I’m consistently surprised that I am able to continuously find marketing agencies that I’d never heard of before. I always imagine that large companies have large marketing departments, but the truth is that a lot of marketing gets farmed out to agencies. Differentiating between agencies as an internship seeker is tough once you get away from the biggest names in the industry. I always like to look at client lists as a quick proxy for agency quality, but then again it continues to surprise me how many agencies there are with awesome client lists. Chicago based TargetCom is one of them. They’ve worked with names like the Atlanta Braves, Hooked on Phonics, Allstate, Audi, and Citi. Marketing is all about growing revenues, so TargetCom does well to describe themselves as “an integrated marketing agency that practices the art and science of generating, executing and measuring great ideas for clients who are serious about growth.”
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