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Now that we’re right in the middle of the Holiday Season, it’s time to put on some weight! With Thanksgiving, Christmas cookies, and Holiday parties it’s hard not to add a few pounds, especially considering the natural tendency to pack on fat for hibernation once temperatures dip below freezing. Unless you’re headed for a tropical destination during your break, you might just want to give in and enjoy the month of December since you’re only one good New Year’s Resolution away from getting back into shape. The only problem is that you need to keep fitting into those awesome holiday pants you bought a couple years ago. That’s where Spanx can help you. They’re an Atlanta, GA based company that manufactures and sells “body shaping” undergarments. I’d heard of them before, but I just decided to check them out yesterday because I saw someone tweeting about the Spanx Men’s Line. I’m not in the market for any body shaping undergarments, but I think it’s pretty cool that they’re expanding their offerings.
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information technology,
public relations,

About a month ago my girlfriend bought a pair of boots. A few weeks later when we were in Connecticut for Thanksgiving, we stopped into a shoe store so that she could buy special socks to go with these boots. The idea of needing special socks for a pair of boots is kind of odd to me, but who doesn’t love a good pair of socks? Then I saw it. A stack of boxes that went to the ceiling. This store was ready for the holiday shopping season, and their main preparation was stocking Hunter boots. Lots of them. Uggs were hot for a while, but now people want boots that can actually get wet, and they’re flocking to Hunter Boot. The company is headquartered in Scotland, but they have offices in London and New York too. They’ve made their name on their Wellington boots—Wellies for short, and though they’ve been around for more than 150 years, they’re seeing quite a surge in popularity right now.
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New York,
public relations,
united kingdom

Happy Thanksgiving! In past years we’ve taken a look at internships at Pilgrim’s Pride and Jennie-O. This year we’ve been influenced by the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, so we’re going to take a look at internships at Macy’s. They’re headquartered in both New York City and Cincinnati, and they are “one of the nation’s premier retailers, with fiscal 2009 sales of $23.5 billion.” The company operates more than 810 stores across 45 states. Over the past decade or so they’ve absorbed a number of other retailers, but the Macy’s brand has reigned supreme—and I bet the popularity of today’s parade has had at least a little something to do with it.
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hospitality management,
information technology,
New York,
product development,

I just got back home to Chicago on Saturday, and I arrived to see the latest issue of Inc. Magazine waiting for me on the kitchen counter. It’s a big day for me because it’s the Inc. 500 issue where they list the 500 fastest growing private companies in the United States. It’s my absolute favorite tool for finding new companies to feature, which is why we’re going to take a look at ModCloth today. They came in at #2 on the list with 17,191% growth over the past three years to get to over $15 million in revenue. And all of that growth has been “built on a foundation of love for vintage and retro clothing.” The company, which is based in both San Francisco and Pittsburgh, was started by high school sweethearts Eric Koger and Susan Gregg Koger, and they aim to “provide a fun and engaging shopping atmosphere” for their customers by using social media to interact with them. ModCloth is big on democracy, so customers actually get some say in the direction the company’s buyers take.
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customer service,
software development,
user experience,
web development

When I think of outfitters, I think of an adventure. I think of a business that is going to prepare me to fishing, hunting, canoeing, horseback riding, camping, or something along those lines. Apparently my definition is accurate, but the broader definition of an outfitter, at least according to Wikipedia, is “a shop or person that sells men’s clothes.” I guess that makes Bonobos and Gilt Groupe my two favorite “outfitters.” It also means that Pittsburgh, PA based American Eagle Outfitters was accurately named, at least until they started selling women’s and children’s clothing in addition to their men’s line. Maybe that’s why use see them using AE much more often than AEO. I’m sure you recognize the clothes, and you probably have seen one of American Eagle Outfitters 950+ stores in the last shopping mall that you visited. Their brand is all over the place, so it’s hard to miss.
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information technology,
inventory control,
New York,
Looking good is key to interviewing well. If you’re not confident in how you look, you won’t be confident in how you speak. Clothes matter. Luckily, dressing well doesn’t have to be expensive. We’ve worked out deals to get you $50 off your first order at Bonobos and free access to Gilt Groupe’s daily sample sales. You’ll look good, feel good, and still have some money left to celebrate landing a new internship.

