Happy Election Day! I’m not going to urge you to vote like most other people will, because yesterday I learned that “It’s more likely that you will be killed driving to the polling booth than it is that your vote will change the outcome.” That’d be a lot to have on my conscience, so I’m going to say vote at your own risk. If you’re upset that I’m making a mockery of the political system, then today’s company isn’t for you. That’s because we’re talking about The Onion and their internships. I can’t think of a more fitting company for election day (except for maybe Diebold, but they’re not nearly as much fun) than The Onion because politics and satire go hand in hand. Without politics satire is hamstrung, and without satire politics is utterly painful. The Onion is not only “America’s finest news source,” but also “the funniest publication in the US” according to the New Yorker.
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New York,

It’s been almost 9 months since we officially launched, and in that time we’ve featured quite a few internships in public relations. Many have been in-house with major brands, while others have been on the consulting/agency side. When you’re looking at in-house internships, it’s easy to find the point of differentiation – it’s all in the product or service that you’re trying to get press for; however, it’s not so easy to differentiate between internships at different PR agencies. It usually takes a little work – you need to look at client lists, case studies, and awards to get a sense of how one agency is different from another. With LEWIS PR, the point of differentiation is clear – everything about what they do is international. They have locations in Australia, Benelux, Czech Republic, France, Germany, China, India, Italy, Japan, Nordics, Poland, Singapore, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
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Tagged as:
human resources,
public relations,
united kingdom

I don’t know if you internship searchers are too young to remember the days of Napster and AudioGalaxy, but when I was in high school, finding music to download for free online was about as easy as it could possibly be. It’s kind of sad that even though technology has improved drastically, we still long for the “good ‘ol days.” SeeqPod, an Emeryville, CA based startup, has responded to the demand for finding free music online by taking the search engine approach. They don’t host any music, but they scour the Internet for playable audio files that you can listen to on their site. Their software finds a surprisingly wide array of musical titles (give it a try and see if it can find your favorite song), which is great, but it hasn’t come without some legal issues. Warner Music sued Seeqpod earlier this year, but there doesn’t seem to have been a resolution to the case yet. Despite the lawsuit, SeeqPod is still bullish on their future considering the fact that they’re hiring for a number of positions, including paid internships.
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software development

You know how sometimes you know that other people will find something to be cool even though you have no idea why? Yeah, it’s called middle school (and high school, and college, and life). Today’s company, MashON, is one of those for me. I don’t really understand why MashON is a cool company, but I know that some of you will be totally into it. Since I don’t really get it, I’m going to use MashON’s own words to tell you about the MashON Platform, which is:
an interactive suite of online tools which allows users to create and share their own digital stories, e-cards, comic books and graphic novels by combining their personal photos, music, videos and narration to create their own unique personalized story. The result is a rich media, digital comic creation which can instantly be shared with friends and syndicated across the web and on their favorite social networks.
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Tagged as:
quality assurance,
social media,
social networking,

Back when I was in high school (yes, part of that was in the 90s), I thought that I was really savvy when it came to using the Web to do better in my English classes. I found online, public-domain versions of many of the books that I was reading. The best part was that these were searchable, so if I needed to find a quote or a specific passage, all I had to do was remember a key word or two. It was fantastic. A lot has changed since then, and I don’t even know the extent of what academic resources are available online now. What I do know is that it’s not fair that today’s students have access to sites like Shmoop, when I couldn’t even dream of something like it. What is Shmoop? It’s hard for me to describe briefly, so maybe you should take the Tour de Shmoop.
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business development,

Before we start, two things. Fisrt, if you’re currently doing an unpaid internship in New York City and would like to be featured in a press story, e-mail me at willy@onedayonejob.com. Second, if you want to win an iPod Touch with almost no effort at all, enter our contest. Ok, let’s get started. If you’ve read our article from One Day, One Job on 9 Magazine Lists That Will Find You a Job (it works for internships too), you know that we’re always looking for new lists of great companies who might be hiring interns. We recently came across the Wall Street Journal’s Top Small Workplaces 2008, so of course we’re going to poach from it. The list is alphabetical, and we didn’t even have to go past A because ATA Engineering Inc. looks like an awesome place to work, they appear to have a strong internship/co-op program, and this is just one of many awards that they’ve won. They’re an employee-owned engineering consulting firm, and they specialize in the areas of Spacecraft, Launch Vehicles, Entertainment, Electronics, Airframes, and Software. ATA Engineering is all about teamwork, and their compensation plans and hiring processes reflect that.
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Tagged as:
New Mexico,
software development,

