try for an internship that will put your coolness to the test? PSFK is a consultancy and publishing company that specializes in “trends & inspiration.” Their story is inspiring to web entrepreneurs like us:
PSFK all began when two old friends, Piers and Simon (Fawkes and King) stopped emailing each other pieces of trend and idea news between New York to London – and instead started adding their observations on to a website called PSFK.com.
Somehow that site turned into a thriving business (we’re taking notes), and now they want to hire interns.
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