August is typically a big vacation month, so it can sometimes be hard to stay focused on your internship search. If you’re taking a vacation yourself, you may want to thing about the brands that you associate with vacation. For me, it’s often L.L. Bean because I end up spending most of my time enjoying the outdoors—and that usually includes some of their gear. They’ve been “a trusted source for quality apparel, reliable outdoor equipment and expert advice for more than 95 years.” It all started with one man named Leon Leonwood Bean and some cold wet feet. He decided to combine the comfort of leather boots with the durability and functionality of rubber work boots. He then obtained the mailing list for Maine hunting license holders and sent them a three-page flyer about his new boots. L.L. guaranteed that people would be satisfied with his boots, and he had to eat his words. Of the first 100 pairs that he sold, 90 were returned for defects. that would put a lot of people out of business, but not L.L. Bean, which continues to be located in Freeport, ME to this day.
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software development,
web development

When I was a little kid, my parents dressed me in shorts with suspenders and knee socks. I pretty much looked like a mini-version of Augustus Gloop from the original Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory. My parents also occasionally put me on a leash. I’ve been taking it out on them ever since. For parents who prefer to raise children who don’t have axes to grind, there’s Tea Collection. I’ve also seen them go by Tea Living, but most often they just refer to themselves as Tea. They’re a San Francisco based company that offers fashions for children, or as they put it “for little citizens of the world.” Tea got its start in 2002, and now your can find their clothes “in more than 400 stores including Bloomingdale’s, Nordstrom, Saks Fifth Avenue, Takashimaya, and the best boutiques throughout the US and abroad.” Tea’s clothing is certainly high-end, and on the expensive side when you consider it’s for kids under the age of 12, but just look at those pictures of kids looking like smaller versions of real people.
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social media,

I’m not a big t-shirt guy. Don’t get me wrong, I have a ton of t-shirts, but they’re usually ones that I somehow managed to get for free. For me a t-shirt isn’t a great way to make a statement, but that doesn’t mean that I can’t enjoy the statements that other people make across their chests. Anti-eco is a New York City based t-shirt company that is all about making statements. They are “lovers of social commentary, rational provocation and a thriving healthy planet,” so they poke fun at the environmentalist movement while actually supporting it. You’ll find t-shirts with sayings like “acid rain tastes like chicken,” “be organic. eat an organ,” and “global warming sounds comfy.” They certainly sound anti-eco, but then you see that they use organic cotton, water based inks, and certified responsible apparel production methods. How ironic!
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New York,
public relations,
Ever wanted to connect with me or other One Day, One Internship readers on LinkedIn? Join the One Day, One Internship LinkedIn Group and you can do just that.

On Saturday I played in a beach volleyball tournament with my girlfriend. We ended up winning our division of co-ed doubles which came with a $60 prize (we got our entrance fee back). It was a great day despite the 94 degree heat, but it was definitely exhausting… and painful. The pain only came during my last match when I realized that I had developed some pretty nasty burns/blisters on the arches of my feet from playing barefoot for 9 hours on the scalding hot sand. Obviously I need to purchases something to protect my feet for my next tournament, and I was considering the Fivefingers shoes from Vibram (it turns out that they don’t do all that well in the sand, so I’ll need to get sand socks). Vibram is an Italian company (their U.S. office is in Concord, MA) that is the “world leader in high performance rubber soles, targeted to the outdoor, work, recreation, fashion, repair and orthopedic markets.” They’ve been around for 73 years, but they seem to have recently hit a tipping point in terms of brand recognition. The Fivefingers shoes are totally odd looking, but they apparently offer some really great benefits for your feet. I saw my first pair on a good friend who has recommended quite a few companies that we’ve featured (so he’s an in the know kind of guy), and since I saw them on him, I keep spotting them all over the place. I also know of Vibram because they make the soles that are used for my fishing boots (they grip slippery rocks that other soles would slip on).
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It’s been a long time since an airline has actually lost my bag never to be seen again. I think that I was about 6. Unfortunately it was the most awesome bag ever. It wasn’t very large and probably would have been carried on if it didn’t include one of my toy guns. It also had a bag of shark teeth that I collected from the beach, some clothes, various other toys, and a pair of Batman logo emblazoned Chuck Taylors. It was a devastating loss, and I’m still not quite over it. Now it’s been a long time since I’ve worn Converse shoes, but they certainly seem to be making a resurgence (or maybe they’re just always popular but in different subcultures). We’re lucky we still have North Andover, MA based Converse, because it seemed like they might go out of business until Nike swooshed in and bought them in 2003. If that hadn’t happened, I bet the market for second-hand pairs of Chucks would be insane—and then I’d really be missing those Batman All-Stars (even if they were a Size 1 or whatever).
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New York,
public relations,