Data is everywhere. There’s too much of it. It’s never been so easy to collect data, but organizing it is another issue. Metaweb Technologies is a company that realizes how big this problem is, so they want to “build a better infrastructure for the Web” before things get out of hand. Their first product is called Freebase, which is “an open, shared database of the world’s knowledge.” Metaweb Technologies’ goal is audacious, but they think that they can achieve it; however, they can’t do it without really smart people. That’s why they’re looking for interns.
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Tagged as:
software development

Ok, it might be politically incorrect to celebrate Columbus Day, but it was just about the only holiday that I had off when I was in college. Maybe it just happened to be a convenient weekend for Fall Break, but I still can’t believe that I didn’t have class on Columbus Day, but did have class on Labor Day (when I went to a School of Industrial and Labor Relations). Anyway, Christopher Columbus wasn’t much of a navigator. He had no idea where he was going, and he tried to take the long way around the world. Still, his ineptitude was the reason that he “discovered” the Americas. Had Garmin been around in the 1490s, Columbus never would have ended up where he did. Then again, the existence of a company built on GPS technology would have changed a lot of things for famous explorers five centuries ago. (Much like the existence of iPods – like the one we’re giving away – would have changed the world for musicians back then.)
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Tagged as:
navigation systems,
software development,
web development

This is a guest post by Lauren Berger aka “The Intern Queen.”
In the music world – great labels can be few and far between – Universal Music Group remains on top. UMG (Universal Music Group) consists of: Interscope Records, A&M Records, Geffen Records, Island Def Jam Music Group, Lost Highway Records, MCA Nashville, Mercury Records, Motown Records, Universal Records, Universal Records South, Verve Music Group, Decca Label Group, Universal Music Latino, Machete Music and Universal Music Enterprises. Internships at UMG are offered for Fall, Spring, and Summer Semesters and are only for students currently enrolled in a college/university. The subsidiaries of UMG offering internships include Interscope Geffen A&M and Island Def Jam Music Group. The Los Angeles and New York offices are still looking for fall interns for the Fall 2008 semester.
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human resources,
New York,

Public relations can be tough an industry to work in. As a PR professional, your job is to get people excited about your clients’ products, services, or news. That isn’t so easy when your client manufactures plungers or is laying off 10,000 workers. On the other hand, it can be a lot of fun when you have amazing clients who do things that you are genuinely excited about. Bender/Helper Impact is a PR and communications firm that works with some great clients in some pretty exciting industries. Their four areas of practice are: Entertainment Content, Entertainment Technology & Consumer Electronics, Interactive Entertainment, and Consumer Products. Just to give you a taste of what that means – they worked on the launches of video games like “Metal Gear Solid 2,” “Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex,” “Diablo II” and “Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon.”
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Tagged as:
public relations,
video games

I never thought that moving to Chicago would prolong the baseball season for me. Living in the New York City area gave me 13 straight years of October baseball, and now that I’ve left, both Shea Stadium and Yankee Stadium will remain empty for the rest of the fall before they eventually face demolition. It’s lucky for me that I’m now living in a new city that happens to have two teams that are still in it. I get a 14th straight year of local baseball in October! Playoff baseball is by far the most exciting baseball of the year, but it also means that season will soon be over. Those of you who are baseball fans know how long the winter seems when there is only hot stove chatter to keep you entertained while you wait for pitchers and catchers to report to Spring Training. Although it may seem ridiculously early, now is the time to start thinking about your Summer plans if you want to intern with Major League Baseball. It’s pretty obvious that there is a lot of demand for these internships, so you need to make sure that you’re on the ball and beat all of the deadlines.
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Tagged as:
New York,
public relations,
Washington DC,

