Internships in Cosmetics

Looking for more internships in Cosmetics? Check out the most recent internship postings in Cosmetics.

Below you'll find all of the companies that we've covered that may offer internships in Cosmetics. You can also look at entry level jobs in Cosmetics.


by on July 14, 2008

L\'Occitane Logo

Despite the fact that L’Occitane has a tab for Men on their website, I have to admit that I’ve never used their products. When it comes to fragrance, skin care, body & hands, bath & shower, hair care, etc. I’m more interested getting the job done than enjoying the experience. I know that there are plenty of men (and even more women) who have a very different philosophy when it comes to these types of products, so I imagine that an internship with L’Occitane would be a pretty cool thing for a lot of you.

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