I don’t typically read fashion magazines, but I’ve looked through a few in my day. One thing that I’ve noticed is that there are more ads than content. That would usually be a problem, except for the fact that people who read fashion magazines are often as interested in the ads for products as they are in the editorial. Why not just combine the two? That’s what Net-A-Porter did. They’re a London based “premier online luxury fashion retailer” with a large operation in New York City. They’ve been around for 10 years, and they’ve thrived through a bust by combining online retail with fashion editorial. It’s kind of like J. Peterman from Seinfeld, but not nearly as goofy.
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New York,
public relations

Yesterday I spent a few hours poring over an issue of Fast Company that includes their list of “The World’s 50 Most Innovative Companies.” It is loaded with companies that I’d never heard of, so I picked out the most interesting ones and checked to see what their internship opportunities looked like. Luckily, I found quite a few prospects, so you’re in for some really cool stuff over the next few weeks. One of the companies that I found was VICE, a New York City magazine and media conglomerate that publishes a “superedgy hipster bible.” Their content is about as safe for work as American Apparel advertisements, which is partially because AA is one of their main advertisers. The interesting thing about VICE is that they are a huge company—they have a print circulation of nearly a million magazines and their sites get 3.5 million monthly unique visitors. This has sparked growth from $45 million in revenue in 2008 to $64 million in 2009.
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New York,
public relations,

Today’s post came from a reader recommendation (thanks Derek!), which is awesome because I was on the company’s site a few days ago and never would have imagined that they offer internships (or even considered them a company as opposed to a website). The reason that I was on the site was that I was reading the story of Epic Beard Man (it is tagged NSFW), which is another one of those ridiculous things that has become popular on the Internet. The term that many use to describe these phenomena is meme. Know Your Meme is a website that organizes all of the world’s memes. Let’s say that you’re looking for the story behind Rickroll because you have no idea why people think it’s so funny. Know Your Meme, which is based in New York City, will not only explain the meme to you, but it will also detail the history of how the meme became popular and how it evolved. To some Know Your Meme may seem frivolous, but in many ways it’s the Historical Society of the Interwebs.
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community management,
New York,
social media,
software development,
web development,

I’m probably more fashion conscious than the average guy, but not remarkably so. I have a few brands that I really like wearing—Bonobos and lululemon athletica for example—and most of the rest of the stuff that I buy I get from Gilt Groupe, which is always introducing me to new brands. I figure that it’s important for me to stay up on fashion to some extent because so many of you are interested in internships in the fashion industry. I recently noticed that one brand that I’ve seen on Gilt Groupe before, Elie Tahari, has a number of internships available. Elie Tahari is both the name of a designer and “a privately held global lifestyle brand with a presence in more than forty countries.” The company is headquartered in New York and serves both men and women who are “looking for fashion and value in luxury ready-to-wear.”
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New York,

I don’t know a lot about how the fashion industry works, but I do know that buyers are the people who make the decisions about which items end up in stores and on websites. Mona Lisa Style is a New York City based startup that wants to help buyers “master the art of merchandising” through technology. While most industries have moved a large portion of their business online, the fashion industry is lagging behind. According to Mona Lisa Style’s Blog the way that many major companies place orders for clothing is by writing an order on a piece of paper and faxing it. All of the organization and tracking of orders is also done over the phone and on paper. Mona Lisa Style realizes how stupid this is, and they want to change it. They want to make buying as easy as online shopping.
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New York,
social media,
software development,
web development