Two Sundays ago we wrote about internships with Smokey House Center, a farming cooperative and outdoor classroom in rural Vermont. Today we’re going to take a look at another agriculturally focused non-profit, but today’s organization is located in the heart of Oakland. That’s right, City Slicker Farms is all about urban farming. Their mission is to “increase food self-sufficiency in West Oakland by creating organic, sustainable, high-yield urban farms and back-yard gardens.” City Slicker Farms is all about enabling people to directly improve their own lives through agriculture. Not only does urban farming provide delicious, nutritious food at a low cost, but it also makes the urban landscape more livable.
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When I first heard the name Whole Child International, I was a bit perplexed. I usually take for granted the fact that children are whole. I quickly realized that they mean emotionally whole, not physically whole (although that is important too, I’m sure). Whole Child International is focused on working “in existing children’s institutions to improve the quality of care and help prevent the bleak outcomes that await most children raised in the world’s orphanages.” They first started in Nicaragua, but they are now in El Salvador too. Their goal is to help children in orphanages develop the basic psychological tools that they “need to succeed in school, work, relationships, and families of their own.” They have a distinctive model for institutional change that aims to directly affect the orphanage administration and caregivers so that they can better serve the children in their care.
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social media,
social networking,

By featuring one internship every day, we like to think that we put internship related information in an easily digestible format. Causecast is trying to make finding cool causes easier by featuring ten every month. That’s just the start of it, though. They have a community/social networking aspect, and they also link non-profits with brands and celebrities. For exapmle, Generation Rescue is supported by Jenny McCarthy and sponsored by, well, it looks like Causecast is still working on the sponsorships. They use the power of Web 2.0 to collect a ton of relevant information on organizations, and they even provide an easy way to donate to the causes of your choice. You can see what the total donations from the Causecast community are to date, which is also cool. The community, so far, is still pretty small, but Causecast’s website is excellent and will certainly generate a lot more interest in the future.
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Tagged as:
post production,

A lot of people and organizations think that they know what it takes to keep kids out of trouble. They’ll go on and on about how this or that is the way to keep kids from becoming criminals. Fight Crime: Invest in Kids is a non-profit organization that takes “a hard-nosed look at research on what keeps kids from becoming criminals and put that information in the hands of policy-makers and the public.” They base their action on facts, not feelings, so that they can do the most to make our streets safer and the lives of our youth more meaningful.
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Tagged as:
information technology,
public policy,
Washington DC

Do you feel that your Facebook profile just isn’t a good enough representation of who you are? Does it feel a little… flat? Is AIM a bit too 2-dimensional for your socialization needs? You could always try interacting with people in real life, but if you’d prefer to stay behind the keyboard, you can look to Vivaty for a solution. Their product, called Vivaty Scenes, creates a 3D world for Facebook and AIM (with more social sites to come) in your browser. It’s kind of like The Sims meets real life. We’re sure this isn’t for everyone, but Vivaty has done some pretty cool things with technology to expand the possibilities for online communication.
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Tagged as:
social networking,
software development

Since you’re looking for an internship and not in one, you may not be familiar with corporate policies on instant messaging. That’s ok, since they tend to be all over the place. At some companies you are required to be available by IM, since it’s the main form of communication used in the work place. At other companies instant messaging is strictly forbidden and even blocked by the IT department. We’re not trying to get you fired from the internship that you don’t even have yet, but if you absolutely need 5 minutes of contact with the outside world while at work, Meebo offers an easy way to get around company filters so that you can log into your AIM, Yahoo, Gchat, MSN, icq, or Jabber accounts. In fact, IMing behind your boss’ back probably isn’t a good idea for any intern, so maybe you should just use Meebo at home for its simple web-based interface, ability to log in to multiple accounts, and ease of use. Then again, you could just intern at Meebo so that you’ll be encouraged to have Meebo open in your web browser all day long at work.
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Tagged as:
software development,
web development