I can’t remember whether it was late in my middle school years or early in my high school years, but there were certainly a couple of years in the late 90s when Kate Spade was as hot as could be. Whether it was a wallet, calendar, or other accessories from the New York based fashion designer, the girls in my classes went crazy for them. At that point in my life, I wasn’t the most fashion conscious kid, so I probably thought Five Star binders were still cool. Despite my ignorance of fashion back then, even I knew what Kate Spade was. Since Kate Brosnahan started her line in 1993, her company has grown exceptionally. Hallmarked by “utility, wit and playful sophistication,” Kate Spade’s offering includes handbags, shoes, accesories, clothing, jewelry, baby items, fragrance, glasses, and even paper. The company now runs 46 retail shops and continues to be a huge name in the fashion industry.
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New York,
public relations,
web development
Want to get $25 off your first Bonobos purchase? Just use our link to sign up, and the you’ll get your referral/coupon code for your first purchase.

Pants are important. Especially when you’re trying to land an internship. Going to an internship interview without pants is the kind of disaster that only happens in nightmares. Showing up with wrinkled pants is a more likely problem for most college students—it makes you look sloppy and careless. Wearing ill fitting pants is almost as bad, even if you have demonstrated to your potential employer that you know how to properly use an iron. The problem is that there aren’t a lot of non-jean pants out there that fit men well. At least that’s what Bonobos, a New York City based fashion startup, thinks. They kind of have a Web 2.0 feel to them, even though they’re in a business that is hundreds of years old. They pride themselves on making great fitting men’s pants (they do suggest a pants hack for women who want Bonobos), offering unbeatable customer service, and providing an overall wonderful shopping experience. I just bought my first pair of pants from Bonobos last night, and I’m excited to see if they live up to the hype. If they don’t, I can take advantage of their free two-way shipping and “any pant, any time, any reason” return policy.
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business development,
New York,
public relations,
software development,
user experience,
web development

I guess it’s a little awkward when you find a company that immediately makes you think of a very similar, more successful company. In this case, when I came across ideeli, I immediately thought of Gilt Groupe (which we covered a while back). Both are New York City based startups that offer online sample sales that give shoppers the opportunity to buy luxury goods—mostly clothing and accessories—at serious discounts. According to Wikipedia a sample sale is “used by retail businesses in order to discard excess merchandise.” That’s exactly what these companies do, but they’ve moved the entire process online (which is way more efficient). Both sites require invites to get in on the deals, so if you want to try ideeli click here and if you want to try Gilt Groupe click here. Although I haven’t made any purchases on either of these sites, my girlfriend Amy loves this way of shopping. There’s the element of surprise, because you never know what you’re going to find, yet you still get to enjoy the ease of shopping online.
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New York,
social media,
social networking,

It’s funny how well respected brands that have been around forever will get swept up in a fad. Some, like Abercrombie & Fitch, will make it part of a new identity, while others like Burberry will enjoy the popularity but maintain their core image. Burberry is a British company that has been making quality garments since 1856, but they became especially trendy in the early 2000s, if I remember correctly. While most brands are recognized for their logo or a specific product, Burberry is known for their plaid. In fact, unless you’re a tartan freak, “Burberry Check” is probably the only plaid that you recognize by name. Over their 150 years Burberry has moved more towards luxury goods than outdoor garments, which is best evidenced by their new ad campaigns with Emma Watson of Harry Potter fame.
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customer service,
New York,
supply chain,

Today we’re kicking off our Back to School, Back to Work contest (on One Day, One Job) where we’re giving away an HP dv6 Laptop, an HP Mini 110 Netbook, a customized Timbuk2 bag, and Syncables software to one lucky winner. Last December when we did another HP giveaway we took a look at internships with HP, so this time we’re going to check out Timbuk2 (since they were kind enough to provide a prize for one of you). They’re a San Francisco born and bred company that builds “bags and accessories for urban adventures with a simple philosophy—create good-looking, tough-as-Hell bags you can truly make your own.” I already had one that I stole from my girlfriend, and I just got another to check out for this promotion (the bag goes with me everywhere now).
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human resources,

In my younger days hats were a big deal. I wasn’t particularly image conscious, but when it came to hats, I was. I remember one summer college hats were in. You know—the simple white hats with horizontal lines and the college’s name. Getting them just dirty enough with the just the right bend was essential (heaven forbid if someone “doritoed” your favorite hat), and, of course, you had to pop off the button on top. The next summer they were out. It was all about fitted caps—just like major leaguers wear. I was suddenly aware of how big my head really was, as I had to buy a properly sized hat. Then it was different color hats or hats with Japanese lettering. At some point I stopped obsessing over my hats, but Buffalo, NY based New Era has continued to be THE hat manufacturer of choice for all of the cool kids.
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New York

Next March I’m going to regret not saving this one for my St. Patrick’s Day holiday themed post, but today we’re going to take a look at Lucky Brand. They’re a clothing manufacturer and retailer that is “rooted in rock ‘n ‘roll with a signature sense of humor.” Their About page will tell you that they stand for “independent thinking, individual style and a feeling as authentic as love” and that they’re known for “great-fitting, vintage-inspired jeans;” however, I think it’s much simpler than that. One of their founders came up with the idea to put the phrase “Lucky You” behind the flies of every pair of pants that they made. It was an instant point of differentiation, and I think that it has a lot to do with why Lucky Brand is going strong 19 years after they started. It really is pure, politically incorrect genius. Lucky you…
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human resources,
New York,

At some point during my Junior year in college (by the way I’m back at Cornell for the weekend), I got the bright idea that I could wear slippers as shoes. These weren’t flimsy slippers, these were sturdy leather ones with shearling lining. They were made by Orvis (where I interned and had an awesome 50% employee discount), and they were great. I loved sitting in class knowing that my feet were more comfortable than everybody else’s. Then I came back from Thanksgiving break. I was admiring the Christmas lights that my roommates had adorned our otherwise aesthetically unpleasing house with, and I slipped. See, my slippers had flat rubber soles. My feet came out from under me as I fell down a muddy slope. My right hand came down hard on the sidewalk, and I had a broken wrist. I gave up wearing slippers for a while, but when my Mom bought me a pair of UGG slippers with proper soles, I reverted. Now UGG slippers are my go to shoes during the winter, and I’m a huge fan of Deckers Outdoor Corporation. They’re the company behind UGG, Simple, Teva (is it Tee-va or Tevv-a?), Tsubo, and Deckers, and they’re headquartered in Goleta, CA with a location in Flagstaff, AZ as well.
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affiliate marketing,
web development

I don’t know when wearing sweats started counting as “dressing up,” but I’m pretty sure that it coincided with when Arleta, CA based Juicy Couture became popular. I guess if you’re going to pay a bunch of money for a tracksuit, you’ve got to show it off. Ok, so I can’t say that I love what Juicy Couture has done to popular fashion, but I have to respect it. They completely changed what it means to wear sweats, and they created a new market for high priced, super casual clothing. There’s obviously more to the Juicy brand than just tracksuits, but when I hear the name Juicy, that’s what I think of.
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New York,

Nearly every t-shirt that I own, I got for free. College is a great place to amass free t-shirts, but now that I’ve been out a few years, my collection is starting to wear thin (in more ways than one). I’m not sure what I’m going to do, but I don’t want to start paying for them. I’ll leave that to the customers of Michael Stars who throw down 50… 60… 100 bucks for a tee. Hey, they’re nice looking shirts, and there’s definitely a market for them. It may not be recession chic, but it works. Just look at Jessica Alba, Courteney Cox, Eva Longoria, and many more celebs wearing Michael Stars shirts. If that doesn’t impress you, then maybe you should check out the charity work that Michael Stars does. It may be hard to justify spending a lot on a t-shirt, but it definitely won’t be hard to justify taking an internship with Michael Stars in Hawthorne, CA.
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human resources,
public relations,