Although crackheads are typically addicted to crack, sodaheads may or may not be addicted to soda. We’re not exactly sure what a sodahead is, but we know that the name implies someone who has ideas constantly bubbling out of his or her head. Sodahead is a social network for these people. It allows users to ask and answer poll questions and to discuss those answers with other people who have similar interests. You can discuss the questions on Sodahead.com, or you can take the questions with you in the form of a widget to your blog or MySpace page. There are plenty of serious survey and polling tools online, but Sodahead tries to bring a little fun by allowing users to embed multimedia in their polls. We’d say that Sodahead is more focused on creating entertainment value than promoting data collection.
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social media,

Are you constantly bruised, scraped, and loaded with adrenaline? If so, it’s pretty likely that you’re a reader of one of Transworld’s magazines – Surf, Skateboarding, Snowboarding, RIDEbmx, Motocross, Quad Off-Road, or Business when you’re taking some time to heal up before your next extreme adventure. Transworld has readership of over 4 million across these titles, which is surprising since you’d think most action sports enthusiasts would be too busy trying to break their next bone to sit down and read a magazine. With 7 great titles and a strong online presence, Transworld is a major player in extreme sports media. They don’t have a unified internship program, but we’ve done some research to try to identify what kind of internships you might be able to snag with each of their magazines.
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Are you a superhero whose alter ego happens to be looking for an internship? Just for cover, of course, because superheroes don’t actually need to work. You’ve managed to keep it quiet through a couple years of college, but you need something to do between classes besides beating up villains and saving the world. Why not intern at the last place that they’d ever expect you to work – Marvel Enterprises. It’s so obvious that it’s completely unobvious. In all seriousness if you’re not familiar with Marvel, they’re “one of the world’s most prominent character-based entertainment companies.” They made their name in comic books, but they’ve expanded into tv, movies, toys, video games, and more.
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business development,
human resources,
information technology,
New York,
product management,

Does searching for internships ever make you feel like a total idiot? You go to a company’s website. You look for their Careers or Internships page. You can’t find it. You look all over the place. You search Google. Finally, you find it. It doesn’t do you much good, though, because their internship listings are difficult to navigate, the links that you bookmark don’t work when you try to come back, and you can’t figure out how to apply online for the jobs. This is a surprisingly common experience, and it’s representative of the complete ignorance to user experience that many companies and applicant tracking system providers show. Adaptive Path is a company that is all about user experience. They help other companies provide more usable products and services through consulting, training, workshops, and thought leadership. They also have a simple Jobs page that leaves no room for confusion (although it is a bit hard to find because they call it “Work with Us.” Unfortunately, they don’t have internships listed there now, but they do “host” interns year round.
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Tagged as:
user experience

We Americans seem to love picking up on Japanese culture and making it part of our own popular culture. Karate, sushi, and video games are excellent examples of things that we’ve adapted in our own way into our everyday lives. Manga and anime haven’t quite had such wide adoption (except for Pokemon), but there seems to be a large group of fanatics who are absolutely obsessed with Japanese animation and graphic novels. Today’s internships are for those people. VIZ Media, owned by three of Japan’s largest creators and licensors of manga and animation, is “a leader in the publishing and distribution of Japanese manga for English speaking audiences.” When it comes to publishing, animation, and entertainment licensing of Japanese content, VIZ Media is the company. They publish magazines and graphic novels, produce DVDs, and develop, market, license, and distribute animated entertainment for those of us who consider Japanese a foreign language.
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I don’t know about you, but in the relatively short time that I’ve been politically aware, I’ve become very skeptical of politicians. It seems that they spend most of their time begging for money – or fundraising as they like to call it – so that they can win their race and get the power to decide what to do with the money that we are forced to give them through taxes. I’m further confused by the fact that I can’t give a Senator money (read: bribe) to get a bill passed, but if I throw him a fundraiser and pay a lobbyist to “lobby” him to get a bill passed, it’s ok. If this bothers you too, an internship with MAPLight.org is a great way to do something about it. The MAP in MAPLight stands for Money And Politics. They provide a website that “brings together campaign contributions and how legislators vote, providing an unprecedented window into the connections between money and politics.”
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Tagged as:
public policy,