I think that we’ve all heard of women who have more pairs of shoes than days in the year. These aren’t just any shoes, though. They’re fancy shoes that cost lots of money. We’re talking about people who have invested the equivalent of a college education in shoes. I think that’s crazy, but they’d probably think that I’m crazy for some other reason. Anyway, women who own hundreds of pairs of high heels aren’t the only shoe obsessed folks out there. There’s also a group of people called “sneakerheads.” I always thought that function came first in sneakers (or gym shoes as my girlfriend insists they’re called), but that’s not the case for these people. It’s all about having a hot pair of kicks, and to stay up to date on what’s hot, they’re an online magazine called Nice Kicks. Shoe geeks are just like any other geeks – they want more information, and that’s what Nice Kicks provides.
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It’s Opening Day! Although it may not be a real holiday to you, to those of us who who are die hard baseball fans it’s quite possibly the best day of the year (especially fans of perennial losers whose best record all season is 0-0). I already had my baseball fix this weekend, since I flew out to NYC to see the opening of the new Yankee Stadium in an exhibition game between the Yanks and the Cubs, but I am beyond excited to watch some games that actually count. With that in mind, we’re going to run with the baseball theme today. We’ve already covered internships with Major League Baseball and its teams, so we’re going to look at St. Louis based Rawlings today. They were the manufacturer of my first ever baseball glove (which had a Jose Canseco facsimile signature on the palm), so I inevitably think of Rawlings when I think of baseball.
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Throughout college I went back and forth between being a devoted gym goer and a lazy bum. Some years I was good, and some years I was bad. After I graduated I committed to regular exercise, and it was the one constant that kept me going through a frustrating job search. I usually try to join a relatively expensive gym, but not for the obvious reason. I don’t care about all of the frivolities. I just know that if I’m paying $10 a month for a gym, I’m a lot less likely to go – I need to feel invested. With expensive gyms come lots of people in expensive, designer workout outfits. That’s where I learned about lululemon athletica, a Vancouver, British Columbia based manufacturer and retailer of “yoga-inspired athletic apparel.” Everyone at my gym is wearing lululemon, and the retail stores around here are packed, so it’s no big surprise that they’re hiring a lot of people now. Most of their jobs are in retail (which is an alternative to a Summer internship), but they have one internship that looks awesome.
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I hate shoes. Ok, that’s not really true, but after spending a week in Aruba over the holidays, it was a sad realization for me when I had to put my sneakers back on for the trip home to Chicago. I appreciate that I have boots that keep my feet warm and dry, slippers that are extremely comfortable, and basketball shoes that give me enough ankle support to prevent a sprain, but I still prefer the feeling of sand between my toes. I’m lucky. It’s a luxury to be able to enjoy the feeling of being shoeless. There are a lot of children who don’t know what it’s like to have a good pair of shoes to protect their feet. TOMS Shoes is a Santa Monica, CA based company that is trying to change that. They’re a shoe company, but they’re more than that. For every pair of shoes that TOMS Shoes sells, they give a pair of shoes to a child in need. So far, they’ve given over 200,000 pairs of shoes to children in places like Argentina, Ethiopia, and South Africa via “Shoe Drops.” They say that “changing life begins with a single step…” and we have to agree.
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information technology,
web development,

Now that we’re done with our end of ’08 recapping (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 1 of non-profits, Part 2 of non-profits, Part 3 of non-profits, and Part 4 of non-profits), we can return to telling you about cool new companies that are looking for interns. Today’s company definitely qualifies as cool. You may have never heard of Moosejaw, but the outdoor apparel manufacturer’s customer base is insanely loyal. They sell via retail, catalog, and online, and Every day they get rave reviews and customer photo submissions. Maybe it’s because Moosejaw has really good looking models, or maybe it’s the fact that Moosejaw offers homework help and dating advice to their customers. We’re not really sure what it is, but they’ve got their niche figured out. We waited a long time to write about entry level jobs at Moosejaw, and we’ve had to wait 9 months longer for them to post internships, but they finally have.
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