How do you make any sport better? Put the word “arena” in front of it! Arena Soccer, arena badminton, arena fishing, arena skydiving… you get the idea. Putting “arena” in front of a sport’s name is only second to putting “extreme” in front of it. Well one of the sports that actually works (not necessarily better) in an arena is football. The Arena Football League is exciting to watch and offers an option for the football junkies who are bored to tears in the offseason. Getting an internship in sports can be tough, and getting an internship with a team in a major sports league can be near impossible. Sometimes looking to the secondary leagues (sorry AFL) can offer great alternatives.
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What perfect timing! I happen to be in Montreal during the Rogers Cup, and I’m writing about the ATP and WTA Tennis Tours. Ok, so I’m not actually going to see any tennis matches, but the highlights have been all over the tv news here. To be honest, I’m not a huge fan of tennis, but I still think it would be pretty cool to intern for the ATP (Association of Tennis Professionals) or WTA (Women’s Tennis Association). They’re both looking for Fall interns, and they won’t make you do the tennis version of getting the coffee – be a ball boy or girl.
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“Just gas ’em up and go!” – not the slogan that you’d expect to hear from an aerospace company, but that’s exactly how easy Masten Space Systems would like space travel to be. Masten Space Systems is a startup that is working on “developing a line of Vertical Takeoff and Vertical Landing (VTVL) launch vehicles.” You may have heard of Masten before, as they are also know for offering to launch your junk into space for a reasonable fee. Masten Space Systems wants to create rocket vehicles that are reliable and reusable, and they need Fall interns to help them do this.
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software development

I have to admit that I’m starting to feel like I’m getting old (at 23). When I heard about internship opportunities at Fearless Records, I got excited, but then realized that I had only heard of one band (formerly) on their roster – Plain White T’s – and I don’t even know why I’ve heard of them. Anyway, it’s not that Fearless Records isn’t a great record label, it’s that I can’t keep up with new music any more. My first website was music related, but now I’m lucky if I know who half the artists on the Top 20 are. I do know that Fearless Records isn’t Top 20 type music, but I’m going to refrain from trying to talk too much about something that is out of my depth
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Tagged as:
public relations,
social media,

You may remember our post from last week about uShip’s internships, well today’s company has a similar name, but a very different business. Uloop is a site for you (college students) to buy, sell, promote and trade things. They have some hefty competition in Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace, but that’s not stopping them. They launched at UC Santa Barbara in 2007, and now they’re all over the place.
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software development

If you’ve been reading for more than about a week, you’ve probably noticed that we spend a lot of time using social media to find exciting internships for you. It’s still not the best way to find employment opportunities, but it’s certainly the most interesting and the most engaging. Just look at Revision3, the Internet TV station. They’re blogging (and their Interns are blogging, and their interns have their own blogs too), Twittering, YouTubing, Digging, Flickring (Interns on Flickr too), and Facebooking, of course. They’re probably doing a lot more too. Revision3 is an Internet startup, so they kind of have to embrace social media, but the vast amount of information that they provide about themselves is an amazing recruiting tool. If you have any interest in working at Revision3, you’ll find everything that you need to get you even more excited about sending them an internship application. Since you can dive into Revision3’s social media profile yourself, we’re going to give you a quick rundown of the Fall internships that they’re offering and let you continue the rest of the research on your own.
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Tagged as:
business development,
software development,
web development

Back in January, we featured Rapleaf’s entry-level jobs on One Day, One Job. We were pretty impressed by them, and now we’re happy to see that they’re looking for Fall interns. We used this example to illustrate what Rapleaf is all about.
Let’s say instead of giving away a Wii to a One Day, One Job reader over the holiday season (which we actually did), we chose to scalp it on Craigslist. Three interested parties e-mail us with offers to meet up for the exchange. We don’t want to get scammed, and we also want to avoid wasting our time going to meet someone who doesn’t show. How would we find out if the people who e-mailed us are trustworthy? We could try Googling their e-mail address and see what comes up, or we could use RapLeaf to check their reputations.

Since then, I’ve played around with Rapleaf some more. It’s a really cool idea, but wider adoption would make it a much more useful service. If you decide to give Rapleaf a try, be sure to give me a rating based on how much you trust me to bring you great info about internships. Here’s my Rapleaf score.
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Tagged as:
business development,
software development